please just kill me.

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I woke up. It feels like i have been asleep for, forever. My head is killing me. I tried to move and get back but something was stopping me. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to get up again. I was tied down to a bed. My heart starting beating so fast. I looked down. Thank god i still had my cloths on. Maybe if i screamed someone could hear me and come help.

"SOME ONE HELP ME! PLEASE! HELP ME!" I was screaming as loud as i could, when the door opened. And there he stood. Adyens uncle. He walked over to the side of the bed. He was smiling at me.

"Scream all you want, but baby no one can hear you." I started crying at this time. He put his hand were the tears were and wiped them away. I moved my hand away from him and he smacked me right across the face. Hard. 

He started to rub my legs. I tried to move but the ropes wouldnt let me. 

"So tell me, Are you a virgin?" He asked

"What?" I said

"Are you a virgin." he repeated

"Why does that matter?" I said 

"Cause im gonna have a little fun darlin. So are and this time if you do not answer me then i will hit you even harder then last time."

"no im not a damn virgin."

"How many times have you done it?" What the fuck is up with him?


"Good, Was it with Adyen?"


"Even better." He laughed. "You can scream or do whatever but no one will be able to hear you so. the is no use but if you want whatever. Now im gonna do what i want to you and you will not say anything. If you dont let me kiss you, or fight it i will beat you until you are out of it then do it then. and you will get the worst punishment you have ever had in you life."

"Please just kill me." I didnt want to do this.

"Nah there is no fun in that baby girl." 

He started to kiss me. I was crying i didnt want this. I let him kiss me but i never kissed back. He started to kiss down my neck. He then ripped off my shirt. He started to kiss my chest. I felt numb now. I just wanted Adyen. He then pulled off this pants, i started crying harder. 

"Shhh baby, you will love this." He laughed. He then pulled off this boxers. 

Holy shit. He was alot bigger than Adyen which scared me. Adyen hurt me alot. i dont want to do this please just kill me please! 

He started to bring his member up to me. 

"Suck it." He told me I moved my head to get away to be smacked even harder than before. 

"NOW!" he yelled. I turned away again. 

"Fine. i was only going to help you. I will go in dry your pain is my gain." He smiled.

He started to remove my pants. There i lay with nothing on and im about to be raped. This would only happen to me. FML. i just wish i was dead. 

He then put himself in between my legs. I closed my eyes knowing whats going to happen nect was something i didnt want. He slamed his self into me.

"PLEASE STOP! OH MY GOSH PLEASE STOP PLEASE." I was screaming and crying so hard i couldnt see cause i was crying so hard. I have never hurt this bad in my life. 

He was fully in and stayed there.

"No baby i told you, you would get punished now your gonna take it." He then oulled all the way out and slamed back into over and over again. I would rather be shot then do this. Someone please kill me. After i could take the pain no more. I closed my eyes and mouth and stopped breathing so i would pass out and this would stop. after about 2 mins of not breathing i slowly felt my self go to sleep.



When an hour passed and Amerson didnt show up we called the cops. I told them everythign that had happen and they started to look for him. It has been 4 hours since Amerson had gone missing and knoing my uncle has her makes me wanna beat the fuck out of someone. I dont want her to have to go through what i did. My phone started to ring.


"Yes, is this Adyen Jackswell?" 

"Yes it is."

"This is the police station. We have found where your uncle is. We are about to go over there and get Amerson do you want us to pick you up so you can go with us."

"Yes but i want one thing."

"That is?"

"For yall to put a bullet in my uncles head."

"We will."

15 mins later a cop car pulled up to the house i got in. We drove in silence all the way there. After about 25 mins we were there. 

"Okay, if you stay here while we go in, we will shoot him. But if you go in we will let him live."

I nodded. They went in. I heard gun shots. Then someone came out fo the house. It was a cop with amerson in his arms. She was covered up with a blank it. But she wasnt awake or moving. I jumped out fo the car. 

"AMERSON!" I yelled and ran over. I took here from the police officers hands. got in the cop car and we drove to the hospital. I carried her in. 

"Please someone help me." i yelled and then everyone was around me taking amerson away from me. They told me to fill out papers so i did. After an hour they told me i could see her. She was covered up and had her knees to her chest crying her eyes out. It pained me to see her this way.

I walked over to her and put my hand on her cheek. She looked up at me. I started crying at the time i seen her. The words, she said next made me feel so bad.

"I hurt everywhere, It wont go away. Adyen help me please take the pain away." I got into bed with her and pulled her up to me.she put her head on my chest and was crying even harder now.

"Shh baby is okay he is gone. Im so sorry i wasnt there to stop it i tried to get to you. I never stopped. I found you baby. I will take the pain away. I wish it was me instead of you im gonna be here for you every step of the way. I love you."

"Adyen please never leave me again. I love you."


Okay so what did yall think? I hoped all like it. Im sorry i havent updated. with homework and school. And i have to write an ffa speech and remember and say it at the state fair in nashville! THATS CRAZY. i hate public speaking but if any of you are close to nashville come out and listen ot my speech. On september 9th at 10:30 in the morning ! anywayys i hope yall like the book

Much love<3

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