Chapter 19

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**Pic of Jason**
     What I saw was unspeakable.
     Seth upper half was bare and his pants open. Katrina was sitting on top of his desk with nothing on. His teeth sunken in her throat as he continued to thrust. Nothing escaped her mouth, she just stared at us. I couldn't tell if she was dead or enjoying my agony.
     "Seth?!" My voice hitched. Seth let go of her neck and she collapsed onto the desk, motionless and her eyes not blinking. He drained her dry. He looked at me, his breath ragged. Blood was smeared all over his face. My heart skipped a beat when I actually saw him. His eyes were pitch black and his irises were blood red. The veins in his eyes were gold. His fangs were longer than normal, so we're his claws. His skin was more pasty than normal and his white hair was a tint darker. His whole being was different. This wasn't the Seth I fell in love with. He looked like a demon but more evil.
      He threw Katrina's body aside and slowly crept up towards me. He smiled evilly, his fangs scaring me. I backed up into Jason and Vladimir. They pulled me behind them and got into a defensive stance. Seth tilted his head, his smile still plastered on his face.
      "What's going on?" I whispered to them.
      "It seems that Seth was suffering from the illness. Who can say for how long though?" Jason mumbled.
      "About two centuries now. He hasn't made the mating bond yet. He's been fighting long and hard against this illness. I guess the fight you had broke the camels back." Vladimir sadly smiled.
       Wow, now I feel like a bitch.
       I threw them aside and ran forward, though they were screaming my name and telling me to come back. I jumped towards him, tears streaming down my face. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tight as possible. He sunk his claws into my skin. My breath hitched as the pain surged down my arms. I could feel my blood trickle down my arms. His nose shot to the air as he caught the smell of my blood. He looked back to me. His eyes focused in and out of the black. He was still in there.
       "Seth?! Seth baby it's me. If you can hear me, please blink twice." I said to him as I placed my hands on his cheeks to make him look at me. His eyes did a change again but this time he responded with two blinks of his eyes. "Oh baby, I'm sorry. I didn't know. I wish I could take everything back. I know I did wrong but please come back to me." I cried into his chest. I ran my hand down his chest as he continued to struggle against his illness. "I'm sorry." Tears escaped my eyes.
      Suddenly two sharp pricks went into my neck and gulping filled my ears. I tried to see who it was from what I could see in the side of my eye, it was Seth. My body felt weaker and weaker with each gulp of my blood. I tapped his chest, trying to grab his attention some how.
       "Seth! You're draining her dry. Do you want your mate to die?" Vladimir hissed. The gulps stopped echoing in my ear. He slowly let go and my legs felt like jello. Seth grabbed ahold of me when my body almost fell to the floor. I lay in his arms staring up at him. His breathing became haggard as his blue eyes stared down at me. His eyes glistened with unshed tears as he pulled me up to him to engulf me in a hug.
       "I'm sorry Aiyana. I'm so, so sorry." He whispered in pain in my ear. Even though my arm felt like a thousand pounds at this moment, I placed a hand against his cheek. He instinctively rubbed his cheek against my hand.
        "You're back." I smiled as I cried before darkness took over me.
        "Well look who's here!" Tiana chuckled. "It's been a while."
        "Yeah it has." I laughed as I sorely sat up. "I feel like I got hit by a Mac truck." I rolled my shoulders to get rid of the stiffness.
        "Well you did lose a lot of blood. Thank gods you have me or you would be dead by now." Tiana boasted.
        "I thank you Tia." I patted her head. "How's Donny holding up?" I asked the girls. They all looked upset and turned their attention to the other side where the guys were huddled around Donny. Latifah and Alvine helped me up and walk me over to Donny, Tiana took up the rear. Loki and Dangelo gave me a look of guilt and depression. I gently tapped Alvine's and Latifah's hands. They nodded and let go of me. I fell to my knees and hugged him from behind. "Hey Donny! How's my brave man holding up?" I nuzzled his neck.
        Silence stayed.
        "Come on Donny say something." I said muffled by his neck.
        Silence stayed again.
