Marth x Shy! Reader

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It was lunch, and you were in the cafeteria eating in a corner. Nobody was by you. You were very shy, and had a hard time making friends. You were friends with the whole Fire Emblem team, but they weren't in the cafeteria yet.
You really were good friends with them all, but you were closest to Marth. He was your best friend, and you fell for him. Being in love with your best friend is hard, especially when you're extremely shy. Like you are.
You really wanted to tell him how you felt, but your shyness and fear of rejection always got to you before you could. You were deep in thought, not paying attention to your surroundings.
You didn't even notice the whole Fire Emblem team sit around you. You can probably guess how surprised you were when a pair of soft lips touch your cheek. You quickly stand up and gasp.
You then hear laughing all around you. It was then you realized that the Fire Emblem team was around you. You look to where you were sitting and see Marth in the next seat over, smirking at you.
"I see you are finally out of the mindscape, milady." He says. Everyone chuckles a bit. You blush a scarlet red. Not only was the group laughing at your reaction, your crush had kissed you.
"D-don't do t-that. Also, d-don't c-call me m-milady." You shyly say, sitting back down. Marth smiles at you.
"I was only kidding (Y/N)." He says. (Yes, he speaks English). You start to eat your lunch again. Roy leans forward a bit.
"You know, you look very pretty today, (Y/N)." Roy says. You drop your fork onto your plate. You give him an odd look.
"Uh... thanks, I guess..." You say quietly. Ike joined in.
"Yeah, your as pretty as a rose." Ike adds. You swear Robin was about to join in. You give Ike an odd look. You then turn your head towards Robin and gave him a look that said 'I swear if you do it too...' He got the message.
You look at Reflect and Lucina, trying to get answers. They just shrug. You turn to Marth who looked, kind of mad? Or was he jealous? You stand up.
"I'm going to go..." You say quietly. You stand up and throw your tray away, heading toward your own room. Once you got there, you got comfy on the couch and started to watch a movie.
You decided to go with The Fault in our Stars, since you loved the book. You grabbed a box of tissues and turned it on.

~Time Skip to the end of the movie~

You ended up crying. Not a lot, though. Somehow. You hear a knock on your door. You get up and answer it. You're somewhat surprised to see who was at your door.
There was no one there. That's what surprised you. You look around, but see no. You look down and see a blur envelope on the ground. You pick it up and open it up.
Before you take out the letter, you sit back on your couch. Once you sat down, you take the letter out.

'Dear milady (Y/N),
I would like it if you came to my room. I need to tell you something very near and dear to my heart. Be there at 6:00. I can not wait to be in your presence once again.
Marth the hero-King'

You tilt your head up and look at the time. 5:45. You quickly change into your battle outfit for no reason. When you look at the time, you notice it is 5:55. You quickly head out and start towards Marth's room.
Once you got there, you knock on the door. You hear some rustling inside and Marth opens the door a few seconds later.
"Milady." He says, stepping aside while holding the door open for you. You blush lightly but step inside.
"Please, d-don't c-call me t-that." You stutter out. Marth smiles and starts to play with your hair. You blush more. "Why are you playing with my hair?" You ask. Marth lowers his hand.
"It is just so soft and pretty. I'm sorry." He says. You blush more.
"It's fine, I-I d-didn't m-mind v-very much. A-anyway, what d-did you n-need to t-tell me?" You ask quietly. Marth grabs your hand and pulls you to his couch. You blush more.
"Um, sit down first." Marth says in an uncertain tone. You sit down next to him on his couch. "I just, um... I'm just going to show you." Marth says. You were about to say something, when his lips crash against yours.
Your eyes widen in shock, face going completely red. You get over your shock and your eyes flutter shut. You kiss back shyly, timidly wrapping your arms around his neck. The kiss was gentle, but full of passion all the same.
Then air came back to get you and you had to separate. Marth leaned his forehead on yours and looked deep into your eyes. Your face was still completely red.
"I love you, (Y/N)." He says in the comforting silence. You smile up at him.
"I love you too, Marth. Also, thanks for not calling me milady." You respond, leaning your head on his chest while he wraps his arms around you.


Clara: 918 words. It was alright, I suppose. Sorry if I didn't get Marth's personality correct. This was requested by @Gamergirl80 and @sparkel224 Hope you liked it.

Marth: Hello, Milady Clara, what are you doing on this fine day?

Clara: Writing one-shots.

   Marth: About whom?

   Clara: People!

   Marth: What people? Also did I mention how pretty you look today?

   Clara: Well, I got 2 requests to do one about you and you didn't mention that. Even if I don't look very pretty.

   Marth: Your as beautiful as the sun shining. Also, can I read the one-shot?

   Clara: Sure. *hands Marth phone*.

   Pit: Hey Clara-chan, you love me and no one else correct?

   Clara: *blushes dark red*. Um... yeah... why?

   Pit: Good! Now I can do this! *kisses Clara on lips*.

   Clara: *pulls back*. My followers are probably going to read this! I love you, but, please, don't do that in front of everyone.

   Pit:*pouts*. Fine, I won't do it anymore.

   Clara: Good, anyway, Marth have you finished reading the one-shot?

   Marth: Yes, Milady Clara *hands phone back to Clara*

    Clara: Thank you, but don't call me Milady. Anyway, comment, vote, follow, and request. Also tell me if you ship Pit and I. JK, you don't have to. Bye!
Pit & Marth: Bye!

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