Chapter 16

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***Cleo's ring***

"AUDREY??!!!" I screamed. How the hell is my sister fricking here? Let alone in human form?!
"The one and only." Audrey said with a smile while doing a little twirl.
"How is this possible?" I tried to rack my brain but nothing came to mind. "Niru!" I shouted. Niru looked from where he was and easily shifted through the crowd.
"Yes Aiyana?"
"How is my sister this way?"
"You mean the wolf?" He looked to the girl in the front of us. "Aiyana, this is a human not a wolf."
"Thank you Captain Obvious. That's what I'm saying."
"I don't get it."
I face palmed myself and went over to Audrey. I gently pulled on her ears and pulled her tail out in front. Niru first looked skeptical until he actually looked closer.
"Oh, now I see it." Niru said proudly.
"You dunce." I mumbled. Audrey chuckled a bit.
"How'd did this happen?" Niru asked.
"That's what I called you over for!" I whispered yelled.
"Oh, I don't know. You're going to have to talk to Caelan or Quin."
"Agh." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Alright, thank you anyways." What warlock doesn't know this? It's magic if you ask me.
He nodded and left for refreshments. I mind linked Caelan and told him to bring Quin. I wanted to get down to the bottom of this.
"Is me being here upsetting you?" Audrey asked with a pout and her ears flattened against her head.
"No that's not it Audrey. Don't ever think that. I'm just wanting to know how this is possible?" I held my sister's hand tenderly. "I love it that your here. Truly."
"Good." Her ears perked up again and her tail started to wag. I could help but notice how cute she looked.
"Aiyana? You wanted to speak to me?" Caelan asked, appearing next to us.
"Uh yeah." I turned towards Caelan, still holding my sister's hand. "How'd this happen?" I held her hand up. Caelan's gaze followed the arm until he came face to face to Audrey.
"Who's this?"
"Audrey you dunce!"
"What?!" Caelan blinked a couple of times as he looked at Audrey. He turned to Quin, who now appeared and started to shake the crap out of him. "How the hell did a wolf become human?"
"What do you mean?" His brows furrowed. Then suddenly his nose went up in the air. He followed the smell and landed on Audrey. "Audrey?!"
"Hi, Quin." She said, blushing.
"Audrey?!" His mouth was agape. "Well this is new."
"Are you serious?" I screamed. "You don't even know why? What the hell are you Elders good for?"
"Hey now! We don't know everything." Quin nervously laughed.
"You should!" I whispered yelled. "Sorry."
"It's okay. You freaking out so it's understandable." Quin smiled.
"What's going on here?" Tala asked as she appeared out of nowhere.
"Gram, I have a question."
"What is it?"
"Can wolves like regular wolves turn into a human?"
"Yes they can. We are based off of them of course."
"How?" Everyone asked.
"Well it takes Alpha saliva to transform them. Don't worry she can shift like us." She said while playing with Audrey's hair. "But this is a side affect." She pointed to the ears and tail.
"How come my grandma knew this but you didn't Quin?"
"Well as long as I lived, you've seen it all and relax Aiyana. Not even the Elders know about this because it is so new. All it takes is one bite from an Alpha and poof you have a somewhat shifter." Tala explained.
"Cool." I smiled at Audrey as I gave her a hug. "Welcome! Enjoy the party okay?!"
"You know I will." She winked at me before she twirled over to Quin. Audrey got used to her body quick.
"Well one problem solved, now let's do something about this music." I smiled as many things rushed through my head. Caelan gave me a skeptical look. "Ah, I'm not hatin' on your creativity but I need some jams."
"Alright." Caelan smiled while shaking his head.
Sparks flew from my fingertips as my mind already proceeded with the spell. With a flick of my wrist, a light with white smoke swirling around it came shooting forth my fingers and went to the stairs leading out. On the first big stop of the stairs before it parted in different directions, a little DJ booth appeared. I pointed my hand up and again the light with smoke casted from my fingers. A disco ball and many lights were hung professionally. Smiling, I skipped to the DJ booth, putting my earphones on as I quickly made a selection for this evening. Immediately I put on #1nite by Cobra Starship. Loki pushed through a little so my body could flow with the beat. At first nobody would dance on the dance floor but Cleo, Sage and Audrey quickly changed that. They danced with the beat. Slowly people started to join in.