        "Don't make me bite you." I joked. At the mention of bite, his body stiffened. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion but a bit of understanding. What I was confused about whether it was because of my bite or Katrina's. I let go of Donny, immediately he twisted and pulled me into his lap. He held me tightly and didn't say a word. He face was awfully close to mine but I didn't say anything. "Donny?" My voice came out doleful.
         "I don't understand." He said broken-hearted.
         "About what my sweet?"
         "We...we witness something terrible. Yana, we were betrayed." Donny said crestfallen, mixed with anger.
         "Donny that wasn't the man we knew. Didn't you see his transformation from the illness?" I gently laid my head on his chest. "Seth wouldn't do something to endanger us like that. His mind was corrupted."
         "But he said that he had others before us." Donny sniffed as tears escaped his eyes.
         "Are we any different with our other mates?" I said truthfully. "I've come to admit that we haven't been saving us. When we had sex with Caelan, that automatically made us kind of unfaithful."
         "But our case is different. We have six mates." Donny protested.
         "How's it different? Just because we are destined to another doesn't make us innocent. To Seth, we must look used, well not in a mean way. We've probably had just as many partners as him, maybe more or maybe less. We don't know for sure until we hear his side of the story." I flicked Donohue's forehead.
        "True." He sniffed and wiped away his tears.
        "So pip up! Okay?" I smiled and pecked the tip of his nose.
        "Di...di...did you just kiss my nose?" Donohue stuttered as a blush crept to his face.
        "Yes! Whatcha going to do about it?" I giggled.
        "Don't know." He huffed.
        "Feel better?" I smirked.
        "Surprisingly yes." Donohue smiled down at me. He gave me a big hug and gently nuzzled my neck. His eyes caught sight of two puncture marks on my neck. "What happened?"
        "You don't remember?" I tilted my head.
        "No sorry, I blacked out once I saw the Katrina incident."
        "Well when we were trying to get Seth back, he struggled against the illness's evil. At one point he wasn't strong enough and he bit me. He drank so much blood that I passed out after I saw that he came back to us."
       "Gods Aiyana! You're too damn careless." Donohue scolded me.
       "You should talk." I laughed.
       Soon after the tension in the air had lifted, everyone started to become like themselves again. We talked about many things as the minutes flew by. It was so long, I actually wonder how long I am out. I felt a sudden tugged at my body. I looked around and found no one pulling at me, which was strange. I shook my head to ward off those ridiculous thoughts and went back to the conversation at hand.
       "You know that tug is you trying to wake up." Tiana scratched her ear.
       "Really? I thought I was imagining things." I chuckled. "Well I'll see you guys later." I gave them each a hug before the vicious tug pulled me back.
        It felt like a hard slam when I came back to my body. I groaned as I slowly started to open my eyes. Thankfully it was still dark so my eyes weren't blinded this time. Taking my time, I sat up and immediately my head started to throb. I needed something to eat and drink, my throat felt like the Sahara desert. Underneath my finger tips, I felt a fabric that felt similar to silk so I knew I was in a bed. My eyes scanned the room and I found myself in the room Seth took us to when we arrived. A sudden burst of air wafted into the room.
       "Did someone leave a window open?" I mumbled to myself as I scooted over to the edge of the king sized bed. My feet were wretched back when they hit the cold ground, gods I hate that when I first wake up. Doing it once again, I finally made it to the window and found it closed. "Well that was weird. Must be going senile for my old age." I chuckled at my own joke. Shrugging, I turned around and walked into someone. I really needed to learn how to sense people or I will end up with a broken nose. Backing up a couple of steps, I found Jason smiling down at me.
      "Well look who's finally come back to life." Jason teased.
      "Good to be back. How long was I out?"
       "Maybe sixteen hours. You recovered in two but something wouldn't allow you to wake up." He rubbed his chin. "I wonder what it was."
      "Coma doesn't really have a reason now does it." I playfully slugged his shoulder.
      "Okay miss tough stuff, let's get you down to the dining room. You need at eat and drink something."
