Chapter 10

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**Pictures of Aiyana's other mates**

     It's been quiet an amazing week. The pack was building a better place for my mates and I, since the cabin couldn't hold any of us anymore. I really wanted to stay in the pack house but Caelan was determined to have our own place and he convinced me with this: our house would more likely to be attacked then the pack. I couldn't go against that, as Luna of the pack I have the same duties as him.
    Oh and Sage finally had her pups and yes pups. I was the second one on the scene besides her mate, Travis. When she gave birth, I thought I was going to faint. This was a little different than a regular wolf birthing. When twins came out, she was shocked and surprised as Travis. The doctor said that one of them was probably hiding behind another and that's why the other one didn't come up in the screening. Sage had one boy and one girl. They were both beautiful and guess who's the god mother, yes it's me. I was the god mother of little Ben and Renee. I was happy beyond compare.
     Right now, I was overlooking some warriors training with my mates. Caelan thought it might be good to know what other mythicals are like. I was beyond bored. A light tap to my shoulder brought me out of my daze. I looked up and saw Marrok looking at me with a smile on his face.
     "Marrok, how are you?" I smiled back.
     "Pretty well. So you're a Feral and a Hybrid? Didn't see that coming."
     "I didn't either when I met my grandparents." I shifted into a more comfortable position. "So are the other Elders here?"
     "Yes. We were wondering if we can meet with both of your families of that is possible. We want to know more about you. Like I said before we don't get to many cases where a werewolf is raised by wolves, let alone being a hybrid. We want to know how to deal with this if more cases like this come along."
     "It's okay with me. How many days do you have left here?"
     "Sadly only four." His eyes showed a hint of sadness. "Caelan doesn't want this to be longer than it has to be."
     "I understand." I paused. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened between Caelan and his family?"
     "Well, for one I was never around as much. His brother who was three years older than him was the one taking care of him since his mother died two years after Caelan was born. Raoul was first born so that made him Alpha. But when he found out that his mate was in a different pack, he left this one and Caelan behind for her and became that packs Alpha. Caelan being the age of ten had no idea how to become Alpha. So I had to train him myself. I was disappointed at Raoul for doing this to Caelan. I think Caelan thought I was disappointed at him and that's why he treats me the way he does. He probably felt like he wasn't living up to my standards but in fact he was beyond that. There was no words that could explain my happiness when Caelan took over this pack. I just hope we can get passed our differences one day."
     "I hope so too." I gently grabbed his hand for reassurance. "Let's go."
     He got to his feet and led me into the cabin where five other men were talking amongst themselves. They all stopped once we entered the living room.
     "Fellas, here's the girl of the hour." Marrok gently pushed me forward.
     "She's quiet a catch." One smiled, he looked to be in his twenties. How can he be an Elder so soon?
     "Kenji watch what you say. Her mates could hear you." Marrok warned.
     "I'm just being honest." Kenji smiled. Kenji wasn't that bad to look at but he wasn't as cute as my mates. He had shaggy blonde hair and magnificent blue eyes. Another Elder, who looked to be in his forties, cleared his throat. His green eyes lingered on Kenji before they focused onto me. He had to move his black hair out of his face at least three times.
     "I'm Elder Nestor, this is Elder Quin," Nestor motioned to a guy who was almost my height and looked to be my age. What is with these Elders? His red hair was slicked back revealing his gold eyes. He kindly bowed his head to me. "Elder Rae," Nestor motioned to a tall guy and looked to be fifty. His gray hair was combed to perfection. He had the most unusual hazel eyes. They seemed hazel on the outside but by the pupil you could see slight flecks of gold. "And Elder Solon." Nestor pointed to the last guy who was scribbling in a notepad. His brown hair went well with his tanned skin. Of what I could see, his brown eyes darted around the page.
     "It's nice to meet you all finally." I smiled and curtsied.
     "Manners this one." Elder Rae smiled with approval. "I like her already."
     A blush crept into my cheeks. "Thank you." Elder Solon finally looked up from his pad and his eyes almost came out of his head. I jumped a bit at his reaction.
    "Oh I'm sorry. I was so focused I didn't see you arrive." He smiled before adjusting his glasses. "I take it your the lovely Aiyana we've been hearing so much about."
    "Yes I am." I cleared my throat. "How about you guys sit down and make yourself at home while I get us some beverages and snacks? Anything particular?"
     "No go ahead." Marrok shooed me towards the kitchen. I giggled as I went into the kitchen I saw that Seth was already in there, almost done preparing something.
     "Done training already?"
     "No I just thought my mate and her guests would like something to eat." Seth smiled at me while he placed the last sandwich and tea on the tray. There was at least three plates of sandwiches, three bowls of chips and two pitchers with glasses.
     "You spoil me." I smiled as I eyed the tray. "You like to go overboard don't ya?"
     "Aiyana sweetie, you forget your feeding werewolves. They are known for their appetite." Seth pulled me into a loving embrace.
