You were not you.

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Hey guys! I wanted to do something different to keep yall wanting more. Any ways i wanna know what yall are thinking so just keep on reading and i finally hit 200 reads! so thank you so much!

Much Love<3


 "Whats wrong baby?" Adyen whispered into my ear still holding me tightly in his arms. He didnt sound liek he usually does, this was a different Adyen; one i did not know of.

"Adyen, you're hurting me." I never looked into his eyes. i just looked at the ground

he shook me and yelled. "Amerson damnit look at me!" he tightened his hands that were wrapped around my arm. I was trying so hard not to cry. I finally looked up at him into his eyes. They were cold dark, i have never seen his eyes this color which scared me even more. He smirked at me and leaned in to kiss me. I turned my head so he couldnt kiss my lips, but he didnt stop he just kept kissing down my neck, until he reach my ear. I could hear and feel him breathing on me.

"I need you, i want you right now." 

"Adyen please dont." He let go of my arms and i fell to the floor and a tear ran down my face.

"GET UP!" He yelled at me so i did, i didnt want him any madder than he already was.

"Adyen, please dont do anything lets to go to bed, go to sleep and forget anything happened." i was begging tears still rolling down my face. How could I not know this side of Adyen we have been hanging out for bout 3 months and i have never seen him like this i wander what happened.

He ran his hand through he hair and he looked like he got stressed out all of a sudden. Then he turned around and left. I got up and ran out the door.

"Adyen! Adyen! what are you doing dont leave! where are you going!" He never turned back he just kept walking. 

I went back inside and went up to my, well it is kinda our room now. I got into bed and let the tears coming not going to hold them back anymore. Just dont let him be hurt. God keep him safe.

I must of cried my self to sleep cause i woke up around 11:00 the next day. Great i missed school oh well. it being almost Christmas we arent doing much so i just was gonna stay home no use in going know right? I up to go take a shower. When i got into the bathroom i shut and locked the door. I turned to look in the mirror. Which i shouldnt of done. My hair was in a messy bun that was all over my head, My makeup was all down my face from crying. My eyes traveled to were Adyen had a hold of me. 

I gasped when i seen it. There on each side of my arms were 2 perfect hand print bruises on my arms. You could see the outline of his fingers everything they were perfect hand print. They were a dark blueish black color, mixed with a pruple color. I couldnt believe Adyen did this. Its not like him. 

I shook the thought out of my head and got out of the shower. I told a long hot shower to clear my head. I then got out and put on my skinny jeans, and a blue v-neck shirt. I put on a neon pink cardigan to hide the brusie on my arms. I put on my neon pink vans on to match the cardigan and straightened my hair. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the door. 

I was gonna walk over to harry's to see if he could explain to what happened. I walked up to the door and to my surpirse Shaunna answered the door. I gave her a hug and she opened the door to come in. 

"Where is harry?" i asked 

"And here i thought you came over to see me.!" She laughed and hit my arm playfully it wasnt hard but it hurt cause of the bruises. I whined when she did it. She had a confused look on her face. Please dont ask me why that hurt. Please dont ask. Please dont ask.

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