Yandere! (Insert Character) x Reader

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              (Sorry, I thought putting Yandere-chan from Yandere Simulator would be a decent idea, given that I could find no pictures of any of the smash characters being Yandere-like...
           Also, warning, there is mentioning of death, blood, and self-harm. Read at your own risk.
Also, (s/m) = male smasher and   (r/m/s) = random male smasher)

I was walking around happily, in search for no one in particular. As I was walking around, I nearly bump into (r/m/s). I stop just before I do.
"Oh, hello (r/m/s)! How are you doing today?" I say cheerfully, a closed-eyed smile on my face. (R/m/s) turns around, smiling a little.
"Oh, I'm doing well, you?" He replies, to which my smile grows.
"I'm doing well, too!" I reply. (R/m/s) glances around, then notices a clock.
"Shoot...I'm sorry, but I have to go. My match starts in ten minutes." He says apologetically. I nod.
"Of course. I might cheer you on, all right?" I reply. (R/m/s) smiles.
"I'd like that." He says, then walks off with a wave of a hand. I smile, waving back. As I turn around, I notice a flash of (whatever color your m/s wears). I raise an eyebrow, confused.
Doesn't (m/s) face (r/m/s) today? Doesn't (m/s) wear (r/c)...? I shake off my confusion, starting to head towards the stage area.
           Why would (m/s) be watching (r/m/s) and I? That doesn't make sense...I mean, I really like (m/s), and now I feel bad that I told (r/m/s) I'd root for him...perhaps I can support both sides.
I shake off my thoughts, putting a smile on my face. I'll be nice to both sides, and congratulate them both. Simple.
I walk right into the stage area, finding my seat. The match begins, and (m/s) was beating (r/m/s) by a lot. (R/m/s) really seemed to be struggling, and (m/s) didn't seem to let up any of his attacks what so ever.

In the end, (m/s) won, but (r/m/s) was hurt, but not extremely severely. After the applause of the crowd, to the victor (m/s), I met both males outside the arena. I first checked in on (r/m/s), telling him he fought hard, then I went over to (m/s), congratulating on his well-earned victory.
"Ah, thank you (Y/N)." (M/s) says, a small smile coming to his face as he puts his hand on my shoulder. I smile up at him, eyes closed.
"N-no problem." I say, blushing slightly. I open my eyes, just catching what I think is (m/s) glaring at (r/m/s) coldly, but he turns back to me so fast I can hardly tell. What the...?
              I shake it off, putting a smile back on my face. Boys compete with each other all the time...right? It's probably nothing, or it's just my imagination.
I finish up my conversation with (m/s), and head off to find my room. Was his glaring...just a guy thing? Why am I getting so worked up about it?

~(M/S) POV~

I don't like it. I don't like (Y/N) talking to (r/m/s) one bit. I can't stand it. I can't take it. I hate it. That's why I never let up in that battle...I wanted to hurt him.
I don't know what has been going on with me lately. All I can think about is (Y/N)...and how much I want her. I don't anyone else talking to her, touching her, because she's mine.
See, that's what I mean. I have this new...urge. I can't seem to hold it in. Something about that girl is triggering it inside me, and I can't seem to do anything about it.
            When I look at her around guys, I feel like I'm on fire. I-I feel so jealous...I want to hurt any guy who goes near her, any person that hurts her. I want to see their blood on the floor. I want them dead.
             I can't stand this...I need help. Lots of it. I know this, but who can I tell? They'll think I'm insane, send my to a facility. There's no one who can help me...
I start walking outside, unable to stay cooped up inside. It feels like everything is closing in on me...I need some fresh air.
I head outside, walking around in the peaceful weather. There was a slight breeze, and it felt lovely. I stretched, smiling, unable to stop thinking of the beautiful face of (Y/N). She is my happiness...
I look around, only slightly catching the sight of (h/l), (h/c) hair flipping through the breeze. I look around, quietly walking after her.
As I follow, I hear more foot-steps. Confused, I quicken my pace, still staying silent. I hear the foot-steps stop, so I find a hiding place.
I look over, noticing (Y/N) with (r/m/s), again. I squeeze a thick branch of a tree, although it didn't snap, luckily. I listen in to the conversation carefully.
"So...(Y/N)...there's something I would like to ask you..." (r/m/s) mumbles, to which (Y/N) gestures her hand in a motion for him to continue. "Would...would you like to go on a date with me?" He finishes.
What?! No! He doesn't love her like I do! There is now at he deserves her! I growl quietly, running off in silence before either of them notice me. Dead. That's what he's going to be. I'll have my blood on my hands, no matter what...

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