chapter eighteen

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Unknown's pov

I smile to myself, as I think about his face and his rage if he found her dead with a note for me saying blood for blood. He might know who I am then and come looking for me.

But still I must wait four more hour's before, I kill her.

Abyssus's pov

I'm now on my way into the ruined temple, Ze's heart is beating faster and louder in here. I then a voice from my past someone I thought was long since dead.

" Hello Lord Abyssus Blood Dark ". I turn around and come face to face with Taro. " I thought you died along with coven Taro ". He laugh's.

" No Abyssus, I have lived as an outcast because of what you have done to me ". I smile, I did nothing to him. Yes I killed his Father but he deserved to die.

" I have done nothing to apart from killing your Father ". He nod's and smile's. " Yes over a mutt ". I growl at him. " She was having my child when she was killed ".

" Aww poor mutt, well I must go and get your wife, so she can watch you die ". He walk's away laughing.

Taro's pov

He still think's he was in the right to kill my Father over that mutt girlfriend of his well, now his wife get's to watch me behead him and ram a silver steak through his heart.

I go down and grab the stupid little bitch. " Come on your husband is here to see you ". I release the chain's from the wall and pull her behind me.

As we come out into the of the temple she see's him and tries to run to him but, I pull her back with the chain's.

I watch with a grin as she fall's to the floor, I then drag her back toward's me.

She cries out in pain as the sharp jagged egde's of the stone's cut into her soft warm flesh.

I can now smell her warm sweet blood, I bend down once she is in front of me and lick one of her bloody arm's.

Abyssus step's forward and I pull my dagger outand place it againest her throat.

" Move again and she is dead ". He step's back and I grin. " Now I will chain her here to this pillar so she can watch as I kill you ".

She Scream's. " No you can't ". I turn to her and smile. " But I can and I will ".

Zetia's pov

I can do nothing but watch as Abyssus fight's with this vampire. I can see Abyssus is bleeding badly.

I can now feel tear's in my eye's what if he dies and leave's me alone, I can't lose the man I love.

I fight againest the chain's that hold me, I can feel them moving a little so I keep pulling them until I feel the start to give.

I hear a cry and as if in slow motion, I see Abyssus fall to the floor. No he can't be dead I wont let him die.

The other thing turn's to me and grin's. " Well my Lady he is dead and I'm free to run his home in Romania and take you and his son ".

I don't really think, I just run at him. As I pass him Abyssus's body which is still and lifeless.

I pull the steak from his chest and cry for my lost love. I then turn and with all my strength I ram the silver streak right through his chest.

He scream's and drop's to the floor, as I am watching him die. " You take my love, I will now watch you die ". He laugh's.

" Your good but, not good enough ...... ..... ". He doesn't finish what he is saying as I cut of his head with a sword.

I turn to Abyssus and kneel beside him. I sob as think of my lost love and I don't even know where I son is but, I will find him and tell him about his Father.

It's then I feel a cold hand on my knee. " Ze I need blood ". I look up and see my love has his eye's partly open.

" Abyssus your alive ". He give's me a weak smile. " He just missed my heart but I need blood to heal ".

I grab the bloody sword and wipe it clean on my shirt and then cut my wrist with it, I then give it to Abyssus to drink.

He feed for a few minutes an then his eye's close, I know he will sleep for a few day's now to heal. I just hope our son is safe.

Hope you enjoy, love you XD

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