Cloud x Reader

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(Heh, I don't even know how I found this picture. Anyway, I have a new profile picture, do you guys like it?)

         Day in and day out, barely ever stopping, is how Cloud trained. No one was very close to him, not even me. I'm closer to him then everyone else, but still not that close.
           Besides Cloud, I don't really have friends. I don't even know if Cloud considers me a friend. Anyway, he's making me worried. Even if Cloud is strong, nobody's body can handle that much pressure.
               I haven't had the courage to tell him to stop. Er, to at least take a break or two once in awhile. No one else has either, so I guess it's up to me anyway.
         Truth is, I really like Cloud, but I can't tell him or else I'll be stuck with no friends what-so-ever once more. I sigh as I stop leaning against a wall located outside the training room.
           I have to at least get him to take some breaks, I really worry about Cloud... I look up at the training room door, slowly opening it. It was almost dinner time, so not many people were in there at this time.
            I frown, noticing Cloud still slashing at a dummy. Cloud seemed to hear the door, making him turn to it. Cloud's expression showed a surprised look once he realized it was me. Cloud then immediately snapped out of it, turning back to the dummy.
"Cloud." I say, but he doesn't respond. "Cloud." I say slightly louder, but I don't even receive a glimpse from him. "Cloud!" I yell, but still nothing. I sigh, starting to walk over to him. I place a hand on his shoulder. "Cloud..." I mumble, slight desperation coming to my voice.
"What do you want?" Cloud asks harshly, finally turning around whilst sending me an annoyed look. I flinch ever so slightly, but he seems to notice.
"You need to take a break. You're over-working your body." I reply simply. Cloud looks down at me before rolling his eyes and turning back to the dummy. I frown. "Cloud, I'm being serious. You have to listen to me!" I say.
Cloud doesn't turn around, and continues to slash a dummy. I growl slightly, placing a hand on his shoulder. This makes Cloud turn around, basically throwing me to the ground. I look up to him.
"Can't you just listen for once?! All I'm trying to do is help you, Baka!" I yell. I quickly stand up, going to exit the training room. Before I continue, I look back at Cloud. "Just take a break, won't you? You're making me worried..." I say before walking out the door.

~Cloud's POV~

I stare at (Y/N)'s receding figure. Why does she care so much? I glance down at my weapon, then back up. I sigh. The one person that tries to become my friend, I shove onto the ground because she was worried about me.
Wow, good job me. *sarcasm* I sheath my weapon, walking out of the training room door. I walk to the cafeteria, spotting (Y/N) in the large crowd. She sat in a corner, no one else around her. I make my way to her, some smashers expressions turning to that of surprise.
"(Y/N)!" I call once I'm close to her table. (Y/N) looks up, surprise and slightly delight written on her face.

~Reader-Chan's POV~

           "(Y/N)!" I hear someone call for me from my spot on the cafeteria. I look up, my eyes widening slightly while a smile starts to form on my lips.
            "You know, I thought you weren't going to come. I'm glad you did...but you do realize I'm going to pester you until you get out of the habit of training day and night, right?" I say.
            "Yeah, I know... Anyway, why did you care so much? Why are you so worried about me? That's not your job." Cloud questions, his voice starting to become slightly harsh. I look over to him, a light blush on my face.
             "You're the only...friend...I have ever had, and I didn't want you to hurt yourself." I say, lying slightly. I mean, it was part of the truth so... We get up and eat the rest of our meal in silence.

~Time Skip (Two Weeks Later)~

After two weeks, Cloud started to stop taking breaks and practice day in and day out all over again. I frown, walking into the training room. There was Cloud, slashing away at a dummy.
" we really have to go through this again?" I question, disappointment coming to my voice. Cloud turns to me.
"You don't understand why I do this...nor do you understand me. I don't know why I listened to you...I could tell I was getting weaker." Cloud replies harshly. I frown, crossing my arms.
"Cloud. This isn't healthy. I know I can't tell you what to do nor am I very close to you, so I don't really understand, but I'm smart enough to know that you can, most likely, not go on like this. You're skipping meals. I can see those bags under your eyes, as well. I'm not asking you to completely stop training. I'm asking you to slow down, and take care of yourself. Whatever you're fighting, you can't face them like this." I say simply.
Cloud turns to me, sending me a glare. My frown deepens as he turns back to the dummy.
"Cloud, I know I'm not very close to you, but I'm closer to you than anyone else. Why are you doing this? You can tell me, you know..." I add. No response. I sigh, walking towards the door. "Cloud, you make me worried to the point it's unhealthy..." I mumble.

This pattern continued on. I would try to get Cloud to take breaks, sleep, anything of that sort. He wouldn't do it. Cloud never told me why. I kept going back, though. Seeing as how I had no other friends, I was determined to keep this one.
I was extremely worried. Maybe even to the point where it is unhealthy. I sigh, walking back into the training room. There stood Cloud, slashing a lunching bag. I frown.
"Cloud..." I mumble. He turns to me, an annoyed look on his face. He sheaths his sword.
"What is it?" Cloud asks harshly. I flinch slightly, making his expression soften ever so slightly.
"You need to stop this. You're warring down your body. One of these day you're going to just collapse. I know you tell yourself you're fine, but everyone can tell you're not. Please...just give your body a break. I don't want to see you hurt." I reply, my frown becoming deeper.
"Why do you care so much?" He asks. Cloud just sends me a glare, turning back to the punching bag. I cross my arms, sighing.
"Cloud...I- you...I really like you. There, I said it. Why do you have to be so stubborn? I just want you to be ok. You've always made me worry... Now, here we are, friendship broken because my own feelings." I explain, a single tear running down my cheek.
"I...had no idea." Cloud replies, a surprised look on his face. I sigh.
"I'm good at hiding it, eh? Now that you know...I'm just going to go. Please, just take care of your body. No one wants to see you hurt." I say, walking out the door. Cloud quickly grabs my wrist, pulling me in for a hug.
I look up to him, blush covering my face. He quickly places his lips on mine, making my eyes widen. He pulls back, once again bringing me in for a hug.
"I love you...please don't cry. It's not fair..." Cloud mumbles into my hair. I blush lightly, burying my face in his chest.
"Then take of yourself, Baka..." I mumble. Cloud gives me the smallest smile.
"" Cloud replies.


Clara: 1345 words. Hey reader-chans, I'm sorry this is so crappy. This was requested by twinklestar1234 Hope you liked it anyway. I'm sorry for not updating in so long!
Also, thank you guys so much for 6.93k and 310 votes! Anyway, remember to comment, vote, and request! Next up is Gijinka! Meta Knight x Allison!

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