Human! Kirby x reader

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You were outside, sitting in the garden. Why? You simply loved the flowers and didn't want to be cooped up inside. You got up and wandered around for a bit, looking at some (f/c) (f/f)s.
    As you wandered around aimlessly, you started to wonder where a certain cheerful, pink fluff ball was located. Now that you thought about it; you hadn't seen Kirby all day.
    It was strange, considering that the both of you were best friends and would hang out all the time. You started to search for him.
    You looked outside, in the common room, in the training room, and in the cafeteria. You thought Kirby would be in the cafeteria for sure. You weren't the happiest when you realized he wasn't there. You sigh.
'Where could he be?' You asked yourself. You decided to ask around. You went up to Pit, Pittoo, and Palutena.
    "Do you guys know where Kirby is?" You ask them. Pit and Pittoo shake their heads. Palutena looks at you and smiles.
    "I saw him this morning. He was talking about something like 'she'll never love me in this form' or something like that. It was quite unusual to see him so sad. I suggest looking in the lab or his room." Palutena says. You smile lightly at her.
    "Thanks for the info, but I have to go. See ya." You say as you start running in the direction of the lab. When you finally got there, you slowly open the door and look around.
     There were glass bottles strewn everywhere, which is strange since the lab was usually very clean. You shrug and walk inside. As you walk inside, you notice a potions cookbook. (Like the ones in Harry Potter).
     There was a page marked, so you decided to flip to that page. Before you did that, you decided to clean the lab. It was a mess and you didn't want the next person that came in there to deal with such a thing.
     You quickly cleaned the lab, setting glasses in their rightful places. You didn't understand why it was a mess, though. You figured Kirby had something to do with it.
     After you cleaned the place up, you grabbed the potions cookbook again. You turn to the marked the page. When you saw the name of the potion, you dropped the book and started running to Kirby's room.
'Why would he want to turn himself human?!? Who is it he wants to love him?!?!' You ask yourself, stopping in front of Kirby's door. You knock. No answer. You knock louder. Still no answer.
You turn the knob on the door. Surprisingly, the door opens. You walk inside and see Kirby watching T.V. This isn't what surprised you, though. When you looked at Kirby, he was human! You pinched yourself, thinking it was a dream. It hurt though, so this was obviously real.
"What happened?" You asked, a little loudly. Kirby flinched a bit. He also walked up to you. You looked at him from head to toe. He had pink hair, blue eyes, a pink, sleeveless shirt with a hood, red pants with white shorts over top, and white and pink gloves with loopy things on them.
You blush lightly. He was adorable and handsome as a human. It didn't help that you had s crush on the guy when he was a pink fuzz ball.
"You don't have to be so loud, you know. Also, I turned myself human so I could be loved by a special someone!" Kirby replied in a slightly excited manner. You frown.
"Who is that special someone?" You ask. He blushes lightly, looks down, and scratches the back of his neck.
"I'll tell you later... anyway, do I look good in human form?" He asks with an innocent smile on his face. You nod and blush a bit more.
"Yes, yes you do." You say. Kirby smiles and puts his hands on your shoulders. You automatically look at him. You look into his bright, blue eyes while he looks into your (e/c) orbs.
"Can I do something I have been loathing to do for awhile?" He asks. You shrug and nod.
"I guess so." You say. He smiles. He takes your arms and puts them around his neck, making you blush lightly. He then wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close. This makes you blush more.
He shuts his eyes, and crashes his lips onto yours. Your eyes widen in surprise. Once you got over your shock, your eyes flutter shut and you kiss back. After awhile, you pull away for air, Kirby's forehead resting on yours.
"You're my special someone, I love you." Kirby says. You smile, but then frown.
"I love you, too. Just, why did you turn yourself human, I had loved you already." You say honestly. He smirks.
"So I could kiss you. Besides, I like being human, it's much easier to walk around plus I'm more agile." He answers. You blush lightly.
"Well, even if it was your first time being human, you're a good kisser." You say, your face completely red. Kirby smiles.
"You think so? I was hoping you would..." Kirby says. You smile and peck his lips.
"Yup. I think you're a good kisser." You confirm. He smiles.
"Want to do it again?" Kirby asks. He doesn't give you time to say anything when he crashed his lips back onto yours. You didn't try to complain and simply kissed back. That was one of the best days of your life...


Clara: 931 words. I think that was decent. Oh, and this was requested by AutumnS0521 hope you liked it!

Kirby: Who requested what?

  Clara: *gives phone to him*. My best friend requested this.

Kirby: *blushes lightly*. Uh, that was cute, I suppose.

  Pit: Can I read it?

Clara: When did you get here?!

  Pit: Aren't I always the one to help you?

  Clara: I-I suppose...

  Pit: *grabs phone*. What do you mean 'it was cute, I suppose?' This was adorable!

  Kirby: Sorry, I have just never read anything like that...

  Clara: Anyway, hope you liked this chapter and remember to comment, vote, follow, and request. Next up is
Ike x shy! Reader. Bye!

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