chapter ten

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Abyssus's pov

I hold her in my arm's. I feel the barrier's, I put around my heart are falling away.

It has been two week's since I started training Zeita in the way's of an assassin, She is a quick learner.

 She has taken me down twice, She is also about eight week's pregnant she will only carry for five month's.

So we have another three month's to go. She is sleeping at the moment so I'm going through my list of hit's.

I'm surprised how well she is doing. She has a hard hit on her for a human female. If I was human, I would be black and blue and have broken bone's.

 " Abyssus I can't sleep ". I pat the seat beside me. " What's wrong ". She rub's her eye's. " I feel sick ". Oh that again. I drop the paper's on the table. I put my arm around her shoulder.

I still find this a bit uncomfortable, But I'm trying. " Here this might help ". I bite in to my wrist and hand it to her.

 I flinch as she suck's my blood. I need to feed, Ah that hurt's. Yes I need to feed, I feel as if she is draining my life source.

 She pull's back and then lie's her head on my knee while I read my list of next hit's. Well I'm trying.

" Abyssus why don't you stop ". I look at Zeita. " It's what I was trained to do. What you prefer me to sit around and act like a count and order slave's around all day ".

 She laugh's, I roll my eye's and shake my head. " Zeita I have been a death dealer all my life. I can't just stop ". She look's away. " Zeita ". She sigh's. " Can I ask you something ".

Okay this is strange she wouldn't normally say that she would just say it. I nod. " If I wasn't your mate would you have killed me ".

 I should have known. " You are my mate so why worry about it ". She get's up and goes to the window.

 " Abyssus answer the question ". I sigh, I knew she would ask me this one day so. " Yes I would have ".

She nod's and goes back upstair's I hear the bedroom door shut. Why did I answer that. I walk upstair's she has locked her door

. I shake my head and mist in to her room. I find her crying on the bed. " Zeita come on you are my mate so it doesn't matter now ". 

 She wont look at me. " But you tried to kill me twice right ". Damn she is good.

" Yes but how did you know ". She sigh's. " I felt someone in my house twice on the same night ". She will be a psychic vampire maybe.

 " You cut me didn't you Abyssus ". I shake my head. " No you did that, I put the blade to your throat and, as I started to move it away. You turned and it cut you lightly ".

She walk's over and slap's me hard across the face.

" Well thank you ". She unlock's the door and walk's out. I follow her. She goes to my weapon's room. I watch as she grab's a blade of the shelf.

She then turn and hold's to my throat. " Don't move Abyssus, I might cut you ". I owe her this, she is also upset and her hormone's are raging.

 I turn my head and the blade cut's me. She drop's the blade and run's from the room.

" Zeita for hell sake. This is what you wanted ". She turn's and snap's at me. " Leave Abyssus you are good at running when thing's get to heavy for you ".

What the hell is that suppose to mean. I grab her arm and push her up againest the wall. " What does that mean ".

She struggle's and I let her go because of the baby. " Go to hell ". She hit's me again.

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