Pit x reader

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You had woken up extremely early, again. You looked at the time, only to realize it was 4:30. You sighed and started to read (Y/F/B). After awhile, you noticed it was 5:15.
You got up and put your glasses on. You then made yourself some hot chocolate. You set it on your coffee table next to your (F/C) couch and went to change out of your pajamas.
You took your glasses back off and set them on your dresser. You then put on your fighting outfit. (It can be whatever you want and, if you can't think of anything, you can use the outfit on the front cover).
You then did your hair in its usual style. You then looked your clock to see it was still only 5:45. You had an hour until you needed to leave.
You grabbed your swords and put them in your sheaths, which were located on your back. You grabbed your book and hot chocolate and sat on your couch. You then started to read; occasionally drinking sips of hot chocolate.
Awhile later, you noticed it was 6:43 and started to get ready to go. You drank the rest of your hot chocolate and brushed your hair again. (Unless it's up). You then walk to the cafeteria and look around.
Nobody, as usual. You just get up to early. Also, everyone will start coming in exactly 5 minutes. You got in line and ordered (F/B). You then sat at your usual table and started to count down when everyone would get there.
5...4...3...2...1. And there they are. All your friends came to sit by you. Palutena, Dark Pit (who knows how you made friends with him), Zelda, Link, Peach, Zero Suit Samus, and, your closest friend, Pit. You gave them a small wave.
"Hey (Y/N)-chan." Pit said happily. You smiled.
"Hello Pit." You say, tilting your head in a cute manner while blushing slightly. Everyone, except Pit, smirked and raised their eyebrows at you. This caused you to blush and look down.
"So, who's brawling today?" Link questioned while sitting down. You look up again.
"Ganondorf and I are." You say. Everyone one gave you a sympathetic look.
"Good luck, you're going to need it." Link replies, whispering the last part, but you still hear him. You glare at him.
"Hey, I haven't lost a single battle and I haven't even used my final smash yet." You say, obviously annoyed.
"(Y/N)-chan, when are you going to use your final smash?" Pit asked.
"When I'm losing." You reply while everyone rolled their eyes at you.
"Anyway, I have to go get ready." You standing up, throwing your tray away, and walking off. Peach, Samus, Palutena, and Zelda walked after you.
"(Y/N), we need to ask you something." Zelda called after you.
"What do you want?" You ask. They all looked at each other until Peach spoke up.
"When are you going to tell Pit how you feel about him?" Peach asked. As soon as you heard this, a blush erupted on your face like a volcano.
"What're you t-talking a-about?" You reply, cursing your stuttering problems. They rolled their eyes at you.
"You know exactly what we're talking about. Anyway, good luck in your match." Samus says, then walking away with everyone else. You then go on the stage, blush still evident on your face.
You got in your ready position, Ganondorf on the other side. There was a large audience, all of your friends included. The countdown was almost up, and you were ready to attack.
As soon as the countdown was up, you and Ganondorf were charging at each other. Ganondorf did his down smash, and you deflected it with both swords, sending launching back a couple feet.
You then ran up to him, going extremely fast, performing a side smash. Unfortunately, he dodged and hit you right in the stomach, sending you to the edge of the stage. You were on the verge of falling off, standing on your tippy toes on the very edge.
Suddenly, you slipped, falling off the side. Luckily, you caught the edge with your hands, and you started to pull yourself up. You then heard footsteps approaching you.
You look up to see Ganondorf about to kick you off, when he got distracted by something. You quickly got back on the stage and performed a side smash, knocking Ganondorf off his feet.
At that moment, you saw what he got distracted by. You looked up and saw the smash token-thing! (I don't know what it is called). You instantly ran for it, and smashed it extremely hard.
This activated your final smash. You were raised in the air by some unknown force while glowing. As soon as you got high enough, a bright, white light filled the whole room, instantly knocking Ganondorf off the stage.
You then fluttered down as they announced the victor.
"And the winner is... (Y/N)! Who, for the first time since she got here, finally revealed her final smash. Wow! Wait one minute, are those angel wings?!?!" The announcer announced.
Everyone looked at you and gasped. There, on your back, were these beautiful, fluffy angel wings. You waved to the crowd, who cheered and clapped, while Ganondorf clapped for you politely.
You then walked off stage, only to be greeted by Pit and Lady Plautena.
"(Y/N)-chan, that was amazing! Also, are those wings permanent?" Pit questioned.
"T-thank you, P-Pit. And no, they're not permanent, but I can make them appear anytime I want." You reply.
"Ok lovebirds, why don't you go talk in Pit's room." Palutena replied while giggling a bit. You both blushed, but nodded. Then, out of nowhere, Pit picked you up and took you all the way to his room.
Once you two got to the door, he set you down and opened the door for you. You stepped inside and took a seat on his couch. He then came in and sat next to you.
"(Y/N)-chan, your wings are beautiful, even if they are temporary. In fact, they are the second most beautiful things I have ever seen." Pit told you. You smiled shyly.
"T-thank y-you P-Pit. Wait, what's the most b-beautiful thing you have ever seen then?" You question, your embarrassment practically leaving you at the end of your sentence. You then tilted your head in a cute yet questioning way, causing Pit to blush.
"W-well, um, I......you are." Pit said. You were about to respond when you felt something soft on your lips, only to realize Pit was kissing you!
At first you were shocked, but you eventually got over it and kissed back while your eyes fluttered closed. The kiss was passionate yet gentle and you loved it. All you knew is that you didn't want it to end.
Then air got in the way; forcing the two of you to pull apart, panting slightly. Pit smiled at you.
"I love you (Y/N)-chan. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met and you give the sun a reason to shine!" Pit said, pulling you into his lap. You blushed heavily.
"I love you too, Pit. I love you too." You say, leaning your head on his shoulder while putting your arms on his chest.
"(Y/N)-chan, we should hit the hay." Pit says, picking you up and placing you on his bed.
"I think we should both put on something more comfortable." You say, realizing he wanted you to sleep with him. Pit nodded and went to change in the bathroom while you changed into something more comfortable quickly.
When you finished, you grabbed (Y/F/B) and sat criss-cross applesauce on the bed and started to read. (I can't believe I wrote criss-cross applesauce).
Pit then came back in and picked you up bridle style. You yelped in surprise and blushed a dark scarlet color. Pit chuckled and sat back on the bed, you on his lap while he put his head on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist.
You then realized that Pit was shirtless, and you blushed a darker red.
"What're you reading?" Pit questioned, kissing your neck gently. You pushed your glasses up your nose and blushed an even darker red.
"(Y/F/B)." You reply, turning to look at him. Pit picked up his head and looked down at you.
"You want to know something? *you motion for him to continue*. You're adorable when your embarrassed." Pit says, giving you no time to react because he kissed you on the lips. You kiss back shyly and then break apart for air.
You had somehow become an even darker shade of red, which caused Pit to chuckle. You smile and kiss his cheek. He instantly stopped chuckling and pouted a bit. You simply gave him a questioning look.
"You missed." Pit said, answering the unspoken question. He then pecks your lips and allows you to put both your book and glasses with some of your stuff.
You then lay down next to him, resting your head on his wing and your hands on his chest. (Your wings are gone). Pit then wraps his arms around you protectively and you both drift off to sleep.

