Roy x Reader

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Depressed. That's what I've been since Roy didn't return for Brawl. I mean, we became friends in Melee and had inseparable since. Then came Brawl.
I got to come back, but Roy was left in the dust. I felt bad. I didn't want to go, but Roy convinced me to go. Now we're at the Smash Mansion, and I walk around numbly. I haven't showed emotion in front of others for awhile.
Ike and Marth try to talk to me and help, but nothing has been working. I miss that red-headed hothead to much. I get out to train, I eat; I just don't talk or socialize. I keep to myself. No need to be a burden to the others.
It was a normal day, nice, bright, and sunny. That didn't match my mood. I was slightly excited, since I heard some new Smashers were coming.
I lay in a field of flowers, imagining what could've been. Oh, how I wish Roy were here. I sigh, thinking of all we could talk to him about, and how much I wanted to run my hands through his fiery red hair.
I resist the urge to break down right there and then. 'I must remain strong... for him... that's what he would want...' I think to myself. I feel a sudden tap on torso. I open my eyes, only to Marth standing above me, tapping my torso with his foot.
"What is it?" I ask, slowly sitting up. Marth smiles.
"The new Smashers are here. I suggest you come see them." Marth replies. I sigh and stand up as Marth walks off. I slowly trudge back to the mansion.
When I enter, I'm greeted by a large crowd. I sigh in annoyance. I wasn't very fond of being smushed in between a bunch of people. Marth appears next me.
"They already introduced everyone." He informs me. I sigh.
"Why am I here then?" I ask.
"You'll see." Marth replies. He then grabs my arm and starts leading me through the crowd. Once they see Marth, they part, making a walkway. I didn't like the attention much, given that everyone was staring.
Once we get to the middle, I stand there in shock. There. Right there. Standing like this is all normal. Roy. He's back! I shake off my astonishment and smile widely, something I haven't done in awhile.
Without thinking, I run up and tackle Roy into a hug. Tears of joy were spilling out like there was no tomorrow. Roy was extremely surprised and caught off guard.
I looked up at him. Roy relaxed and smiled widely. He then returned the hug, holding onto me tightly. I couldn't stop smiling. I released the hug and suddenly frown. This seemed to confuse Roy.
"You Baka! Never leave me like that again!" I yell at him, shoving his shoulder slightly. Roy rolled his eyes.
"You're my best friend, I wouldn't dream of it." Roy replies. My heart seem to shatter slightly. Only best friend... but Roy is back and that's what is important! I frown for a second, but I quickly replace it with a smile.
Roy is back... I can't believe it! Yet, he's standing right there. I'm glad I got out of bed today. I then notice how much he has changed. He's taller and more confident looking.
Well, I suppose that's normal. It has been quite awhile since we have seen each other. Even if he doesn't love me back, it's amazing that he is back.

~Time Skip to 1 week later~

(What, did you think I, author-chan, would end it there?)
As a week passed, I realized just how much Roy had changed. He went from being nice, adorable, and slightly shy to bold and extremely flirtatious.
To be honest, I hated it. I hated how he flirted with all the girls. I mean, it's good that Roy has more courage and is more confident in himself, but that didn't stop me from getting jealous with the girls he flirted with.
Interesting thing was that Roy flirted with all the girls but me. I understand why, though. I mean, Peach, Zelda, and Rosalina are all princesses and are very pretty girls.
Then there's Lucina and Reflect, who make battle gear look amazing, plus they're from his game. Then there's Palutena and Samus. Who doesn't like Samus? Also, Palutena is a beautiful goddess. I didn't stand a chance. Besides, Samus is badass.
Then there's me. Just me. Nothing special to see. Ok, so I understand why he doesn't flirt with me. I just didn't like it. So, I simply became depressed all over again.
It was worse this time. I didn't come out of my room. Luckily, I didn't share it with anyone. I'd go out to train, battle, and eat a little. Only a little. I started limiting myself, trying to become thinner like all the other girls.
Other than that, I didn't come out. I couldn't bare the thought of looking at Roy flirting with one of the girls. It was heartbreaking.
Ok, maybe I was overreacting. I couldn't help it, though. Force of habit. I get jealous easily. I'm trying to work on it. Marth and Ike seemed to be noticing my odd actions.