      "Oh hellz ya I do. I feel like I haven't eaten in centuries." I smiled. I ran to the door but wobbled a bit. Jason caught me before I could fall in the ground. "I meant to do that." I blushed as I straightened up and slowly walked out of the room. "So were is Seth?"
      Jason immediately stopped in his tracks in the middle of the hallway. By this sudden quietness, I turned on him, worried beyond comprehension. Did I make him do something bad? Is he gone? What have I done?
      "He's been on the prowl on finding a cure for his illness or at least yours. When you didn't immediately wake up after your two hours, he went bat shit and drove himself crazy. He keeps saying that it's his fault." Jason rubbed the back of his neck.
      "It's kind of both our faults. He shouldn't have to carry all the blame."
      "You're too mature for your age." Jason smirked.
      "Nah, mature is for boring people." I chuckled as I continued down the hall. "So where is he and my grandfather?"
       "I'm right here." Vladimir whispered in my ear. My heart skipped a beat for a moment.
       "I'm never going to get used to that." I giggled. "So how's everything going?"
       "Not good I'm afraid. He's losing his mind."
       "Can't lose something that he doesn't got!" I tried to cheer up the moment. "But I understand. Is there a cure?"
       "Of what I know there is. Every case that I've known, though not documented, all you need to do is complete the mating bond."
       "Of course! Why didn't I think of that!" I thumped myself in the head. "It's so obvious. If it were a snake, it would've bit me." I chuckled. "Thank you Papi."
       He smiled and nodded. "I'll lead you to him."
       "I would love too." I smiled but I stumbled again. My vision a little hazy.
       "Think again. Back into bed. I'll bring him and food." Vladimir corrected me and handed me off to Jason.
       "I guess." I pouted as Jason led me back to the room. It was a little stuffy in here so I opened a window with a flick of my hand, startling poor Jason. "Sorry, witching powers." I giggled. "Is it possible for a bath?" Since I know I can't stand for long.
       "I'll prepare it for you but you have to do the rest yourself." Jason blushed but he was serious.
       "I know that silly." I grinned and sat down on the edge of my bed. Jason nodded and went into the adjoining bathroom. I laid back and heard the water run for a while. Inside the bathroom, I heard humming like Jason was singing "bubbles! Bubbles! Everyone loves bubbles!" kind of thing. If that what he was singing, he ain't lying well at least not for me. Soon the water stopped and he came out.
      "There is some fresh towels. You only have to bring in your clothes."
      "Thank you Jason."
      "No problem. I'll keep an eye on you until you get into the bathroom. If anything happens, call my name and I'll get Seth or Vlad. Which ever comes first."
      "Thank you." I smiled as I got off the bed. I rummaged through the drawers until I found a black and red lace lingerie with a matching pantie. Once satisfied, I shuffled into the bathroom and closed the door. I heard Jason say that he'll wait outside so it wouldn't be conspicuous or suspicious, then the bedroom door closed. I stripped out of my bloodied clothes and removed my jewelry. I made sure to take a couple of beaks in between because I didn't want to fall and give myself a concussion. Once I made sure everything was off, I slowly lowered myself into the warm water. He certainly did put enough bubbles in. It was like a winter wonderland.
      I blew against the bubbles, making them skyrocket everywhere. I giggled at myself as some bubbles landed on my nose. I continue to play with the bubbles, making them into all sorts of shapes. I tried to make a duck but the beak kept falling off. I tried to make a bunny but bubbles in the body started to pop away. When I couldn't do much more with the bubbles, I just relaxed and stared at the ceiling. A knock on the door woke me from my sleep. When did I fall asleep?
      I heard a breath hitch on the other side of the door. I stuck my nose in the air and sniffed. Besides my vanilla bubble bath, I smelled cucumber melon but a very faint smell of blood. A smile crept to my lips, it was Seth. But he wasn't the only thing I could smell, I smelled food.
