Prologue: Part One

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I'm probably updating this book too early, but the excitement is killing me, so I can't help it.

This is, in fact, taking place in the same time as the last chapter of the book before this.

Don't forget to comment and vote, guys!

Prologue: Part One

"Why isn't she awake?" Scott asked quietly, turning to Katherine's still body, "Mom? Mom, why isn't she waking up?" Scott's voice grew panicked and he began to shake Katherine.

"Scott..." Melissa trailed of, her voice hush, "The-the ambulance is on its way." Was the only thing she could tell her distraught son.

Scott didn't let a word leave his mouth as he stared at Katherine's bloody body, the only thing going through his mind was the last thing he had said to her.

"Please just... Just go away, Katherine." He had said, turning his back on his hurting sister, leaving her behind him, crying.

(A/N: Yeah, yeah, I know they talked in the library, but stfu because that doesn't count. :) )

Scott bit his lip, bringing Katherine's cold, lifeless body from the floor, and into his strong arms, beginning to rock back and forth with his best friend dead in his arms...


Scott gave Isaac a pained look, and slowly stood up with his sisters body in his strong arms. Her right arm hung loosely, swaying with each step that he took. Stiles finally reacted, scrambling to his feet. He cried out in realization that another person, another friend, another piece of their family, had been killed.

Scott tried to hold everything in, every ounce of guilt, every measure of pain he held for the death of his sister was once again pooling over the surface.

Katherine had done what Scott had asked her.

She had left.

But this wasn't what he meant. He had never meant to be so mad at her, he never meant to yell at her, or to tell her to go away, he'd never want his sister anywhere but by his side; fighting.

And yet, here he was, once again holding his dead twin in his arms.

And it hurt more than anything ever had.

Scott wasn't sure he could survive the death of his sister for a second time, when he could barely live past the first.

All of a sudden, the library doors slammed open, and a team of paramedics rushed in, gurney in tow as they ran to Scott and Katherine McCall.

Scott didn't look up to look at the man and the woman as they tried to take Katherine from his arms.

"No. No, she-she's not dead! She's alive! Please, don't take her away!" Scott cried, ignoring hollow sound in Katherine's chest.

"Scott, if you want to give Katherine any chance of living, you have to let her go." Melissa told him.

"But I can't." He whispered, "I can't let her go, Mom.. She-she's my best friend."

"Mr. McCall, if you don't let us help your sister now, our chances of saving her life are almost nonexistent." One of the paramedics said softly.

Scott said nothing, standing up unsteadily, stumbling for only a moment, before he laid his sister on the gurney, watching as the man and woman nodded sadly to him, rushing away from the family, yelling unknown things to each other.

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