chapter one

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Abyssus's pov

Well I am now standing in a dark alley. Why am I standing in a dark alley you ask well, I am waiting to be paid for my last kill. I see a black ford pull up at the entrance to the alley.

" Mr Black are you here ". No that is not my real name but it does for my line of work. No one see's my face, No one know's my name. No come back on me if they cock it up.

" Yes I'm here did you bring the money ". I can hear the shaking of his voice. " Yes sir, I also have another job for you ". Mmm he is what is more commonly known as a go between.

He come's and pay's me and give's me the job's. While the brain's behind the hit's hide's. So he is sort of the fall guy. " Okay leave them by the step's there and leave. Don't look back ".

He drop the padded envelope on the ground and jump's in his car and pull's away. I then go and pick up the envelope and see sixty thousand dollar's. I'm happy with that not bad for a suicide.

I then take out the picture and the detail's of the next hit. Mmm a merchant banker. I wonder who he pissed off to be on the hit list. Oh well I don't care as long. As I get paid for my work.

I see the price on his head is eighty thousand dollar's. Nice well back to check on my other hit. I have two week's to kill this merchant banker. I only have a week to kill Zeita.

Her Father is some sort of playboy. She is ruining his image. So he want's her out of his life for good.

 So he has hired me to kill her. I have been watching her for day's. From what I have seen she has been no where near him.

Anyway I'm sat in the tree outside her house watching her. I know she is my mate. So what am I going to do. I can kill her and feel empty forever. Or keep her safe and away from her father.

Make it look like she is dead. By putting someone in her place. I could burn the house down he would never know she was still alive.

Zeita's pov

I don't know why. I have this feeling, I'm being watched. Stupid I know but, I can't help it. My Father and I had this huge row and he said he would kill me.

I don't care. I just want  to grow up and act his age. Yes so he is a millionaire so what. I hate him, I have worked hard for my money. I work in a bank, I'm a till girl as we call ourself's.

I earn enough to live on. Mum passed away three year's ago, Just before my nineteen birthday. So yes you guessed it. I'm twenty one.

My Father if you can him that is Patrick Macgrill. He is forty one year's old but he act's like a twenty one year old. When he has his lady friend's over I have to call him Patrick .

I haven't seen him or spoken to him in two week's. I like it this way. Peace and quiet. I kick my shoe of and lie back on the sofa. I close my eye's amd think happy thought's.

Abyssus's pov

She has her eye's closed. I think she might be asleep. I sneak up to the window. I disperse in to a cloud of mist. I then creep through the gap in her window before reforming.

I go up to her and Lean down to bite her neck. But just as I do. I see her eye's start to open as if she knew I was there. I disperse in to mist and exit the through the window again.

Damn that was too close. I will have to be more carefully. I watch as she sit's up and stretch's before going up the stair's. I watch her undress. She is so beautiful. I then watch as she climb's in to bed naked.

I can feel my manhood grow harder as my mind start's to think of all the thing's I could do to her. I shake my head and try to refocus on the hit. She has to die. I form a plan in my head on how to kill her.

I disperse in to mist. I also put a shroud around me. So she can't feel me or see me. I then enter her room through her window. I go up to the side of her. I lean down ready to bite her again but, I can't do it.

What the hell is wrong with me. I'm good at my job. Yet I can't kill her . I pull a knife from my pocket and place it to her throat. She move's and the knife cut's her throat. She jump's and sit's up.

I leave quickly. I don't turn back. I then run to her Father's house to have it out with him.

Zeita's pov

I felt something cold touch my neck. I jump and what ever it was has cut me. I get up and run to the bathroom.

I can see blood running down my neck. It isn't deep so I clean it up and put a dressing on it.

I then go to the window and close it. You may think me mad. But I would swear someone is trying to kill me.

That is twice tonight. That I have felt someone in the room with me. I bet this is something my Father has cooked up.

I suddenly feel a chill run down my spine.  " Stop it Zeita you are thinking the worse for nothing ". I alway's talk to myself when, I'm scared. I think I will phone Patrick and see if he has anything to do with this.

I ring his number. It is answered by a women. " Hello ". I sigh. " Can I speak to Patrick please ". She sigh's. " He's in a meeting you will have to phone back ". She then hang's up, the bitch.

Patrick's pov

Mr Black as he call's himself is here. " Why are you here ". He give's me a dark grin. Which I have to say, I don't like. " Have you taken care of my problem ". He seem's to be glaring at me.

" Why do you want rid of your own child ". I smile. " She is a burden I don't want ". He doesn't seem to like this answer. I don't really care as long as he take's care of my problem for me.

" So is she dead ". He shake's his head. " Not yet but, She will be in the next few day's ". I grin and rub my hand's together. " Good, No go, come back when she is dead ".

He turn's and leave's. Now I can go back to bed with my new bed buddie. Yes I love sex. I take a different women to bed every night.

Abyssus's pov

I am now back outside zeita's house watching her sleep. I know, I have a choice to make. But which one. I could just take her and hide her somewhere until I decide what to do with her.

Her Father has made it clear he want's her dead by the end of the week. That give's me three day's to either kill her or hide her and make out she is dead.

What a choice to make. Kill my mate or hold her hostage.

Hope you enjoy, Love you all, Vote and comment please XD

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