      "You can come in Seth." I said as I pulled myself up to get myself comfortable. I must have fell asleep underwater because my whole head and face are wet. Thank gods for Latifah. As I wiped the water off my face, the door creaked open revealing Seth with a tray of food. The way the food smelled it was Seth's. He must of prepared this for me when he found out I was awake. He had a pained expression on his face as he walked in and sat down beside me. I shifted over to the side of the tub and played with his hair. To be honest, he looked horrible. I also noticed scratches everywhere. It looked like he scrubbed his body hard to get whatever off. "Hey baby! How you feeling?"
       "How can you possibly care about me right now?" He said coldly.
       "I can and I will." I growled.
       He sighed. "I'm okay I guess. I just feel guilty. I let an evil illness take over my body, did something I wasn't supposed to and almost drank you dry. I'm a horrible mate if you ask me."
       "Seth," I placed a hand to his cheek to force him to look at me. "it's okay. The past is the past. We should only look to the future. I admit I was hurt but only for a second till I found out what was going on. But I do want to know why didn't you tell anyone you were suffering from the illness?"
       "I had it under control." He protested but sighed when I gave him a look. "Well I did until our fight. I didn't see any harm not telling anybody until I really needed help."
       "You do realize it was hard to get you back the way you are now. It was like you couldn't hear any of us."
       "I'm sorry." Seth gripped his jeans tightly.
       "It's alright. You're back now and that's what counts." I paused "I also found out how to remove the illness. Papi said all I have to do is complete the mating bond."
       "Really that's it?" Seth's gaze shot up to me at this news. I nodded. He smiled a sad smile. "I can be cured and I'll never have to become that monster again." He grasped my hand. "But how can you still want me after all this and I mean in that way?"
       "It wasn't you after all. I know you would deliberately hurt me." I smiled. "Now can I have some food before I pass out again." I giggled. He shook his head with a smile and grabbed the bowl next to him. He made me some porridge. My mouth watered as he scooped up some and went to feed me. I immediately ate it before it got to my mouth and let it cool. Seth looked at me in bewilderment.
       "At least cool it off before inhaling it. Did you even taste that?" Seth teased. He was slowly coming back to normal.
       "Yes I did and did I catch the taste of cinnamon."
       "Yes you did. Usually no one can guess the flavor, let alone catch it. I guess you really did taste it."  He smirked.
       "See I told you." I huffed. He chuckled as he scooped up some more but this time he at least cooled it down for me. I mentally thanked him because the last one did burn, I just didn't mention it. He slowly fed me, his smile growing brighter with each spoonful. Once I ate everything, he gave me some milk. Seth said he'll bring this out and then take a shower.
        "Okay. I'll meet you in bed." I called out to him. I may not had my day to myself but I really didn't have a day with him either. When I figured I spent too much time in the tub, I slowly hoisted myself out and began to dry myself. Now that I have something in my system, I feel ten times better. Once finished getting dressed and cleaning up my mess, I went to the bed and slipped under the sheets. They happened to be new too, I don't smell my blood on them at all. Not speculating any further on it, I got comfortable and drifted off to sleep.
         A sudden dip from the bed and me rolling over, woke me up from my sound sleep. Seth gently wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. Not doing anything more.
        "I'm sorry." Escaped his lips, followed by a kiss to the forehead. I snuggled deeper into his chest and smiled. I was happy to finally have my Seth back, the one I knew before the truth and the illness. I looked up at him and smiled. Then I kissed him firmly on the lips.
         "There's nothing to be sorry about." I said and kissed him again only deeper this time.
        I awoke with the sun beating down into my eyes. Last night was awesome, who knew that a vampire marking was almost like feeding. They simply bite you and inject their venom into you. It was kind of like a werewolf marking only the vampires went by sense of smell instead of sight. He also mentioned to me that my blood tasted fantastic and he would see other blood as horrible. I didn't know as to take it as a compliment or not.
       I rolled onto my side and found my phone light flashing, telling me that I had some missed calls and text messages. Sorely, I stretched out my arm and opened the phone, revealing a hundred missed calls and texts from my mates and friends. Sighing, I looked over at Seth, who was still knocked out, and went to the bathroom. I dialed my voicemail and listened in.