I wanted to join in on the fun but being the DJ I couldn't do that much. A sudden tap on my shoulder caught my attention. I turned to see who it was. Luka stood there in some jeans and a t-shirt saying music's bitch with his cheeks a cute shade of red.
"Luna, I was wondering if I could DJ for you. I actually always wanted to be one but Caelan only ever played classical." He admitted while rubbing the back of his neck.
"I would love you to." I smiled.
"Really?" His body perked up with excitement, then he became serious again. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Luka it's fine." I giggled as I took the earphones off and placed them on him. "All I ask is for you to have fun."
"Thank you Luna." Luka said bashfully.
"It's no problem." I smiled as I walked away.
"Luna?!" Luka semi-shouted. I stopped mid-step and turned to him.
"Yes Luka."
"I'm sorry for being such a dick to you when we first met. I really should not judge a book by its cover." He bowed. "Thank you for giving me a second chance even though I didn't deserve it."
"It's alright Luka as long as we can get along in the future. It's also good to see that you changed a bit. Thank you for keeping an open mind." I smiled as I waved at him. He smiled as he straightened out and went to selecting some songs to add onto the list.
Once I stepped onto the dance floor, the song I Don't Like It, I Love It by Flo-rida came on. Jake ran over to me and I started to dance with him. He went onto his back legs and started to to jump around with his paws in the air. He smiled as he danced along with me. I laughed as I followed along. The music carried people to do the same as us. Everyone seemed to laugh and enjoy themselves. Once the song ended, I gave Jake a high five and a hug.
"Thanks Jake. I had fun."
"Same here. Though I can say that I need to work on my back legs, they feel like jello now."
"I bet. Your legs aren't used to that kind of labor."
"That is certainly true." He laughed.
"Let's get some refreshments." I looked down at Jake, who happily nodded in agreement. We walk over to the drinks and I pour punch in two glasses. I know punch at a major event like this is a little childish but I was under aged and couldn't drink. We then went to a open seat so I could sit down. I gently placed his cup in front of him. He immediately began to slurp it down while I took my time. Even sitting here, I could feel Raoul's eyes burrow themselves into the back of my head. What is his problem with me? I surely didn't do anything to be on his shit list.
"Aiyana!!" I heard Audrey scream before I felt her body collide with mine. Thankfully I finished my drink in time, otherwise it would be on me right now.
"Hi Audrey. You enjoying the party?"
"It's fantastic. You shifters really know how to have fun."
"I'm glad." I paused. "Do you think Sai and everyone would enjoy this too? I mean like live with us now that we know how to turn you guys into a half-shifter."
"I honestly don't know Yana. But I truly hope so because we don't know when is the next time those pure shifters will attack us again. We can't go back."
"Well maybe tomorrow we can ask them and then I'll have the pack build a house for you're guys needs. It would also benefit you guys if you did join but I'm not going to pressure you guys into anything."
Audrey hugged me from behind. "You are truly a great sister."
"Thank you and you're a wonderful sister Audi." I smile as I hugged her arms. "Well that's enough mushy stuff. Now run along and have fun with Quin."
"Okay." Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she detached away from me and went to look for Quin. Looking at the party, everyone was having a grand old time. The only one who looked like a sour puss was Raoul, what a way to make you stand out. He stayed in his corner continuously staring at me. Freaky.
Thinking back to my conversation with Audrey, I could help but think what my brothers would look like. My sister looks like a model with those curves and perky C cup breasts, I'm surprised that Quin hasn't already tapped that by now. I know he already did but this was a whole different matter. I threw away Jake's cup along with mine and when to look for Caelan, who happened to get caught by Michael again. So I decided to let him go as I went to find Sage and Cleo. It seemed like they were sitting on some seats too. They looked bored. Sneaking over to them, I tapped their shoulders, startling the crap out of them.
