***Their dresses for the Luna Ball***
Two days have passed since I told Sage and Cleo of my plans. I mated with Kano and Kawaii. I got a tribal tattoo on my lower back from Kano while Kawaii left a sapphire in the middle of the golden heart. They were both truly beautiful. What I didn't understand is how come everyone is going about this like nothing even happened three days ago? The only new thing is tighter security and more training but other than that we are having the Luna ball anyways. Today was the day of the Luna ball and guess what I had to do. Get another fricken dress, only this one had to be much fancier and prettier. I really hated those fancy dresses, I'm more used to sun dresses. At least with those I had more movement and more room to breath. And another dress means I had to go shopping again. Since there wasn't any shops that sold that, it meant I had to go to the city again. Which means I had to deal with those bitches again, but at least this time I had Cleo and Sage with me.
I rubbed my face with aggravation in the back of the pack limo. Cleo and Sage giggled at my reactions. I didn't mind them coming along for the dress but why did all my mates have to come as well. I glared at them, which they innocently diverted their gazes from me. They gave the excuse that they had to purchase tuxes or whatnot. What I didn't understand is why did they have to come at the same time. Once pulled in front of the shop, we climbed out of the limo and I evilly smirked. I wonder how this one will turn out?
I walked in with Cleo and Sage at my side while my mates took up the rear. The girls I met a couple of weeks ago, looked up with a welcoming smile. They probably wouldn't be so nice if I showed up as Alvine again. Seth placed his hand on top of my head. I looked at him and smiled.
"I'll be fine you worry wart." I patted his hand as I tugged Cleo's and Sage's along with me. "And don't you guys dare peek, it's a surprise." I giggled as I dragged them to the prom dress aisle. I shifted through so many dresses, none of them really calling my name. Frowning, I went to see how Cleo and Sage were doing. They have already found something. Cleo had found the perfect maroon dress. It had a heart corset that was silver at the top and slowly faded into maroon. It had some sparkles in the corset. Sage found a emerald green heart corset dress. It had many studded jewels on the top. Both of them were strapless. "Boo, you found something."
"Let me guess! Still haven't found anything." Sage snickered.
"I'm not a fashionista like you guys." I pouted.
"Okay let's go get you something." Cleo smiled while pushing me to the prom dress aisle again. Cleo and Sage placed many colors and dresses to my skin and found nothing appealing. They were going to blow a fuse soon if I didn't help them find a dress soon. My eyes frantically looked around and finally landed upon one dress.
"What about that one guys?" I pointed to the royal blue one. Cleo grabbed that one and placed it against me. She had me hold it in certain places so Sage and her can look at it from afar. They quietly talked to each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying but judging by their faces they absolutely loved it. They evilly smiled before yanking me in the dressing room that could fit the three of us. They both tried on their dresses and did a little fashion show in front of me. I laughed at some of their poses. Once they deemed them worthy, they dressed back into their clothes and placed their dresses perfectly in a dress bag. I was going to escape until two sets of hands pulled me back in and started to undress me.
"I know you don't like these kinds of dresses Aiyana but you can't go to the ball with what you're wearing." Cleo explained as she slipped off my shirt.
"Luna, you're being childish." Sage scolded me.
I gave up on struggling once I knew that they wouldn't take no for an answer. Soon enough I was down to my panties.
"Why can't I have a bra?"
"There's one built in and it's also backless and strapless, you'll look weird if you wore a bra with it." Cleo chuckled.
Easy for her to say! I feel so exposed!
Relax Aiyana! It's only a dress. Tiana smirked.
How about you put it on then? I snapped back.
I don't know. I wouldn't like ruining my fur coat.
Ooo, ooo. I'll do it. Latifah shouted.
Are you sure? You don't have legs. I asked.
Please I have legs when I'm out of water. She huffed.
Okay, take over for now.
I felt my conscious be pushed back with everyone else while Latifah took over. She did some poses that made me blush once she got into the dress. Cleo and Sage looked at me confused. Latifah winked at them before chuckling.
"Hi I am Latifah. I'm Aiyana's mermaid heritage."
After many more embarrassing poses, Sage and Cleo put my dress into a dress bag. It seems like Sage and Cleo like Latifah. Once we decided that we were fine with our selections, we went to the shoe selection. I grabbed a royal blue four inch heels. Sadly knowing my klutziness, I couldn't wear decent heels. We went up to the cashier who happily packed everything nicely, while trying to flirt with us. We giggled at his compliments. It was so cute seeing a guy try. He immediately distanced himself and I pretty much figured out why. Sighing I turned around and saw all my mates glaring at the poor guy.
