Just saying no is harder than you think.

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"Hey Amerson, how was school today ?" my daddy yelled as i walked through the door.

"It was okay i guess, why are you home you re never home this early?" i stated

"I'm packing i will be out of town until Monday for a business thing. Will you be okay for 5 days by your self?" he asked

"Dad I'm 16 i can drive if i need anything i will be fine go have fun, be careful i will see you when you get back." i explained. he hugged me and he was on his way to the airport. 

I actually was excited about him leaving i would have the house to my self, and be able to just be my self. 5 days without my dad which i mean i love him but sometimes he needs to get away. So he will get home Monday night. What was i gonna do for 5 days? I cant throw a party i don't talk to anyone it would be so point less. Maybe i could go to a party, but than again who would i even talk to. I guess i will be visiting the movie place lot this week. One more day and i will have completed my first week of my senior year... woah time flies

i walk up to my room and turn on my radio. i laid on my bed thinking "does Adyen really hate me?" i mumbled. i sure don't hate him. 

-Adyen's Pov-

Wow. I believe i told Amerson i hated her. i could never hate a girl like her. I guess i was just mad and didn't know what else to say. I really need to watch what i say. Does she really hate me? I mean if i was her i would probably hate e to i have been such an ass to her. Why can i just be nice to her.

"Adyen! Man your moms on the phone and is asking when your coming home, and that John left to go on a business trip and wont be back until Tuesday." Harry yelled. Harry was my best friend and i was staying with him. 

"Tell her i will stop by and talk to her when i fell like it! and that i hope John's plane crushes and burns." I yelled while he laughed. 

I heard a knock on the door. 

"come in man" i said

"dude your mom is so pissed off! " he laughed "she hung up." 

"good, i hope she leaves me alone own she is so stupid thinking i even care that the asshole is going on a business trip what else was i suppose to say" i laughed. 

"So about that Amerson girl." harry asked

"what about that slut" i said without even thinking not meaning what i said.

"You think you can get into her pants?" harry said with a smile.

"Think? I know I can she cant even move when im close to her. i could have it in a second, as a matter of fact, her dad works with dipshit i bet he is going with him. 5 days alone in that big house all by her self? ha we will see how much she hates me" I said with a smile. 


I am so happy today is Friday, Im so sick of school already.  I just want to go to my new locker and not see or talk to anyone like i had always done. I walked in the school and it looked like half the kids skipped today I should of just stayed home. I see Adyen walking up to me. To my new locker i picked out on the other side of the school far away from him and i still have to look at his damn perfect face. 

"What the hell do you want?!  I moved lockers so i wouldn't have to look at you so can you leave.?" i asked

he shut my locker door and got really close to my face.

"Its nice to see you too. Your dad is on a 5 day business trip right?" adyen asked

"how the hell did you know that?"

"He works with John the guy my mom marri-"

"you mean you step dad" i interrupted 

"He ain't shit to me okay got that?" he said madly

i smiled 

"awh is little Adyen getting mad?" laughing

He got closer

"Being alone in that big house of yours shouldnt be fun all by your self will it? No one home, no one to tell you, you cant do something. No one to tell you, you cant have boys in your room." he whispered as he ran the back of his hand down my cheek. 

"I-I'll be fine thank you im a big girl." i returned

"I think you need someone to be there with you, to have fun with or in case something happens." he laughed "i think i will be just the right person dont you? I will see you at 7, we'll have a sleep over." he winked and was gone before i could say no. What the hell kind of fun? Boys in my room. oh my gosh i dont even wanna go home now. 

The 3:00 bell rings school is over.

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