"I'm coming to take you away." I snickered as I dragged them out to the dance floor. Play Hard by David Guetta came on and we started to boogie down. Sage and Cleo were dancing like crazy, I'd say if there was a pole here they would rock that too. Almost everyone's eyes were on us, nothing like pressure when you're dancing, especially if you are a mediocre dancer.
It looks like that I'm needed. Loki snickered.
I guess so. I chuckled as I felt myself be forced back into my mind as Loki took over. For once in his life, he actually made me look descent. Well to some degree. Half way through our dancing spree, Alaster came out of nowhere and tried to steal Cleo away from me. I danced my way over and bumped him out of the way. He looked at me weird.
"She's mine right now. You left her to die of boredom." I smirked. "And don't say because of Beta duties."
"No it wasn't that." He signaled Luka to stop the music. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us. He cleared his throat and got onto his knee in front of Cleo. "Cleo, even though we haven't been mates long but I admit that it was the best days of my life so far. You are my everything, my earth, sun, moon. I hope you could do me the honors and become my wife." He pulled a black box out of his suit and held it in front of him. Cleo, who's on the verge of tears, opened the box and revealed a sapphire and diamond ring. The metal was white gold but it was gracefully woven with diamonds as the leaves. It was stunning. "Cleo will you marry me?"
Cleo quickly nodded, tears falling from her eyes and she engulfed him into a hug. I smiled at this. This night had more surprises than I was expecting. Alaster smiled happily as he placed the ring onto her left ring finger. Luka then played a romantic song so they could slow dance to. Sage left to dance with Travis, so I was alone again. Jake nudged my leg. Giving me wolfy smile, he jumped on his back legs and danced slowly with me.
After some real upbeat songs, there was another slow song. My mates kept passing me in a twirl to the next, I was surprised that I didn't vomit all over them. Once my world stopped spinning again, Caelan was up by Luka with a microphone in his hand. As the music died down, Caelan tapped the microphone three times to catch everyone's attention.
"Hi everyone," Caelan smiled "I want to thank you for coming this evening to welcome another Luna into the community. Also I want to welcome two new members into the pack. The Luna already accepted them and I hope you like them as well." Caelan glanced down to me, indicating it was time to go next to him. Slowly I climbed the stairs and stood next to him. "Everyone, I like you to meet my mate and Luna of the Moon Crest pack, Aiyana."
I curtsied as my pack went wild with applause, whistles and shouts. Everyone else simply applauded, how lame. Once the noise quieted down, Caelan cleared his throat and motioned for Maya and Axel to come up. Maya excused herself from Solon and locked arms with her brother as the ascended the stairs. They settled next to me. I could smell a hint of nervousness.
"I would like to introduce the two members who would like to join the pack. Their names are Maya and Axel Fireheart." Caelan turned the attention onto them. They bowed and curtsied but after that they froze. I guess they weren't used to being the center of attention. I took my cue and turned towards them with Caelan at my side. They slowly turned towards us.
"Do you swear that you will lay down your life to protect your family and pack?" I asked.
"I do." They said in unison.
"Will you show us loyalty, love and never betray us as long as you live?" Caelan's turn to ask.
"I do." They said in unison again.
I nodded and looked to Caelan, who happened to have a dagger in his hand already. He sliced his hand and then handed it to me, which I immediately did and then handed it to the siblings. They followed the same motion. Once everyone's hands were cut, Caelan shook hands with both siblings and motioned me to do the same. I instantly felt two new links form inside of me and with the looks they gave, they felt themselves join our family. Our cuts sealed shut closing our ceremony. We turned to everyone. Our pack bursted out with joy, a couple of howls, shouts, whistles rung throughout the air. Everyone else clapped, again lame.