       "Aiyana! Just wanted to inform you that everyone is registered and they can't wait to see you again." Caelan cleared his throat. "I also miss you. Please hurry home soon. I'll call you later. Love you." The message ended and went onto the next one.
        "Hey Hun! How's it going at Seth's?" I could hear Sage's smile on the other side. "Did you get lucky yet? Well it would explain why you aren't picking up the phone. I just wanted to give you a holla and I'll give you a call later!"  The message ended, leaving a blush to my cheeks.
        "Hey Yana. Just wanted to check up on you!" Cleo whispered. "Hey I wanted to check up on her too." I heard Jake's and Alaster's voice on the other side. "Hey girl, I'm not rushing you at all but please hurry up. I don't know how longer I can handle these guys alone. I need my wingwoman. Well I'll call you later. Love ya sis." The message ended there. Cleo was so sweet.
        "Yo!" Kano's voice picked up. He sounded embarrassed. "I've never used a phone before and I don't know if you'll get this but I wanted to say I miss you and I wish you luck. I know it must be hard being a Luna as well as a Lady. When you get this please give me a call back and we can have a little chat, okay? you. Bye Aiyana." Kano's message ended. I giggled. He sounded like he was trying to be mature.
       "Hey how's it going?" Niru's voice came up. "I just want to let you know that I miss you and love you. I hope you're having fun. Please call back later and tell me all the detail, Kay? Bye." A man with many words. I giggled.
        "H...hi Aiyana, I m...miss you and I you. I want to talk to you later okay. You're probably busy so I'll make sure to call you later in the day. Bye." Kawaii was so cute when he's embarrassed.
        "Hey!" Gwyn dragged that out as long as possible. "I'm also new to the phone! You're actually my first call! I wanted to wish you luck on becoming a Lady and I guess in more ways then one." A smiled formed in his voice. "Well I love you and miss you and I'll call you later!" The message ended.
        There were many messages like those ones, some merely telling me about their day and what not. Caelan called and texted a couple of times telling me to come back soon because my brothers were driving him insane. I could picture Sai and Lyell doing just that. Cleo said that the boys wouldn't stop pestering her about what time I would be back. They said to her they need their daily dose of annoying Aiyana. Figures they would. A couple more calls and texts from my other mates asking some more weird questions. And finally around the messages from yesterday night!
        "Aiyana?! Is everything okay? You haven't responded to any of my texts and phone calls. Please call me immediately when you get this." Caelan voice came out panicked.
        "Aiyana honey, please pick up. Caelan and the others are going bat shit. They haven't heard from you in over twenty four hours. And frankly I'm getting worried myself. Please call me asap when you receive this okay?" Sage's voice came out panicked as well.
       "Aiyana! Baby please pick up. I'm going crazy not knowing if your okay! Please call me immediately." Kano's voice too.
       "Girl! Please pick up." Cleo and Jake said. "We need to know if your okay! Alaster collapsed and we don't know why?! Call back now!!"
       "Aiyana! Please pick up. Are you okay? Please answer back immediately so everyone knows your alright!" Niru's voice was serious but I could tell a hint of panic behind his tone.
       "Aiyana. Baby girl I need you to call me back. Everyone is starting to panic and I can't say that I'm not. Please call back." Kawaii actually wasn't bashful this time.
       "We aren't kidding baby. Please call me back so I can get everyone off my back. Please call me. I need to know if you're okay." Gwyn's voice filled with worry and pain.
       "Aiyana we are coming to get you! Stay where you are." Caelan shouted through the phone and ended. I looked at the time of the message. It was ten o'clock this morning. Then I looked at the time now, it was nearing five o'clock. They will be here by seven.
       I sighed. "Geez I don't call back and they are all panicky. I can take care of myself. For gods sake I went against Roric." I tossed the phone on the counter and then hopped into the shower.

15 minutes later

     I hop out of the shower feeling refreshed as ever. I wanted to call them but since they are coming here anyways, they probably wanted solid proof that I was physically fine. Walking out of the bathroom, I rummaged through my drawers. The smell of cucumber melon wafted into my nose before Seth wrapped his arms around my naked body.