     "Yeah I guess I did forget." I laughed as I returned his hug. "Thank you for this. And for your reward." I went on my tip toes and planted a kiss on his lips before I teasingly bit him on the ear. He stood there in shock. Giggling, I grabbed the tray and walked back into the living room. "Thank you for waiting fellas. Seth just finished preparing this for us." I set the tray in front of them.
    They looked a bit skeptical. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed a sandwich for myself and a glass of tea. Taking a bite out of my sandwich, I immediately tasted so many good flavors. It also happened to be my favorite. Ham, Bologna and salami with mustard, even with the crusts cut off. I enjoyed every bite before I finished it down with the tea.
     "Gods that was amazing." I breathed. "He's an amazing cook, you should try it. Relax he won't poison you, he gave his oath."
      Nodding, Marrok was the first one to reach for a sandwich and took a bite. He smiled as he tasted it. When he finished, he looked at the sandwich more clearly.
      "Cucumber? How'd he know?" Marrok whispered, which caught my interest.
      "Caelan told me what you liked." Seth said while drying his hands on a cloth. "I hope it's okay."
      "Are you kidding me? This is amazing and if Caelan suggested it, I think I'm going to cry." Marrok smiled.
     "Don't be such a girl Marrok." Kenji teased. While everyone dug in, Seth told me he was going to make some drinks for the Warriors and gave me a gentle kiss before he left. I smiled and shook my head.
     "So you had some questions for me?" I asked once everyone was done. Elder Nestor cleared his throat and repositioned himself into a more comfortable position.
     "Yes we wanted to know what it's like being Feral?"
     "Before any of this, it wasn't all that bad. My wolf parents took care of me since I was an infant. I learned the ways of the pack, what role is what, etc. It's basically like your common everyday pack of shifters only without shifting. I hunted to survive, helped my pack mates and other little jobs through out the pack. But with Josie and her gang, I was the Omega of the pack, even though I was related to the Alphas. But I guess it doesn't matter what pack you go to there always is an Omega." I sadly smiled. "And what the most interesting part is, that I had no idea what I really was until Caelan and his pack found me. Then everything else fell into place."
      "Is it possible to meet your wolf family?" Elder Solon asked, his eyes betraying his excitement.
     "They should be here any minute now. I had Cleo go get them for me." Speak of the devil. There was a scraping on the door. I motioned the Elders to follow me. Cleo was on the other side in her wolfs form. Immediately her scent smelled different to me.
     "Oh my gods Cleo. You're pregnant." I whispered.
Shhh. Not right now. She hissed.
     "Okay, okay....Drama queen." I leaned down and patted her head. "Thank you Cleo." I smiled. She shook her head and walked inside. I looked back to my family and immediately I ran over to them. They all jumped and licked my face. "Okay stop. Your going to give me a Mohawk at this rate." I laughed.
     "So these wolves are you family?" Elder Solon. I nodded and kneeled by my family as I looked to the Elders.
     "This is Sai, the current Alpha of my old pack and my older brother, Lyell my other brother who is now Beta, Audrey my sister and these two are my mom, former female Alpha and my dad former Alpha." I pointed to each family member. The Elders bowed their heads in respect. "Guys these people are an important group to shifters. This is Elder Marrok, Elder Nestor, Elder Kenji, Elder Rae, Elder Quin and Elder Solon. They are here to ask a couple of questions if you don't mind."
     "So they are the badasses?" Sai looked at them.
     "Sai." Mom swatted him in the back of his head. I chuckled at them.
     "So what do they want to ask?" Dad asked. I looked over to the Elders.
     "My dad wants to know what questions you had in mind?"
     "So you can speak Wolf?" Elder Solon's eyes grew with excitement before he scribbled something down on his pad.
     "Yes, I thought every shifter could." I was confused.
     "But Caelan did with Sai?"
     "No Aiyana, a guard was translating for me and used his mind link." Sai explained.
     "Oh I didn't know that. Well I feel stupid." I chuckled. "So this Wolf language is all new to you?"
     "Yes very much so." Marrok thought for a moment. "Would you be able to teach people?"
     "I can try." I petted Sai's head as Lyell laid next to me. Audrey sat beside mom and dad who were next to Sai. "I'll try with you guys later but they want to know some questions you have."
     "Well we wanted to know how they stumbled across you?" Kenji asked. I looked to my parents.
     "Well we found you outside our den. We looked around a bit and saw two people. They asked us to take good care of you. We didn't understand why they want us to take care of you but we did. When they knew we would, they vanished. Soon enough we spends days into months into years taking care of you and teaching you out ways." Dad said.
     "Those two people? Do you think hey could possibly be my parents?" I asked.
     "From what your grandparents looked like when we saw them, yes they were." Mom nodded.
     "Okay." I turned to the Elders and translated the story to them while Elder Solon's hand frantically went across the paper.
     "Were you shocked when Aiyana transformed into a wolf?" Elder Rae asked.
     "Yes we all were. I thought my fricking sister was dying." Sai growled.
     "Yes they were. Sai thought I was dying. But when I fully transformed into the wolf, they considered me a gift from the gods." I recited from what Sai said and from memory.
      "What's their religion like?" Elder Nestor questioned.