"Hey now. He only gave us a compliment. He wasn't trying anything more. Geez, you guys are over protective." I crossed my arms while I stared them down. They gave in but I knew they weren't happy about it. "So let me see your tuxes!" I squealed with joy. Caelan rolled his eyes as he showed me his tux. The others slowly followed. I noticed that none of them had a tie or handkerchief. "Where's you ties?"
"Didn't know what color you were going to be?" Kawaii mumbled, his cheeks turning a little red from embarrassment.
"Aw." I screamed as I gave him a big hug. The guys immediately glared at Kawaii for getting all the attention. I rolled my eyes and let go. "Well if you must know, I have a royal blue dress. That is the only hint I'm going to give you."
They immediately dashed to the tie section. I laughed as I waited with Sage and Cleo. I could feel the intense stares burrowing their way into my skull. Sighing I looked to the girls, who were happily giving me the death stare.
"Why do I know you from somewhere?" The blonde bitch asked me.
"I'll give you a couple hints." I examined my nails. "Red hair, purple eyes. Threatening. And a sea foam cocktail dress. Ring any bells." They all thought about it. Still not comprehending anything. "Seth?"
"Oh that bitch! Yeah what about her?" The blonde narrowed her eyes at me.
"Oh come on! Do I need to spell it out for you? Wow, you're the dumbest Mystics I ever met. Does my eyes give a clue?"
The blonde walked up to me and looked me straight in the eye. I had to admit her close distance was making me nervous. When the gears finally clicked, her eyes grew wide with fright and anger. She brought her hand back and swung. Luckily I caught it in time.
"Ah, ah." I tsked her. "Is that anyway to treat your customers?"
"You took Seth away from us!" The blonde screeched. "You flee bitten whore."
"Ouch." I pretended to have my pride wounded, then I snickered. "You should talk."
"He was my mate!" The blonde yelled. The other girls nodded with her.
"Oh really now." I laughed, scaring poor Sage and Cleo. They grabbed our belongings and the guy before hiding behind the wall overlooking the cash register. "Who said that he was your mate? Did you suck the wrong blood today sweetheart?"
"I will have him back and the only way I can do that is to kill you." The blonde hissed.
"Katrina, I don't think we should push her." One of the girls warned.
"Shut your hole tramp." Katrina hissed at her. The girl clamped her mouth shut and backed up a few feet away from the group. She hid her beautiful face behind her brown hair. I immediately felt sorry for her. I smacked Katrina across the face.
"What is wrong with you? You treat your customers like garbage and then take it out on other staff members. And all for what, an infatuation with my mate! Get over yourself before I will help you learn your place." I hissed. Katrina backed away. "But considering I like your selections and some of your staff is reasonable," I said indicating to the guy and one girl "I may come back here in the future. You there what's your name?" I asked the shy she wolf. She must be a rogue because I don't know if she was with any packs around here. The nearest one was at least thirty or forty miles away. But her scent didn't come off as rogue.
"I'm Maya." She whispered, her pale blue eyes looking at me. They seemed to scream help me.
"Maya, how about you join us to our ball? If you want I can get you a higher paying job."
"Is that really all right?"
"I don't see why not. Go pick a dress and shoes and we'll wait for you."
"Thank you." Maya bowed before running away from the other girls who were shooting daggers at her. I knew if I didn't rescue her now, she probably would have been beaten for sticking up for me. I turned my attention back onto Katrina.
"Now behave yourself." I winked at her before walking up to the cash register. Cleo and Sage came out from behind the wall with the guy, completely surprised.
"Wow, you're really learning how to control that temper of yours." Cleo chuckled.
"I guess so."
"I though you were going to have a battle royal there." Sage released a relieved sigh.
"Nah." I waved it off. The guys finally appeared with their ties and handkerchiefs. They purchase their things before Caelan had the guy ring our dresses up since he packed it already for us. He was about to swipe when I stopped him. "We have a newcomer. I will explain later okay. Just wait for a few seconds."
Suddenly Maya came around the corner with a beautiful yellow dress and matching shoes. They were beautiful. She placed them next to my things as I instructed and told the guy to add it. They guy did it with a smile on his face. Now that I looked closer, the guy really resembled Maya.
"Maya, may I ask if you are related to this guy?"
"Yes, he's my older brother." Maya mumbled. Wow, things just got real. I looked from both of them. If I was inviting one, maybe I should invite the other. I leaned forward and told him to go get a tux and matching essentials for his sister. His eyes glowed with happiness and joy before he nodded and retreated. Caelan chuckled and placed a hand on top of my head.
