I swear.

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Hello lovely readers! i had some free time today so i thought why not update so im going to. Help me get my book out there and tell everyone to read it please! Oh and i got my braces off! hell yeah im in a great mood.! The sun is out and im feeling okay i hope you all had a great day! yes that is off vine but i love it! Anyways what are yall thinking about the book so far?! keep comments coming it makes me so happy to read them! Any who happy reading <3

much love<3



"I love you.." 

That took everything i had in me to say. I have never told a girl i love them but knowing i  almost died i cant live my life without telling her that yeah we have only known each other for a little while but still. i love her. 

"I love you too Adyen."

"You do? Your not just saying that cause you feel bad are you, you really mean it.?"

"I swear.. I cant picture my life without you being in it. We may have fights over the many hoes that fall over you. or stupid bets, but as long as you love me we will fight through it. Together,"



Even though i am in pain like alot of pain i couldn't help but put the biggest smile on my face. She is everything to me.

"Will you lay with me? i need you in my arms." I asked 

"I don't know Adyen your hurt-"

i cut her off. "Nope get in this bed with me i need you in my arms. it don't hurt that bad."

"ugh you are so hard headed!" 

She was just about to get up when the doctor came in. 

"Hello, Mr. Jackswell how are you feeling?"

"Um okay i guess my ribs are hurting like a bitch though."

He laughed. well i don't think think this is funny asshole.

"I will give you some meds to make it stop hurting but it will make you sleepy and  you cant fight it or your ribs will hurt worst."


"Mrs. Jackswell" Did they just call her my wife? "He should be fine if you wanna go home and take a shower or anything."

"Nah i think im just gonna stay with him,"

"Okay, just let me know if you need anything and Adyen your meds should be kicking in, in about 20 mins."

"thank you." Amerson said. 

"Amerson.. did he call you my wife?"

"Ugh! Please don't be mad! there was this stupid bitch in the front office that wouldnt tell me anything so i told her i was your wife and i demanded to see you. She told me what room you were in and i came in, and you were asleep. The doctor came in and told me everything about the damage and he asked me if i was your wife or close family cause they were the only ones aloud in here at the time so i told him i was your wife to stay with you cause there was no way in HELL i was leaving you again." The heat reached her cheeks which turned bright red as she told me the story i thought it was cute and i would of done the same thing if i was her.

"Amerson Jackswell. Its got a ring to it don't it?" I said we both laughed.

I leaned up and kissed her on the lips. Man i missed kissing her. After i pulled back she had tears in her eyes and one tear rolled down her cheek. I cupped her face with my hand to make her look me in the eyes.

"I didn't think i would ever hear your voice again, or touch your lips again. I got home and fell asleep everyone had called me and messaged me. I felt so bad and i should of been here way earlier then i was. i love you Adyen."

"Baby, its okay I'm still here! i swear i wont leave you okay? your everything to me. I love you too am."

She stood up and laid next to me in the hospital bed. I held her tight she did the same. We both fell asleep.



Today was the day that Adyen got to come home from the hospital. The whole time he was in there i never left his side. My dad told me i would be living on my own for a few months cause of this really good job he got i dont know. Adyen was staying with me. I wasnt gonna leave him. Even though he is FULLY healed and there is no more pain im making him stay with me which he didnt mind. Harry wanted to take him out to a club tonight. I didnt want him to go but he did. So shaunna came over and we watched movies and caught up on a lot.

"Are you sure you dont want me to stay with you untill Adyen gets home?" shaunna asked for like the millonth time. 

"Yes im sure. I will be fine trust me i grew up around here and it is getting late, Drive safe, and text me when you get home love you!" i said while hugging her

"Sure will love you bye! text me if you need me i will be over in a heart beat!"

"Kay" i called out to her.

I went back into the living room to clean up all the popcorn and everything from me and shaunna. I was washing dishes when i heard the front door shut i walked around to see if it was Adyen. 

There in front of me stood a very drunk Adyen that looked pissed off. I have never seen him drunk. Or mad.. I walked up to him and he smiled and grabbed me by my arms tight and rough. Oww that hurts.

"Adyen please dont."


Okay guys tell me what yall think about this Chapter! This is a short one i know but next one will be longer promise! and this is not editted !

Keep calm and keep reading!

much love 


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