chapter two

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Abyssus's pov

After leaving Zeita's Father's home. I have decided the only way to make this work for both of us is for her disappear.

 I will find a girl similar to her and kill her. I will make sure there is no way to tell it's not Zeita.

I run from her house. I wait in an alley and watch for someone about her height. I see the perfect match.

I glamour her in to the alley. I kiss her and run my hand's over her body. She moan and arches in to me .

I hate this part. Having to fake it, just to feed my need for blood. But this is more than a need for blood.

 This is to save my mate, I can't say, I love her. As I have never felt love. I just know she is my mate.

Because of the feeling I get when. I'm around her, It like a magnetic pull. It draw's you in and, it wont let go.

 Okay back to what I was doing. I try and imagine that this is my mate. Mmm this seem's to be working.

Yes that's it arch that neck baby. Got you. I strike like a cobra. You don't know how good it feel's when your fang's break the skin.

 Then that precious red liquid fill's my mouth. I feel her body go limp.

I then hear her heart beat stop. She is dead. I remove her teeth. I then throw her over my shoulder. Before disperse in to mist with the body.

 I reform with the body over my shoulder. I then disperse again.

I reform and dump the body on the floor in the lounge. I the go up the stair's. I find her asleep, With a bit of luck. I can do this cleanly. I slip a gad in to her mouth and a blind fold over her eye's .

I then tie her hand and feet. I then throw her over my shoulder. I glimmer with her to my house. Which is high in the mountain's no one will hear her scream.

No one know's I live here. That's the great thing about being an outsider.

I have formed a shroud around this area. No one know's this house is even here. I then glimmer back to her house.

 I set the scene and then walk away. I hide in the shadow's and watch as the house goes up in flame's .

I then go to Patrick Macgrill. I enter his house. " What are you doing here Mr Black ". I growl. " Your job is done ".

He smile's and get up and goes to his office. He come back with wad of note's. " Your payment and thank you ".

I nod and walk away from him. The sick git deserve's a hit on him. I would gladly do it for free. Once in the shadow's I glimmer back to my place. She is awake.

Zeita's pov.

I try to open my eye's but, I can't, Nor can I scream. I'm tied to something cold. I'm scared. I can't move.

Why am I here, where am I. What the hell is going on. I have never been so scared in my whole life. Why would anyone to this to me.

I feel someone is in the room with me. Why won't they speak or help me unless they are being held to.

 If they think they will get any money from my Father for my safe return, They can think again. He hate's me, He never wanted me.

He told me that when, I was six year's old he alway's want a boy. That is why my Mother left him. She brought me up alone.

I hardly saw him. I have no love for my Father. I try and see if I can pull these knot's loose. Ah I want to scream.

They are cutting in to my wrist's as I struggle to get free. I can feel tear's in my eye's. Please someone help me.

I then hear a voice, I don't know. " Stop you will cut yourself ". I mumble asking for help. " Hold on I will remove your gag ".

Who ever this is has cold smooth hand's. I feel the gag being taken away. " Thank you, now let me you F**king ass ".

 He laugh's yes it's a man. The voice is to deep to a women. " I might like you like this ". I feel his hand go up my bare leg.

" If you don't stop I will scream ". He laugh's again but he does stop. " Scream all you want no one will hear you ".

Okay now I am really scared. " What do you want ". He seem's to have gone quiet. " Are you still here ". Still nothing. Then. " Yes I'm here ".

" Please just tell me why ". He sigh's. " Your not a hostage. I'm trying to keep you safe ". What does that mean.

Abyssus's pov

Why the hell did. I say that. I must be losing my touch. Her skin is so soft. I will have to untie her at some point.

 I reach over her and remove her blind fold. I then untie her leg's. As I untie her hand she move's across the bed and curl's up.

Okay I have scared her. Well she will be even more scared when she see's my fang's.  " Your safe here ".

 She look's at me. " ". Her voice sound's shakey. Great here goes. Well who can she tell there is no why out of here for her.

" My name is Abyssus ". I bow to her. Yes I have manner's. I just don't use them on the scum that hire me.

" I'm Zeita nice to meet you ". She hold's out a shakey hand. I take it and shake it quickly. " My Mum brought me up with manner's no matter the situation ".

" Well I have food for you in the kitchen ". She nod's and get up and wobble's. I catch her before she fall's. " Thank you ".

I nod. I then lead her to the kitchen. I then leave while she eat's. She come's in to the lounge two hour's later. I know she has tried to get away.

I felt it. The thing about a shroud your can feel it when someone tries to break it. " Alright where am I ". She is asking me where she is.

I grin. " Your safe. I wont hurt you unless you force my hand ". She look's close to tear's. "Please, I beg you let me go ".

I shake my head and get up out of my chair. I walk to the window. " My Father won't pay your for my release ".

She is pushing me. " He hate's me. He never wanted me, He even threaten to have me killed ". He told her, what sort of man tell's there own child that.

I speak without looking at her. " What did he tell you ". I hear her gasp. " Your going to kill me ". I can now feel her fear.

Yes I have power's. I'm a mind reader, I can also feel emotion's and I can call animal's to me as I'm a Master Vampire.

I have some power's that you would never believe. So I will explain them to you .  As a Master Vampire I possess the ability to call certain animal and lycanthropes that share the beast. Through this ability, as a Master Vampire I can control animals and lycanthropes.

I can use them as my puppets. It is possible for a Master Vampire like me to be able to call an animal to which there is no lycanthrope. I will only use this power if I felt the the need. Silver can not kill me. But it hurt's. I don't sleep during the day only at night.

Talking about silver hurting me. " Ah what did you do that for ". She has just stabbed me in the arm with a knife. She is backing away from me. Ah my fang's have dropped, so my eye's have changed colour. " What are you ".

I hope you enjoy, love you all, Vote and comment pleaseXD

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