After that, the party continued for at least two or three more hours before everyone left to go to sleep or go home. It was tiring. If it wasn't for everyone's energy, I probably would have fallen asleep face first into the dirt. Slowly everyone piled into the mansion. Giving each my mates a kiss and friends a hug, I climbed the stairs into Niru's room. I threw off my shoes as I collected my things from my drawers and shuffled my way into the bathroom.
Sad to say but I had a problem with my zipper that happened to be at my lower back to my butt. For some reason, no matter how hard I tried at every angle I couldn't seem to get ahold of it. I grunted as I sat down on the toilet to figure out a plan to remove this dress. A soft chuckle rang in my ears.
"Laughing at my misery. You're real nice." I smirked at Niru as he came into the bathroom.
"Everyone's misery is funny unless it's mine." He admitted.
"You can be a cold bastard." I shook my head. "Well you going to help me or what?"
"Turn." He smiled. Getting to my feet, I turned and he undid my zipper. I could feel my body become free from its material prison. I took a deep breath, savoring the air. Suddenly I wondered why my dress was coming off of me slowly. Craning my neck a bit, I saw Niru taking my dress off inch by inch and what was worse, it was seductive. My cheeks became warm and I turned my attention in front of me. Finally my dress fell to the floor but I could feel Niru's gaze on me. I stepped out of the dress and gently picked it up to place it on the counter. I removed my underwear and threw them in the hamper that was in the corner. Once the water was the perfect temperature, I looked to Niru smiling. I beckoned him in, which he happily complied.
The sun brightly shone against my eyes, waking me out of my sound sleep. Blinking the rest of the sleep from my eyes, I slowly sat up to stretch. The blanket fell from my body, revealing a new tribal tattoo on my stomach. Soon there was going to be more marking than skin. Quietly I slipped out of the bed to take a refreshing shower from my 'work out' last night. Last night kept popping up in my head, making my body tingle and warm. Shaking the thoughts from my head, I continued to wash.
I dried my hair and brushed it the best I could after I brushed my teeth. I noticed that Niru was already up, showered and dressed. I thought I was an early riser. Smiling, I walked over and hugged him from behind. He gently held my arms as he stared out the window.
"I didn't want to say anything but you seem a little different since that night with the attack." Niru whispered.
"What do you mean?" I let go and faced him. My mind was frantically trying to figure out a story or an excuse to give him other than the truth.
"I can't put my finger on it but it seems like a piece of you is missing." Niru said seriously.
"Pft. You're looking to far into it. I did suffer a little trauma but nothing I can't handle, okay?"
"I guess." He patted my head, smiling. "Let's go get some breakfast."
Cleo sat next to Alaster, who was astonished on how much his mate ate.
"Where do you put it?" He asked while scanning her body.
"She is feeding more than just herself, you know!" I smirked.
"I know. I'm just amazed that's all." He smiled as he softly stroked her hand. I rolled my eyes as I scarfed down some bacon. Niru shook his head, smiling and not saying a word.
"What?" I asked him. He just shrugged and went to eating his own breakfast. A sudden scream of excitement filled the the cafeteria. I turned around to see who just arrived and guess who it was, Audrey and Quin. He led her over to the line, handing her a plate and let her decide on what to eat. By the time she was done picking, her entire plate was full. Quin followed along with his own plate but he had a little hard time trying to carry both of their drinks. I got up and helped Quin before he could drop anything.
"Thank you." Quin said bashfully.
"No problem. I know how much of a handful my sister can be." I snickered as I set their stuff down at our table. Audrey settled next to me while Quin sat next to Alaster. "So what do like so far?"
"Pancakes!" Audrey shouted happily as she devoured her chocolate chip pancakes. "And bacon." She smiled.
Once we were finished with our meal, Niru left with Cleo and Alaster while Quin and Audrey followed me to Caelan's office. I lightly rapped against the door.
"Come in." Caelan's husky voice came through the door. Opening the door, we walked in to find Caelan with his nose stuck in files. He finished what he was writing before looking up. "Aiyana, it's good to see you."
"Same here." I smiled.
"So what brings you here today?"
" can I put this?" I tried many ways of wording this but nothing could form. Quin chuckled and grasped my shoulder as he took the lead.