~Roy's POV~

I was overjoyed to be back at Smash. I was overjoyed to see (Y/N). I was just overjoyed in general.
I've only been here a week, but I noticed (Y/N) has been acting strangely. She seemed so happy on the first few days I was back, but suddenly she stopped hanging out with me, or anyone for that matter.
She only comes out of her room to train, battle, and eat. When she does eat, she eats tiny portions. That couldn't possibly be healthy.
(Y/N) has changed a lot. She barely smiles, laughs, and is barely ever happy. On the first day, I decided I would practice flirting on some of the girls so I could work up my courage to tell (Y/N) how I really felt.
        I really want to see (Y/N) happy again. That's all I really want at the moment...
        Anyway, I was just chilling in my room, playing some video games. It was a pretty ordinary day. Suddenly, Marth basically broke down the door. I drop my controller on the couch and jump in surprise. I relax when I realize it's just Marth.
       "Is there a problem?" I ask, jumping up on my feet. Marth nods as Ike runs in, stopping just before he ran into Marth.
       "Yes, Roy, there is. Have you noticed how (Y/N) hasn't been coming out of her room that much lately?" Marth asks. I nod.
        "I was wondering why... she seemed so happy when I came back, but she suddenly started to avoid me like I did something." I explain. Marth sighs and rubs his head.
       "Roy... what did you call her when you first saw her here?" Marth asks. I scratch my neck.
       "Um... my best friend... but why is tha-" I start to say before Marth cuts me off.
       "It's important. Anyway, what have you been doing most lately?" Marth asks. I give him a confused look.
      "Well, I've been flirting with the female Smashers so I could work up the courage to ask (Y/N) out." I reply honestly. Ike face-palms.
      "You Baka! How did (Y/N) fall for you?" Marth shouts before slapping his hand over his mouth. I stare at him, wide-eyed.
      "She loves me back? Yes! Wait, what did I do wrong?" I ask. Marth face-palms this time while Ike just sighs sadly.
      "Roy... you called her best friend and you were flirting with all the other female Smashers. Dude, that is really cruel. You just friend-zoned her in the worst way possible." Marth replies. My cheeks pale. That's not good.
"I... um...I'll... I got to go!" I yell, running off to (Y/N)'s room. I go down the hallway/up the stairs. I soon come to the front of her room, and knock softly.

~Your POV~

I hear a soft knock on my door while I was laying on my bed. I groan slightly and sit up. It's probably just Marth or Ike again...
"Go away, Marth or Ike! I don't feel like talking!" I call out to the person. The person opens the door slightly. Dang it, I forgot to close it.
"Would you talk to me?" A voice, who I now realize belongs to Roy, says. I frown. Roy's the last person I wanted to see right now. "If you don't, then to bad cause we really need to talk." Roy adds. I roll my eyes.
"What do you want?" I ask in a slightly irritated tone. Roy flinches a tad bit, causing my expression to soften.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I friend-zoned you." Roy replies. I tilt my head in confusion.
"Why? If you don't love me then you don't love me. No harm, no foul." I respond. Roy shakes his head.
"But there is harm, because I know now that you love me. I just want to say I love you too." Roy says bluntly. I blink, processing what he said.
"Wait... you love me back?" I ask, starting to fill with hope. Roy grabs my shoulders and smashes his lips to mine. My eyes widen, but I quickly wrap my arms around his neck while Roy's go to my waist. All to soon, Roy pulls back.
"Does that answer your question?" Roy asks, leaning his forehead on mine. I smile.


Clara: 1610 words. I made another discovery about my one-shots. All my favorite characters have really long ones, such as Pit, Roy, and Dark Pit. This was requested by twinklestar1234   Hope you liked it! I've actually had a plan for it, which popped into my mind the night you requested it...

Pit: Hello Clara-chan!

Roy: Hey Clara.

Clara: H-hey guys...

Pit: You seem more nervous than usual...

Clara: Huh? I'm fine!

Roy: Sure...

Clara: Whatever! Anyway, bye guys! Remember to comment, vote, and request. (I might close requests for a bit soon, then reopen them).

P&R: Bye!

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