~Time Skip to morning~

Both you and Pit got up and stretched a bit. Pit's arms instantly pulling you in his lap. You blush lightly and giggle. You grabbed your glasses and put them on, only to realize that Dark Pit smirking at the doorway.
"So you finally confessed to her Pitty-Pat? Took you long enough. Also, I came up here to tell you that all the brawlers have the day off." Dark Pit said. Pit glared at him.
"You can leave now, Pitto." Pit shot back. Dark Pit rolled his eyes.
"Why? So you can make out? Also, don't call me Pitto." Dark Pit replied, leaving and shutting the door. Pit pulled you closer to him. He then turned you around and kissed you on the lips. You smiled into the kiss and kiss back.
"I love you (Y/N)-chan." Pit said, once you separated for air. You smiled.
"I love you too, Pitty-Pat."

Clara: 1725 words! That's practically as long as my first chapter in my Tails x reader. I think it was cute though.
Pit: Hey, Clara-chan! What're you doing?

Clara: um, nothing! *puts phone behind back* Nothing at all!

  Pit: You think I'm going to believe that? *grabs phone from behind back and reads one-shot*. That is cute! *hugs Clara*

  Clara: *blushes lightly*. T-thank you Pit...

  Pit: No problem *kisses Clara's head*

  Clara: *blushes more* a-anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next is Kirby. Remember to comment, vote, follow, and request.
  Both: Bye!

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