"Aiyana was wondering if she could bring her old pack here."
"They already are." Caelan's face twisted with confusion.
"As half shifters."
"Aiyana," Caelan pinched the bridge of his nose "do you know how it will be with two Alpha's in one territory?"
The scene with Sai battling against another wolf flooded my mind. So much blood and so much violence. I felt sick but I simply nodded.
"But you had many Alphas here last night." Audrey piped up, softly patting my back for comfort.
"That was a ball. That is different." He waved it off.
"How is it different?" Audrey questioned.
"They only came for that event and then left. No permanent residence." Caelan's voice sounded slightly irritated.
"But..." Audrey quieted down and looked to me, concern filled her eyes. I smiled and placed a hand to her cheek.
"It was worth a try." I said half-heartedly. Inside it hurt too much.
"What if we did it this way?" Quin spoke up. "Sai takes control of the half shifters in your territory but anything important goes through you. Especially war. We'll teach them our ways but let them have their own religion and whatnot."
"That sound brilliant." Audrey smiled and hugged Quin around the neck. Caelan say quiet for a moment, thinking about it.
"Let me have a discussion with Alaster and Travis." Caelan stated. "It's only fair to see what the rest of the pack thinks before we jump into any plans. And if this does follow through, you and Solon might have to join this pack." He said the last part to Quin.
"Understood. We will wait for your decision." Quin bowed to Caelan. Audrey and I followed along before we quietly left. I could feel Caelan's worry and sadness through our link. He felt like he wanted to fulfill my request but he needed to see the pack's benefit before my own. And I guess I was being a bit selfish, some Luna I am.
As we waited for Caelan's decision, I decided to draw at my favorite tree. Quin and Audrey talked amongst themselves. I drew my birthmark for whatever reason and started to put down my information beside it. I also drew a picture of me in the corner and casted a spell on it so it could age as I do. I think subconsciously I was making my page for the book for the big leagues. Bored with drawing only that, I stared at the sky.
"You draw like a professional and I see that your handwriting improved." Quin complimented me. He gently removed the book from my hands and looked thoroughly at all the details. "So what's this about?" He asked as he handed me back my sketchbook.
"I've been thinking that every werewolf should be in the book. Everyone dreams about a mate and it's sad that not everyone gets to meet their mate."
"So by putting everyone in the book, you'll be able to see what your mate would be like?"
"But what if there were more of my cases?" He asked seriously.
"I never thought about that. I'm sorry. I just wanted everyone to be happy not only just the higher ups." I smiled sadly.
"Hey it's okay. We'll figure out something to do about my cases but what you're doing now is a step in the right direction." He gently patted my back.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." He looked at the picture again. "So what's with the picture of you? That's not in the book."
"I thought we should at least provide a picture of what they will look like."
"We would have to change it every five years." Quin stated.
"That's one of the benefits of being a witch. I can place a spell on the page to make the picture change along with the person, whether it be age wise or permanent damage like a scar or something." I smiled proudly at my work.
"That's good thinking." Quin nodded in approval. "And it's cool how you got your and Caelan's birthmark exactly right."
"Thank you."
"We could hire you for this if you want until you become Queen."
"I have no problem with that."
"I'll go discuss it with the other Elders before they leave." Quin got to his feet, kissed Audrey and left to the Elders.
"I think you make an awesome Queen." Audrey said as she saw Quin off and then turned to me, smiling brightly.
"Thank you but I don't know if I will."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know much about being a Luna what makes you think I'll be able to make it as a Queen. Not only of one species but six."
"Well you are doing a fine job right now and that's what counts. Besides I will always be there to help you if needed."
"Maybe I'll make you an advisor." I smiled as I gave Audrey a hug.
"I'd like that."
"Luna?!" A small voice pulled me out of my sister moment. I let go of Audrey and looked to the voice, which was a couple of children and teenagers.
"Is that your drawing?" A little girl asked, pointing to my sketchbook.
"Why yes it is." I smiled.
