Chapter 9

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Surprise update bc idgaf and I wanna get this shit rolling.

Yes, there will be an update Friday too.

Play = 🎶🎶

Chapter 9

"Somebody help me!" A girl cried, "Somebody kill me, I can't take it anymore!"

I vaguely saw a brunette girl on her knees as she sobbed, "Let me out!"

"Let me out." I started whispering to myself, "I can't take it anymore, let me out!"

I let out a loud scream, "Let-"

"-me out!" I screamed, waking up from my sleep, the heart monitor beside my bed beeping crazily as my heart beat erratically.

I frantically grabbed the remote connected to the hospital bed, hitting the red call light button on the remote repeatedly.

"System. Failure." Something rumbled robotically.

"Must be terminated." Another stated.

My eyes widened, and I screamed wildly, my finger practically smashing the call button, "Come on, come on!"

I cried as the door opened, a sea of nurses finally coming to help me.

"What's wrong, Ms. McCall?" They asked worriedly.

I sniffled, "Someone was in my room." I searched the room frantically, sitting up in the bed, "Didn't you see them?" I asked.

"Mrs. Katherine, you've been put through a lot of stress recently. How about I turn the t.v on and you just focus on getting some sleep?" A nurse offered, flipping on the t.v to some random soap opera.

I shook my head, "They were here! The people in masks, they were here!" I yelled at him.

"Are we gonna need a sedative, Ms. McCall?" A different nurse asked, threateningly.

I shook my head, "Stiles." I told them, "I need Stiles Stilinski."

"I don't think that's such a good idea, Katherine." The male nurse warned.

"System failure."

"They're back!" I cried, jerking around in my bed, "I need help, they're back!"

"Who?" A nurse asked, "Who's back?!"

I shook my head, large tears clouding my vision, "I- I don't know!" I sobbed, "I don't remember. I- I can't remember!"

I need help. I need Stiles' help.

I grabbed a nurses hand, "Please." I begged, "Please get me Stiles.." I remembered him telling me he was in his dad's room earlier today, "He's in his-he's in his dad's room?"

What was his name?...

"John!" I called, "He's in John St-Stilinski's room."

The remaining nurses shared a silent look before sighing, leaving to get me my help.

To get me Stiles. He's the only one I can trust; he can help me, I know he can.

"Must be terminated. System failure." The robotic voice clicked and spurred; sounding more machine-like than anything I could ever imagine.

🎶🎶 I covered my ears with my hands, shaking my head frantically, "Go away." I pleaded, "Just leave me alone."

Please, I can't take it.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped, knocking it away, "I said to leave me alone!" I cried.

Go away!

"It's me! Katherine, they said you needed me?" His concerned voice met my ears.

I sighed in relief, "Stiles."

He nodded, rubbing his tired eyes, "Yeah, I'm here."

I scooted over, patting the spot next to me, "Lay beside me."

He yawned softly as he crawled in next to me, shrugging the blankets over the two of us, rubbing his face again, "What's wrong?"

I leaned closer to him, widening my eyes, "They were here." I whispered.

Stiles shook his head, "Who?"

I gulped, "The men in masks."

His eyes widened, and he quickly turned his body to face me, "The Doctors?!"

My eyes widened, "Doctors.. The Doctors!" I cried, nodding, "That's what they're called! I swear the name was on the tip of my tongue like I already knew what they were called..."

Stiles sighed, "You did. You used to know who they were." He told me, leaning back against an extra pillow.

"Well, why don't I now?" I asked.

Stiles grabbed my hand hesitantly, but I slowly pulled away, feeling uncomfortable with him holding my hand as we laid in the hospital bed together.

His face fell, and he shrugged, "I told you that earlier. Katherine, your memories aren't just gone. They were stolen."

I shook my head in confusion, "I'm-I'm sorry." I whisper weakly, "I don't remember." I sniffled.

Stiles grabbed my hand softly, "I know, I'm sorry."

I rubbed my sore eyes, pulling away from Stiles to meet his tired gazed.

"Will you stay here to make sure they don't come back?" I asked.


I felt myself slowly falling asleep again; Stiles carefully pushed my head onto his chest, his movements slow and cautious. I yawned as I listened to the steady beat of Stiles' heart as it lay under the skin and bone of his chest.

"Of course I will." He told me, "Katherine, you don't know this, but I can't stand seeing you in here because I know I'm the one who put you here."

I sighed tiredly, smacking my lips, "You didn't put me here, Stiles.." I yawned, "Theo did."

Theo Raeken..

Who the hell is Theo Raeken?

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