      "Basically we believe in gods and that each light in the night sky is our ancestors watching over us. They often guide us when we need it." Audrey said while itching her ear. "Think they would know that since they are almost wolves themselves."
      "Audrey. Be nice." I scolded her. Shaking my head, I turned back to the Elders. "Basically they believe in gods and that the stars are their ancestors watching over them and guided them when they need it."
      "I take it she had a wise comment about us." Elder Quin smiled.
      "Yes I'm sorry." I blushed with embarrassment.
      "I would love to know what the lovely lady had to say." Elder Quin's eyes showed his humor.
      "She said think they would know since they are almost wolves themselves." I admitted. Elder Quin nodded with a smiled of amusement. His eyes didn't leave Audrey. I looked from him to her, then back again. I know that look from anywhere. I shot up to my feet and went in front of my sister. Elder Quin looked at me, annoyance coated his eyes. "You're mates! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I hissed at him. He blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck.
      "I didn't know how to approach it." He mumbled. Elder Solon's eyes grew wide as he received this new information and immediately started to scribble it down.
      "Then let me tell her. She's probably going to understand your custom but you must wait for her. She needs time."
      "As long as she will have me, I will wait to the ends of the earth." Elder Quin held his hand to his heart. Talk about being over dramatic but romantic.
       I nodded. I took a deep breath as I turned around and kneeled in front of Audrey. "Hey sis, guess what?"
      "What?" She smirked evilly.
      "I think I have found your mate."
      "How? I haven't met him yet." Audrey tilted her head.
      "Well he found you. He happens to be a shifter."
      "What happens with shifter mates?" My sister asked as she inched closer to me. She was getting really excited with me.
      "Well once they have found their mate, their scent is intoxicating and basically our wolves go nutso saying mate over and over again. But really confirms it is when they touch you, you feel like a spark, not a painful one but a pleasurable one. Then they think only about you and protect you from almost anything. Believe me I know. But when they make you their mate by sex," I whispered that part "and marking, you'll be able to mind link with him. Once the mates bond has been complete, you'll be able to feel his emotions and it helps you find him."
       "What's a marking?" She asked, tipping her head sideways again.
       "Well for shifters, it's a bite mark right here." I pointed to the spot between my neck and shoulder. "I think it goes the same way for you. It helps unmated males know your taken and who you belong to. But shifters heal after that, I don't know if you will be able to heal as fast as we do."
      "Don't worry, shifter's saliva will heal it if needed be." Elder Quin smiled.
      "But if you need to be healed, his saliva will heal it. But let me warn you, that if you don't accept him it means rejection." My voice got soft at the end of the statement.
     "Is rejection bad?" Audrey questioned, her tone becoming worried.
     "To shifters yes. I don't want you to feel bad about it and force you in a corner."
     "What is it Aiyana?" Audrey growled.
     "If you reject him, depending on his will, he will either live along empty inside or die." I looked her seriously in the eye. "But if you need time to think about it, he said he will wait for you to be comfortable with it."
      Audrey was silent for a few moments. Her eyes looked blank, she was seriously thinking about this. I wouldn't blame her, she is being introduced into this whole new society. She looked at me with a smile.
      "I'll give it a try on one condition."
      "What's that?"
      "I want to see his wolf." She smiled evilly.
      "Okay." I turned to Elder Quin, I might have to just call him Quin from now on since he's going to be my brother-in-law. "She said she'll give it a try only if you show her you wolf."
      "Really that's it?" Quin asked.
      "That's it."
      "Okay." He said while taking off his shirt. I looked at Sai as he undressed further. I fiddled with his fur a bit before the familiar pops and cracks of bones echoed in my ears. I turned back to Quin and saw a russet colored wolf standing in his place. Audrey looked at me, silently asking if she could go. I nodded. She got up and walked over to Quin. She walked around him a few times, examining every inch of him. When she was satisfied, she nuzzled his nose. Her fur stood on end, indicating she had felt the spark. Once her happiness reached its peek, she pounced on him and licked him like crazy. She has accepted him. My heart swelled with happiness, my sister had her mate. But would that mean she would go with him or he would stay here? I turned to Marrok.
     "Does that mean my sister has to leave?" My voice slipped my concern.
     "It's all up to Quin. We will be happy with his decision." Marrok turned his attention to Quin. Quin licked Audrey's snout a couple of times before he shifted back.
      "If it's okay with the Elders, I would like to stay with the pack. I'll come to recommended meetings and attend gatherings."
      "I have no problem with it." Marrok smiled. Murmurs of agreement echoed through the air. He was staying!!!!

***Awesome! Audrey has a mate! And who knew it could be a shifter! Also who knew that shifters can't speak wolf? What really is amazing is that Aiyana is a god mother now, how awesome is that?! Cleo is pregnant! Omg!

Please tell me what you think about this chapter!

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