This is it..

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Hey! I am so sorry i havent updated in a while just have been busy with everything school is about to start so hang with me. I would really like to know what yall think of my book. I gonna start doing something new where im gonna do songs of the week. What i need is for you to comment your favorite song and i will listen to it. Which ever song i like best will be in the next chapter! So yeah i hope you like this chapter! Comment, vote and all that other stuff. 

Much lovee<3


Even though the hospital is only 6 minutes away it was the longest drive i have ever took. Everything was going around my head. All the bad things i had said to him. The last thing that happened before the wreck was us fighting. What was i going to do if he didn't make it. I never got to tell him how much i loved him.I hate myself.

As I pulled up to the hospital my heart rate went sky high. What was i gonna do if something happened to him he is all i have. Tears were forming in my eyes as i walked to the hospital. Everyone was running around like they were running from something. I seen Shaunna and she was on the floor while Harry was holding her. They both were crying.. That's not a good sign. somethings wrong. 



We didn't know much but what we did know wasn't good. How was i gonna tell Amerson. It would crush her. I already have Shaunna freaking out. She felt the same way i did about the hole tell Amerson thing. How would she take it. I hate telling people bad news. Why does this happen to me. 

Tears were now rolling out of my eyes. Then there she was. She looked in shock as she slowly walked over to me and Shaunna on the floor. Well time to put your big boy boxers on and tell her. here goes nothing.



What if he is dead? I shook off the thought that scared me to death. I walked until i was up to harry and shaunna. He looked up at me and i seen tears rolling down his face. I had never seen this boy cry before. This is bad Amerson, This is bad. Just run away.

Harry closed his eyes and stood up and left shaunna there after telling her to stay there. He told me to follow him so i did. For some reason the first day i actually talked to Adyen ran through my mind. 


"Um what do you think your doing? This is my locker freshmen get to walking!" I said.

"I'm not a fucking freshmen bitch." He said back.

"Who are you calling a bitch? I have had this damn locker since i was a freshmen so its mine." I yelled.

He stepped closer to me and Whispered in my ear.

"Getting brave now are we, Amerson? You should watch who you raise your voice to little girl."

His voice sent chills up my back and i could hardly breathe. When he lefted it came to me who it was. The bad at Franklin hills. Adyen Jackswell. I thought he had gotten sent off last year but i guess they let him stay. I opened my locker and his stuff was in it.

"Ugh! This should be fun.. not." i groaned.

The first day went by pretty fast, it was just an hour and a half day. I walked to school cause i hated people, and my mom passed away when i was a baby, its just me and my dad. My dad said he would drive me to school but when my mom died he stopped caring for me because i was the reason i mean he still loved me and took care of me he just didn't look me in the eye or talk to me much, so i just walk to save the silence in the car its not that far.

I was walking down my street when i seen a movers van being un packed i stopped and walked over i lived across from the new people and wanted to be nice. Actually i just wanted to see who it was. As i walked over and i heard yelling.

"Ugh!! I hate you and mom i cant stand yall. Wait till i run 18 I'm fucking outta here and your never see me again! " Some boy yelled

"Adyen Lee Jackswell you do not talk to me and your mother like that! you live under our roof our rules now help un pack!" yelled someone back

"You are NOT my damn dad so stop acting like it, you want it to be un packed you un pack the damn shit! I'm gone." Adyen yelled back.

Well isn't this great i have new people on my street and them fighting is better the cable. This should be fun i just turned around and started walking home. i heard someone be hide me then someone pulled me back.

'What the hell?!" i screamed

"I know you heard all that. And i seen the scared look on your face at school and just a minute ago." He said as he stepped closer he started to whisper in my ear.

"Do i scare you Amerson?" he laughed "I should."

Why was i so mean to him?! why couldn't of i just been  big girl and just shut up! I hate how mean i was to him. But i couldn't talk it back now. That's what scared me. He use to scare me but knowing something is really wrong with him is what is scaring me the most.

I was pulled out of my flashback when Harry turned around looked at me. Tears were still rolling down his face. I felt weak all of a sudden and i just fell to the ground and started crying and harry held me. I didn't want to know what he new i wasn't ready. 

"Amerson" He cleared his throat he was shaking. "I need to tell you something okay?" I couldn't speak and i just nodded. I new what was coming next. I held him tighter like my life depended on it and he did the same. 

"Adyen... he" 


I bet you all hate me now but oh well i just had to do it. Is he still alive? is he okay? hmm read my next chapter and find out.(; Don't forget about the songs please! and comment and vote 

Much loveee<3

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