chapter twenty two

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Zeita's pov 

I hug my son close to me and wonder what his life will be like he will be a Lord one day of all of this and yet I didn't even know this exsisted until a few days ago. 

I do know that one day I would like to have another child I dont want Abyssus Jr to be an only child like me. 

I put Jr down in his play pen when I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my stomach, I cry out and double over before everything goes black. 

Abyssus's pov

I hear Ze cry out so I run up to our son's room to see Ze blacked out on the floor with blood all around her, I look her over and see no cut's and no bites.

I pick her up and carry her to our room and lie her down on the bed, I then call for the Doctor to be brought to our room to find out what is wrong with her. 

Ze look's so pale and she has lost alot of blood I wonder what cause just a major loss of blood in her, I hear the Dr's voice I go to meet him at the door. 

" Hello my Lord welcome home ". He bow's to me.

" Will you please find out what is wrong with soon to be wife, I found her collapse on our son's bedroom floor surrounded by blood ". He nod's and I go down to the drawing room to look at my mother's picture again.


The days that followed in the temple were hard for me, I slept during the day and as soon as the sun set I was forced out on the prade ground and forced to train how to kill without biting. 

We were not allowed to feed from the human's that were brought into the temple unless we earned the kill which wasnt always easy to earn. 

I clearly remember my third year there it was when I met Light she was brought to the temple with her father she was  12 at the time I was 13.

We had a strange feeling for each other from that first day.

The Master's told us that we were not to get involved with the lycan's in anyway as they were here to help us train and become better warrior's.

I never really under stood that part but anyway as time moved on me and light became closer she helped me train and in return I showed her the easy area's to take down and a vampire.

Our friendship move on more as the years went on.

I remember one night when I was 17 she came to see me in the field outside the temple where I had been shackled to the wall for killing another vampire. 

" Abyssus I have brought you blood and a letter from your home ". 

" A letter from home, will you read it to me ". She nod's and help's me with the blood first. 

I watch as she sits in the grass in front of me, She then read's the letter to me. 

" Dear Son, 

          I regret to inform you that your Mother died early this morning, she was killed in a fight with another vampire clan. 

I am badly hurt and will remain on the estate until my death which I fear wont be long, I am also writing this to tell you once I am gone this estate and all land will belong to you. 

Promise me son you will one day return here and be the lord you are ment to be.

                                    Your Father 

P.s The temple isnt a training school for the vampire Army, you are training to be a vampire assassin.

I can't contain the pain that rip's through me as I cry out. 

Light comes and holds me as I start to fall to my knee's, I cry on her shoulder.

Once I calm down I tell her to get back inside the grounds before the guard's come to release me or she will get in trouble. 

A few hour's after she leave's I'm release and taken back to my room where I'm lock inside with the letter from my Father, Light must have gotten back before they noticed it was missing.

I read it again and out of anger I hit the wall's and throw thing's around before collapsing on the floor to cry.

Again as the sun set's my door is unlocked and I'm taking to temple circle where I'm chained to the floor and ask if I regret killing the vampire. 

I shake my head and then Im beaten and taken to my room this happened for three day's before I was release to train again. 

I trained hard and fast I had nothing to live for anymore death would be a great escape to me now. 

It never came, Light became more than a friend to me we got closer and she would sneak into my room and we would make love.

End of flash back.

I'm pulled from my thought's by the Dr. 

"Lord Steffane your Lady has lost a child she will recover in a few day's ". I bow my head.

I didn't even know Ze was pregant again, I should go to her but I have no idea what to say to her.

" Thank you Antone ". He nod's.

" Steffane are you back for good ". I look at my childhood friend.

" Yes Antone I'm back for good ". He smile's.

" It's been to long Steffane ". 

" Yes it has I'm glad you never made it to the temple ". 

"Me too as I have heard stories of how bad it is there ".

" It was bad it gone now it was destroyed 400 year's ago ". 

He nods and turns to leave. " Antone come by later and we will talk ". 

He bow's and leave's and I walk slowly up to our room to Ze.

hope you enjoy love you all

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