** Pictures of Aiyana's grandparents. Tala has purple eyes. Vlad has blood red eyes and Zera has blood gold eyes.**
"Aiyana." I heard my name called. I looked in every direction but I couldn't find anything in this darkness.
"Who's there?"
"Aiyana." The voice whispered, again I had no idea which direction the voice was coming from.
"Where the hell are you?" I growled in the darkness.
"Well you can't see me unless you will your mind."
"Will my mind? What the hell are you talking about? Why can't you just show yourself?"
"It doesn't work like that." The voice giggled. I loved how she found it so funny, I on the other hand found it very irritating.
"Can you at least give me a hint?"
"Think about my voice. That should help." I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes to focus. I imagined the voice but what would that do. "You did it."
I slowly opened my eye, hoping she wasn't tricking me. My eye caught a white wolf in front of me. I fully opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times.
"You not playing tricks on me. You look exactly like my wolf."
"Cuz I am your wolf silly." She snickered.
"Okay?! Is that normal? In werewolves I mean."
"Perfectly normal. Each werewolf will be able to hear their wolf."
"Okay! How come I can hear you now?"
"You've been suppressing me for a while now. Since you've been learning about your werewolf heritage, I've been able to slowly work through your barriers. You are a tough one to crack."
"I'll take that as a compliment." I looked around, it was still completely dark with me and my wolf in the middle. "Okay what's going on here? It's so dark."
"Well you demonic heritage tried to take over your body and your other heritages including myself have been fighting it off. You're unconscious and healing."
"Ah." I shifted with unease. I didn't like knowing one side of me is trying to take over me. "I have a couple questions."
"You've been asking questions since you got here." She chuckled but smiled. "What is it Aiyana?"
"What's your name?"
"I'm Tiana."
"Nice to finally meet you." I shyly smiled at her.
"Pleasures all mine."
"Also will I be able to meet my other heritages like you or will it slowly come to me once I learn about my other heritages?"
"They'll come once you learn about them. If you don't know about it, you mind usually doesn't think about it now does it?"
"That's true. Do you see them?"
"What are they like?"
"It's a secret." She smiled evilly.

ParanormalHi, My name is Aiyana. I was raised by an ordinary wolf pack. I always knew I was different but I truly didn't know how different I was until I met a man. After that meeting, my whole life gets more hectic. I find out that I have secrets that shoul...