Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I gave Lydia an annoyed look as I pulled on the tight fabric of my maroon shirt.

"Do I seriously have to wear this?" I asked.

Lydia scrunched her freshly curled hair, giving me an approving look, "Yes, you seriously have to wear that."

I groaned, "But it's tight." I complained.

"It's not tight, it's form fitting." She corrected.

I looked at the jacket on my desk, "And the leather?"

Lydia gave the worn jacket a fond look, tracing her fingers over it, "You used to wear it all the time." She said.

I gave her a weird look as I avoided the jacket, grabbing my backpack, "I'll stick with the shirt and my backpack." I said as I pulled my curled hair to my shoulders, looking at myself in the mirror.

The long sleeved, maroon shirt, dark blue jean shorts, and heeled black boots did make me look pretty badass. Not to mention, my legs were probably one of my favorite things.

But a leather jacket? What is this; Supernatural?

"That's the look of a girl who knows I'm right and doesn't want to admit it." Lydia sang.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my phone from its charger, "Whatever."

As I opened the door to my room to leave, I walked out just as Scott was making his way down the hall. I bumped into him as I exited my room, instantly freezing. I didn't know what to say

"Uh.." Scott cleared his throat, "Hi?" He said awkwardly.

Ignore him. That should work.

I hummed, turning away from him to walk down the hall, Lydia on my heels. I winced at the awkwardness of the situation as Scott trailed behind Lydia and I, the three of us all walking to the door. I quickly opened the front door to leave, following the steps to Lydia's shiny car, quickly hopping into the passenger seat.

I let out a relieved breath as Lydia smoothly slid into the car, pausing after turning her car on.

"Well, that wasn't awkward at all..." She finally commented, switching into drive and pulling out of the driveway.

I saw Scott watching us as we pulled away from the house, and I sighed again, "It's going to be one hell of a long day."


I quickly gathered my books from my locker, shoving them into my arms and closing the blue metal before hurrying to the library, wanting to get a little last minute studying for a pop quiz that decided to find its way into my teachers hands.

Even being amnesiac doesn't get me out of this much work.

As I walked in, I saw Liam, Scott, Stiles, and Lydia all gathered around one of the wooden tables in the room, hushed voices whispering of plans and about the beast. My eyes could really only focus on Stiles, watching as he talked to everyone.

 My eyes could really only focus on Stiles, watching as he talked to everyone

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