"What's it for?" A teenage boy asked.
"Well I'm making a new book so everyone in it would be able to find their mates."
"You're allowed to do that." Another teenage boy questioned.
"If the Elders are fine with it. My brother-in-law is asking them now."
"Who's your brother-in-law?" A little boy smiled.
"Elder Quin." I smiled.
"Cool." The crowd smiled at each other then at me.
"Can you draw me?" The little girl asked with a puppy dog face.
"Why not?" I grabbed my sketchbook and had her sit in front of me. She happily sat in front of me with a big smile. I started to draw her in the upper right hand corner. I tried to get her red curls right on the page but other than that everything was complete. "What's your name little one?" I asked as I shaded in some shadows.
"Penny Withers."
Nodding, I wrote her name in beautiful script next to her picture. A little smaller, I wrote down what pack she belonged to, Moon Crescent, in the same beautiful script. Then I started to jot down other information in smaller letters underneath. Her red hair was long and curly. She had ocean blue eyes.
"Five." Penny smiled. I nodded again and placed her age under the other information.
"Alright I need to know your birthmark."
Penny nodded and moved her shirt sleeve, revealing two teardrops. Saying my thanks, I drew her birthmark in the lower left hand corner. Beside it, I described where on her body it was, which was her left shoulder by her collar bone. I finished it up with my aging spell. Smiling at my work, I turned it to Penny. She immediately squealed with joy.
"It's me." She jumped up and down with excitement.
"It looks like an identical twin." One of the teenage boys pointed out.
"Me next." The little boy shouted with glee. I did the same thing with him. His name is Anthony Jenkins. His hair is short brown hair with the most unique hazel eyes. He was the same age as Penny. When it came to his birthmark, it also happened to be exactly like Penny's birthmark. I quietly look from back and forth between them. They innocently complimented their birthmarks. One if the older teenagers went to say something but I placed a finger to my lips, hoping they would keep this a secret. Half the fun of finding your mate is when you find them, whether it be childhood friend or not.
"My turn." One of the teenage boys jumped and sat in front of me with a flirtatious smirk on his face.
Giggling, I gently drew the guy. His name is Jeremy Kingsly. His hair is spiked and black as a raven. He was seventeen. He has gentle green eyes. His birthmark was shaped like a raven on his left hip. Once done with his picture, the other teenager sat in front of me. A small blush crept to his cheeks. I found out that he was Jeremy younger brother, Robert, who was thirteen. He has shaggy black hair with hazel eyes. His birthmark was a six pointed star, like the North Star. When I finished everyone's picture, I casted the spell.
"All done." I showed them their pictures and they stared at them with awe. It was good that my talent made someone happy and hopefully soon it will make everyone happy.
"Aiyana?!" Quin's voice came from behind me, startling the poor kids. I calmed them down before I turned to Quin.
"Yes Quin?"
"The Elders agreed with your purposal."
"Awesome." I screamed into the air. "Why do I feel you have something else for me?"
"Caelan wants to see you." He said casually. Sighing, I got to my feet and helped Audrey up. After saying goodbye to the kids, we all left to Caelan's office again. My palms started to sweat as we grew near. As you can tell, I was beyond nervous. Biting my bottom lip, I rapped on his door three times.
"Come in." Caelan called.
We quietly entered and saw Alaster and Travis hovering over Caelan behind the desk while Caelan leaned against his hands, saying nothing.
"You called for us." I mumbled. Caelan nodded before leaning back into his leather chair.
"Yes. We have been discussing what we will decide on your request." Caelan said calmly and softly.
"Our decision is..."

***I wonder what their decision is?! If it's yes, I wonder what Sai and the others would say. If it's no, I wonder what she'll do. Well anyways wasn't it cute how Alaster purposed to Cleo? And it's nice to see Luka and Aiyana on good terms. It was close how Niru almost caught Aiyana. It's also good to see Aiyana making some pages for the new mates book. Penny and Anthony are going to be cute little mates. Well please give me your thoughts.

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