(M) Corrin x Mel

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   (That's Mel)

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   (That's Mel)

          It was a semi-ordinary day at the smash mansion, everyone minding there own business. There was one catch, though. There were new fighters coming- including more Fire Emblem characters.
            Now, it's kind of hard to imagine how the other Fire Emblem characters would react. Happy? Excited? Nervous? Actually...it was a mixture of all three. 
             Mel, a super magical otaku fighter girl, had heard about the new fighters. She was definitely excited, for she heard one could turn into a dragon as his special move.
             But, instead of gathering in the auditorium as she was supposed to, Mel went to play games at the arcade. I mean, why not? Games are fun...
Anyway, Mel heard the announcements of the new smashers and everything from the arcade, anyway, so it didn't really matter. Besides, Mel wanted to meet them on her own time, if she wanted to meet them at all. (And she did).
So Mel continued to play the arcade games, vaguely listening to the announcements. After awhile, Mel decided just to tune it out, completely focusing on the game she was playing.
              As Mel played, she heard a large chorus of footsteps, as well as Master Hand's voice drawing nearer and nearer. The door to the arcade opened, revealing Master Hand and all the new smashers.
             Almost immediately, a particular smasher caught her eye. He had white hair, brownish eyes, silver armor, and a blue cape. Next to him stood a girl who looked exactly like him...but, you know, female, longer hair. Mel smiled at the group.
              "This is Mel...she was supposed to be at the opening ceremony for you guys, but it's evident she decided to stay back and play games." Master Hand introduces. Mel blushes slightly, rubbing the back of her neck while the smile on her face only grew larger.
"Hehe...sorry about that. I could hear the announcements, at least." Mel retorts. She glances at the multiple people in front of her. "Care to introduce yourselves? I mean, I heard your names, but didn't see your faces..." Mel then adds.
They all introduced themselves, and Mel, for some reason, took quite the interest in Corrin...I mean, Corrin is a handsome person, so no judgies here. Mel snaps out of her thoughts, shaking hands with each person. Something told Mel she was in for a wild ride...

And she was right. Slowly, Mel got to know each and every one of the new smashers, although it did take nearly 8 months. Mel has grown exponentially close to two of them in particular, though. These two just so happen to be Corrin and Kamui. (Surprise, surprise).
Mel had shared her hopes, dreams, and interests with the fraternal twins, and, in return, they told Mel theirs. It's interesting watching how a relationship between two-three people can grow so quickly. Well...I don't actually know what to consider quick...
Anyway, the three knew each other so well now, they could basically read each other's emotions by the looks on their faces. I'm the midst of all this, Corrin starts to turn Mel's heart to mush. Somehow, neither Corrin nor Kamui saw this.
Neither of them seemed to notice how Mel became slightly quieter around Corrin, nor the fact that she looked like a cherry. It's odd...the twins can read Mel so well, but they don't even notice something that is so obvious. It's quite dumb, actually.
Mel definitely noticed her own feelings, though. She always felt the butterflies in her stomach from being so nervous, her fluttering heart, and her heat-filled cheeks. It was just so obvious to Mel, and the feelings drove her crazy.
              Anyway, it was another day at the smash mansion, the three hanging out as usual. Mel, Corrin, and Kamui were holding a simple conversation, but Mel's thoughts kept wondering.
            Her heart felt like it was pounding more than ever, and it had felt like the butterflies in her stomach were multiplying. Mel couldn't help it, jus sitting near Corrin made her emotions act up.
              It had become increasingly hard to hide her feelings, and Mel was tempted to just let them out. She was trying to hold them back, trying to not blurt out everything, but it was hard.
              To Mel, it felt like you're to keep the feelings to herself, so, today, she decided that she'll let them be known. Besides, Mel had figured out that she won't know how Corrin feels until something is said, so...
               The twins stand up, Kamui heading off. Mel grabs Corrin's arm, stopping him from leaving the special meeting place. Corrin turns to look at Mel, raising an eyebrow.
              "Yes?" He questions politely. Mel looks towards the ground, blushing slightly in embarrassment.
            "I...I have something important to tell you...I've held it in for awhile now...but it's slowly bubbling inside me...It has been driving me slightly insane..." Mel replies in a mumble. Corrin gives her a confused look.
               "What is it?" Corrin questions once more.
              "I...well...I like you. There, I said it. Man, it feels like a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders." Mel says, the smallest smile on her face. Corrin simply stares at her.
              "You...do? How long?" Corrin asks, glancing at the otaku in front of him. Mel looks at him.
             "A couple months, at most." She replies quietly. Corrin doesn't say anything more. For awhile, there's a complete awkward silence. Mel's eyes widen in sadness and fear. Before any certain emotion can overtake her, though, Corrin places a small kiss on her head.
            "I think I like you too...you just have such a bubbly personality, and I love how you'll pursue your passions without caring what others think..." Corrin mumbles softly. Mel smiles widely, squealing in happiness.
            Mel and Corrin then start to walk inside, hesitantly intertwining their fingers together. Looks like they had a nice day...


      991 words. Hello readers! I'm really sorry for not updating in so long...and sorry MagicalgirlWishes for taking so long to write this! In also sorry that it's short, my brain wasn't really connecting stuff well...I'm really, really sorry!

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