cops cops everywhere

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4 in this freaking morning and I see flashing blue and red lights. It's so loud

"What the hell?!" I said.

I go up to my window and see that it is at Adyen's house.

"Of course it would be him he is such a jerk." I mumbled

Being the nosy person I am, I went to the front yard to watch an see if I can find out what's going on. First thing I am hearing is people yelling.

"Adyen you cause everything! Your such a ass some times!" His mom was in tears

The 2 cops were holding Adyen, and 2 cops were holding his step dad

"Let me go! I didn't do anything he started it he put his hands on me!" Adyen yelled at the police officers

"You need your ass busted I have HAD it with you, you don't listen to anything or anyone!" His step dad stated.

"John, just clam down I will come get you out of jail." His mom said.

The cops let Adyen go and put John his step dad in the police car and drove off. Adyen started walking to me.

"Enjoy the show?! Nosy ass!" He yelled at me.

"Look, I'm getting real sick of you talking to me like I am nothing! I didn't do shit to you! I came to see who the hell woke up everyone with their stupid shit. Of course it would be you "Mr. Bad ass."." I screamed

"Damn, you are brave, but not as brave as you put off I see the look in your eyes it took everything you had o say that." He said as he stepped to me. He whispered. "You ain't shit to me, I know your scared don't act like your not. Your scared and you want me at the same time."

He ran his hands down my back and it gave me chills. I couldn't move his voice was music to my ears his touch was like no other. He had his hands around my waist now. Breathing hard.

"If your so brave why haven't you backed away from me? Why are you letting me do what I want right now." He laughed. "Bye, Amerson."

Just like that he was gone it was like time stopped I don't know why I can't move when he is that close. Ugh I don't like this. school is in 3 hours this is just great. Fml.


Well it is 6:30 time to walk to school. i am so sleepy waking up at 4. I couldn't go back to sleep either for some odd reason Adyen was on my mind. I was wondering where he went after he stormed off. I don't even know why i even cared after him being such a jerk to me but i have had a crush on him since the 8th grade and i don't even know why. A guy like him and a girl like me just doesn't go together at all.

I walked into the school and headed to my locker to see that idiot at my locker again.

"Didn't i tell you this was my locker to pick a different one? Do you really have to be this hard headed?!" I stated.

"Awh little Amerson it getting all mad again. Why cant you just pick a different locker and leave me the hell ALONE?!" he yelled

"I have had this locker since i was a freshmen! and STOP calling me little damn it ! I'm 16 so stop!"

"16 funny! I'm 18 so you are little to me and if i have to look down on someone as short as you, i call the little. Pick a different locker!"

"Fine! ugh! I HATE YOU!" i yelled

"Awh that hurt so bad. i hate you too!"

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