Pit x Reader

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The Smashers had been given a vacation. This is how I ended up in the mess of wearing a bikini. I hated it, even if the bikini itself was pretty.
The vacation was to the beach. Lucky me. I mean, yes, I love the beach, but, no, I hate wearing swimsuits. To revealing.
Somehow, Palutena had gotten me into a bikini. I had a cover, but it didn't help much given that it was see through.

     (You can change up the colors)

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(You can change up the colors).

Also, seriously, why would someone be wearing heels to a beach? Where's the logic in that?!?! At least I did my hair...
I wasn't exactly planning on going in the water. (If that wasn't obvious). I put on the bikini then look in the mirror. It showed way to much cleavage. Shit. No getting out of this now.
I grab my transition eyeglasses/sunglasses and put them on. I slip on my see-through coverup as well. The bikini was (r/c)/galaxy patterned. The towel matched. The coverup was white as well as the bag. (I couldn't find a white bag).
I then put on my stupid shoes. I walk out of my room and down the stairs/hall and go to the entrance. Palutena stood there waiting with Pit and Dark Pit.
Palutena had a green bikini with white flecks on it. She also held a non-see-through light brown coverup and some green and white flip flops.
Pit wore a simple pair of white swim shorts with a pair of light blue flip flops. Dark Pit had on a pair of black swim shorts with a pair of red and purple flips flops. (My two favorite colors, ironically). I marched up to Palutena.
       "Palutena! How come I have to wear a see-through coverup and heels while you wear a non-see-though coverup and flip flops?!?!" I ask in irritation. Palutena giggles. I sigh.
     This wasn't getting me anywhere! I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, only to find Pit looking down into my (e/c) eyes. I blush in embarrassment and look away.
       "(Y/N)-chan, I think you look really pretty!" Pit says. He's so cute! I blush more and glance at Palutena. She smirks. Damn it, that was her plan all along.
      "Uh... I... uh... um... t-thank you Pit." I choke out. Palutena laughs. I glare at her. I then run off to the extra big bus that was taking everyone to the beach. Honestly, it felt like a school field trip.
I jump inside and sit in a seat before anyone can stop me.

~Pit's POV~

"Was it something I said?" I ask innocently. Palutena looks at me and smiles.
"Actually, it was." She replies. My eyes widen. Shoot.
"A-ah I didn't mean to!" I say. Palutena laughs. I tilt my head in confusion. "What?" I ask.
"Pit, it's not what you said is bad. It's that what you said is always something she wanted to hear. Pit, you embarrassed her, but she loves what you said. (Y/N) loves you." Palutena explains. My eyes widen.
"(Y/N)-chan l-loves me?" I ask in astonishment. Palutena nods.
"Always have, always will. Well, I have to go. She's probably going to kill me now that I've said something." Palutena then leaves. I stood there, my mouth hanging open slightly.
"Shut your mouth; flies are going to fly in there." Pittoo commands. I quickly shut my mouth and turn to him.
"Did you know about this?" I ask. Pittoo nods.
"Always have. It's really obvious, you know. You might want to tell her that you love her back, no? Believe it or not, (Y/N) thinks you fell for Virdi." Pittoo says, walking off.
I shake my head. Me loving Virdi? Since when has that happened? (Sorry Pirdi shippers). I run off to the bus.
I look through the rows, searching for (Y/N). Once I spot her, I automatically sit next to her. She looks up in surprise.

