Chapter 1

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**Picture of Aiyana**

****Five Years Later****

I tackled my brother to the ground as we continued our little mock battle. He recovered quickly and lunged at me. I jumped up, making him face plant himself into the dirt.

    "Geez Sai. Any deeper and you would have been a beautiful flower." I teased. Sai got to his feet, growling. He never liked being picked on. He placed his paws firmly onto the ground as he got into another attack position. He ran at an amazing speed, I was even caught off guard. He jumped on top of me, making us tumble a bit before stopping with him on top. He growled at me and sneezed on me. "Ah gross." I howled.

    "That's what you get Aiyana for challenging the next Alpha." Sai gloated.

    "Yeah, yeah." I mumbled as I pushed him off. I already knew dad was going to resign his position, he didn't need to rub it in deeper. But as pack law says if the Alpha can't protect the pack, he has to step down so a new generation could take over. I really didn't mind Sai was being chosen since he was first born. What worried me is that someone will challenge him when it was rightfully his and lose. If I continued to think like that, what kind of a sister am I? I needed to support him till the very end, Alpha or not he's still my brother. "You need to focus on your surroundings more. What kind of Alpha would you be if you died three minutes into a battle?"

    Sai wanted to growl but he knew I had a point. I walked over and licked his snout. He looked at me with his sky blue eyes, showing me that he understood.

    "Alright." He said while sitting down. "We'll continue our battle once I catch these damn fleas." He started chewing his back. I sat down and scratched at my ear. Watching Sai itch himself made me itchy. After two minutes of waiting, Sai stopped and tried to spit out his black fur. "This is one thing I hate." He stared at me. "How come you never get fleas?"

    "Guess they don't think I'm tasty enough." I snickered. Sai rolled his eyes and stood up. The smell of pine and daisies hit me before I saw my brother, Lyell. "Hi Lyell, come to watch?" I looked over my shoulder to see a black wolf with green eyes stare at me.

    "Now what would be the fun of watching?" Lyell grinned.

    "Two against one." I thought about it. "I like those odds." I smiled at Sai. "Now it will actually be like a real battle. Alphas have many charge at him at one time and this is good practice."

    Sai didn't look to keen about it but he nodded. "Best way is to practice." He mumbled.

    Lyell and I looked at each other before darting in different directions, making Sai look side to side. I could hear Sai growl with frustration. Lyell and I knew our brother's weaknesses and he need to strengthen them fast if he was to be ready by the full moon.

    I slinked through some undergrowth, trying not to make any sounds. I traveled downwind from Sai so he wouldn't see me coming but then again with my white coat, anybody could see me. Where was the snow when you needed it? I made it until I was ten feet away from Sai. Looking above the bush, I saw that Lyell was in position as well. Sai took a deep breath before concentrated on his surroundings. He carefully scanned each tree, bush, rock, etc. He sniffed the air, trying to catch our scents at least but both Lyell and I needed him to be on alert then having it easy. He silently growled as he scanned again. I moved a bit. His ears straightening up and he looked in my direction. I was always the first to be spotted but I was okay with it. Sai slowly walked over to me, looking around. That meant he didn't quite know where I was. Lyell saw this and took the advantage.

    He crept out of his hiding spot, coming up at his brothers heels. Sai halted for a moment and looked behind. Sai turned away from me, catching me completely by surprise.

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