"You're such a softie." He smiled sweetly at me.
"You're not mad?"
"Now why would I be mad? I don't see them as a threat and their not rogues so why not." He stroked my head like a dog.
"Not rogue what do you mean?"
"Well you already know that rogues smell awful. These guys smell like oranges. These guys are known as Lone Wolves. They have no pack or family but still follow pack laws."
"Oh." I blushed as I looked to my feet. I felt really stupid but then again I'm still learning.
"Cheer up okay. You did a good thing. If they stayed, they probably be tormented by the way these girls are looking at them." Caelan whispered the last sentence to me. I nodded. Once the guy came back, he rung up his tux with his yellow tie and handkerchief. When all the total came up, Caelan swiped it and told everyone to head out. The guy was the last one to leave. I stared at the girls and waved at them evilly. Seth and Caelan held each side of my hip as we strolled to the car. The rest of my mates looked like they wanted to rip their arms off of me. It was a quiet ride back from the city. Nobody knew what to talk about. Of course I was the one who had to break the silence.
"So Maya what's your brothers name?" I asked her out of the blue.
"That's a great name." I paused. "I don't mean to be rude but I was wondering why you considered to be lone wolves?"
"We were born that way. Our parents died not to long ago and we didn't know where to go. We ended up living in that city."
"Have you ever considered joining a pack?"
"I have but my parents didn't think it was wise." Maya admitted.
"What about you Axel?" I asked.
"I've thought about it but I never thought that it would come true. It seemed like a dream." Axel clenched his hands together. His dark brown hair hiding his blue eyes. "The thing is our parents never saw how lonely and miserable we were. We've always wanted companionship and a place to call home. We've always been on the move."
"I'm sorry guys." I bit my bottom lip nervously. Caelan?
Yes Hun?
Is it possible if we could let them join? If we do, we can have their joining ceremony with the ball.
I don't see why not but they have to swear loyalty to the pack.
That's no problem. And you know?
Know what?
You're pretty much a softy as well.
I guess you're right. He chuckled.
"Hey Maya, Axel. Why don't you consider joining our pack? We'd be happy to have you."
"You mean it." Maya's eyes went wide from shock and happiness.
"Yes. You're welcome to join but you have to swear loyalty to the pack. Once done, we'll look out for you. You'll be family."
"Oh my goddess." Maya fanned her face as the tears began to flow. Axel comforted her but I could see that he was truly happy as well. After a couple of heartwarming minutes, Maya wiped the tears from her face and looked at me seriously. "I'm sorry I never caught your name."
"I'm Aiyana, Luna of this pack." I smiled at her.
"You're...you're the Luna?"
"Yes I am! Why?"
"I always heard that Luna's were mean and didn't care about other wolves."
"Well I guess I'm a rarity." I giggled.
"A rare gem." Caelan smirked at me. Cleo and Sage pretended to gag. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"I take it you're the Alpha." Axel asked Caelan.
"I am. Alpha Caelan at your service."
"No offense man but you seem laid back for an Alpha."
"I trust my people so I don't have to be so strict." Caelan shrugged.
"Uh huh. That wasn't the case a month ago." Cleo smiled evilly. "Wow, I guess a girl can change so much." Caelan rolled his eyes and slouched in the seat beside me.
"So who are you guys?" Maya asked Cleo and Sage.
"I'm Cleo. I used to be a Warrior until two weeks ago. I am now the Beta female."
"I'm Sage. I'm the Gamma female."
Whoa! Hold up, Sage is the Gamma female? When did that happen? I didn't know Travis was the Gamma. Mind officially blown.
Donohue even made a hand motion and sound affect to make it more realistic.
Thanks Don.
No problem.
"That's cool." Maya smiled. "So what's it like being up there?"
"Boring." All us girls said. We looked at each other and bursted out laughing.
"But I guess it has it's perks. I'm not used to this whole Luna thing yet." I said after my laughing fit.
"Why not?"
"I'm different! I was raised Feral. So I have no idea how to help my pack." I admitted.
"Well we are almost the same. We are going to have to get used to a whole pack."
"We'll we going to help each other out then." I smiled.
"Agreed." Maya smiled back.**Whoa! Look who has her temper in control! What is with those girls? Geez! Well now that they have their dresses and new members of the pack, I wonder what is going to happen next? Please tell me your thoughts.
Don't forget to:

ParanormalHi, My name is Aiyana. I was raised by an ordinary wolf pack. I always knew I was different but I truly didn't know how different I was until I met a man. After that meeting, my whole life gets more hectic. I find out that I have secrets that shoul...