~Your POV~

I feel someone sit next to. I look up to find Pit. My eyes widen in surprise. I look down, my eyes wandering my thighs and such. This was so revealing! Why Palutena? Why? My face goes completely red.
"H-hi Pit..." I whisper. Pit smiles at me. I can see him out of the corner of my eye.
"Hi (Y/N)-chan!" Pit replies happily. I couldn't help but smile at him. Pit was speaking to me like I wasn't even wearing a bikini...
Suddenly, Palutena and Pittoo appear and sit in the seat behind us. I feel a slight tingle in my hand. I move my eyes automatically to my hand, only to see Pit's hand next to it. I look up to see a slightly distressed yet determined look on his face.
'Is he trying to grab my hand?' I ask myself. It looks like he is... so I guess I'll be even more bold today. I grab Pit's hand and intertwine our fingers. I look up at him to see him blushing. I giggle.
The bus then suddenly stops. Please don't tell me we are already there. I want to hold Pit's hand longer. I look out the window and see sand. We're here. Aw.
Pit stands up, hand still intertwined with mine. I smile. He seems a tad bit more bold then before... hm, I wonder why. I grab my bag that has sunscreen, water, etc. Pit walks out of the bus, pulling me along.
"Come one (Y/N)-chan! Let's swim!" Pit says, nearly dragging me now. I sigh.
"Pit, slow down! I have to put my stuff down! You also need to take off your flip flops and put sunscreen on!" I say. Pit stops.
"Right... but I don't want to put sunscreen on!" Pit whines, pouting like a child. He gives me puppy dog eyes. "Please don't make me put sunscreen on." Pit begs. I shake my head. Sure he was cute, but I'm not one to fall for puppy dog eyes.
"You're going to wear sunscreen. Do you want to get a sunburn? Trust me, those are painful." I reply. Pit seems consider this.
"Fine, I'll wear sunscreen, but you have to put it on my back. Oh, and I get to put it on yours." Pit responds. I blush a little.
"D-deal." I stutter out. Pit smiles. I then find a place to set my stuff down. I take off my coverup, not like it was doing anything for me, and my wedges.
When I walk over to Pit with the sunscreen, the top of my head barely reaches his nose. Pit seems to notice this.
"Wow (Y/N)-chan, you're really short." Pit says, wings twitching slightly. I notice Pit took off his flip flops. I sigh.
"I know I'm short..." I say quietly, starting to put sunscreen on my legs, arms, face, stomach/torso, etc. I then turn around. "Um... can you get my back then?" I ask in a whisper.
"Sure (Y/N)-chan!" Pit replies happily. He squirts some sunscreen on his hands. Pit then starts to rub some on my shoulders and slowly went down.
The whole time, my face was basically pure red. Pit rubs under the strap of my bikini. My face turns a darker shade of red. Pit then gets the rest of my back.
I turn around when he finishes. Bad idea. When I turn around, Pit stood exactly where he was before. He may have been a bit closer, actually. My lips were an inch from his, making it so I could feel his warm breath.
I look up and make eye contact. Another bad idea. As soon as we made eye contact, I blushed and looked to the side. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Pit's bright sky blue eyes flick from my eyes to my lips. That didn't help my blush.
I quickly look down and grab the sunscreen. I quickly squirted some on my hands and start to rub Pit's shoulders. I then slowly make my way down his back.
Once I finish, Pit suddenly turns around and presses me to his chest and 6 pack. Damn he was hot. I have a problem. I slowly look up at Pit, tilting my head in confusion. Pit sighs.
"(Y/N)-chan, I can't take it anymore. I love you too!" He blurts. Pit then presses his lips on mine. My eyes widen in surprise, but I quickly get over it.
Pit wraps his arms around my bare waist. I cupped his cheeks and pressed back. Pit then puts one hand on my cheek, deepening the kiss while my hands start to run through his hair.
All to soon, Pit pulls back, nearly out of breath. We just stare into each other's eyes while I finally fully process what he said.
"Wait... you said 'I love you too'... who told you that I was in love with you?" I ask. Pit gives a nervous chuckle.
"N-no one! I figured it out! ... you do love me back, right?" Pit asks. In response, I peck his lips while standing on my tippy toes slightly.
"Lies. I think I know exactly who did it, but I'll let them off the hook." I say. Pit seems to sigh in relief. I giggle slightly.
"Uh...(Y/N)... do you want to be my girlfriend?" Pit asks shyly. I roll my eyes playfully.
"What kind of question is that? Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I reply, pulling Pit in for another kiss.


Clara: 1610 words. Wow, that was really long. I just noticed that my long ones tend to be about Pit or Dark Pit, but mainly Pit... Anyway, this was requested by both Rosie_Lovette1234 and @ThyUnknownXYZ101. Hope you both enjoyed!

Pit: Hey Clara-chan! So, I can I read the one-shot about me?

Clara: *sighs* Sure Pit.

Pit: Yay! *takes phone and reads one-shot*. Aw, can this happen right now.

Clara: What?

Pit: The one-shot. I wish it happened to me and you.

Clara: Aw, Pit. Anyway, bye guys and remember to comment, vote, and request!

Pit: Bye!

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