     "Morning sunshine." Seth kissed the crook of my neck.
     "More like afternoon." I laughed. "But morning for us. How was your sleep?"
     "Amazing!" He nuzzled my neck. "You?"
     "Same." I pulled out my clothes. "Do you feel better?"
     "Surprisingly yes. I don't feel like I'm a puppet any more."
     "Well that's a good thing." I smiled. "Now get your ass in the shower and I'll make some breakfast, well try to."
     "That's fine. I'll make breakfast. Why don't you go explore while I take a shower?" Seth smiled.
     "Okay that's good." I kissed his cheek. "Now off you go."
     "Will do." He smirked and smacked my ass on the way to the bathroom. I smiled and shook my head. I slipped into my blue bra and pantie set, then I placed my galaxy tank top on that said Karma's bitch in yellow cursive. I pulled up some blue jeans and put on my black converses. Lastly I threw on my black cardigan. I ran down stairs and explored the rest of the house. I was thankful for my night vision because of how dark it was in the house because of all the black curtains. This house must be like a sauna in the midst of summer. So far I only found the living room, the kitchen, a game room and dinning room.
      "Look who's up!" Jason's voice came from behind me. I turned around.
      "Hey Jase! How's it going?"
      "Same old, same old. I can see that you finally mated to Seth. How is he?"
      "Doing better. You can smell his venom?" I sniffed my arm. I couldn't smell anything.
      "You have to use your vampire senses sweetheart." Jason chuckled.
      "I knew that." I nervously laughed.
      "Um hm." Jason stared at me doubtfully but he was smiling that was a good sign. I tapped into Donohue's senses and immediately my nose was hit with something potent. I covered my nose and my eyes watered. "I like your hair and eyes."
      "Thanks but you could have warned me that it was potent."
      "Well for first timers it is. You'll get used to it." Jason shrugged. I let go of Donohue's senses and my smell went back to normal.
      "So what's it smell like to you?" I asked while wiggling my nose to relieve it from the burning sensation.
      "Well it would explain the potency and the burning from the smell of acid. So is this Lord's venom?"
      "Only his."
      "What would yours smell like?" I asked curiously.
      "Smokey rose. I'm only an under lord so it's not as potent."
      "What's an under lord?"
      "Like a Vice President!"
      "Is it easy to become a under lord?"
      "No, you have to be born into lordship. Kind of like an alpha born into its title."
      "Oh." I paused. "So that would make you a beta?"
      "Not that. I'm second in line. I'm Seth's brother."
      "His what?!"
      "Brother. You know sibling?"
      "I know what it means. But I don't see the resemblance."
      "He has moms traits and I have fathers." He shrugged like it was common knowledge. It would explain why he isn't calling him Lord Seth any more.
      "Oh okay."
      "My ears are burning. Is someone talking about me?" Seth whispered into my ear.
      "Nope not at all." I played innocent. He rolled his eyes.
      "Yeah okay." He grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the kitchen with Jason following along behind me.
2 hours later

      I sat down in the living room talking with Jason and Seth as Vladimir came walking in. He didn't look happy.
      "What's wrong Papi?"
      "Why haven't you called back?" Vladimir tossed me my phone.
      "I figure they want to see the truth physically."
      "What's he talking about?" Seth looked at me.
      "You do realize Aiyana that they are coming onto vampire territory. They are just as possessive as werewolves. They will be attacked once they are in the perimeter."
       My eyes went wide as the realization became real. I ran out of the house and started sprinting towards the boarder using the trees as stepping stones, praying that I'll make it there in time.

**Wow a lot happened! How did you feel about Seth in the beginning and the end? And isn't Jason awesome! Such a sweetheart! Well anyways I hope you like this chapter.
     And I wanted to give you a heads up that there is one more chapter and an epilogue! Don't worry there is a second book! I wouldn't do that to you guys. The second book is named Forlorn. I'm sorry to make the book short but I didn't want to keep it going on forever! Lol. I really hope you like this book!

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