Gijinka! King DeDeDe x Reader

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It was a semi-ordinary day. I was handing out with Kirby, so pretty normal, right? Well, it wasn't completely normal given that Kirby was a human, as well as Meta Knight.
(The one-shots are not connected).
It was a little weird, but cool all the same. Kirby and I were walking around outside, having a simple conversation. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a guy with a longish, blue braid.
'He seems new...' I think to myself. I poke Kirby. He turns toward me.
"What is it (Y/N)?" King asks. I point the guy out to him, who seems to be watching us. That's a little creepy.
"Do you know who that is?" I wonder. Kirby shakes his head.
"No, I've never seen him around here before. Yet, he looks kind of familiar." Kirby responds.
'Hm, that's strange. I mean, he's kind of good looking too... Could it be that another one of the Smashers turned themselves human?' I think to myself.
Suddenly, the guy sprints from around the tree, hoists me up over his shoulder, and sprints off towards the woods. I yelp in surprise.
"Hey! What's the big idea? Put me down!" I yell, squirming around. The guy had a really strong grip.
      "Calm down! I'm just getting you away from Kirby!" The guy yells in response. He plops me down behind a tree. I growl slightly and tackle him to the ground.
       "Alright, who are you and why did you take me?" I ask, straddling the guys hips while putting my head on his shoulders to hold him down.
       "Are you really that gullible? It's me, the one and only King Dedede!" The guy replies. I blush lightly and stand up.
       "Oh... sorry about that. I didn't recognize you! You're a human!" I apologize. King Dedede rolls his eyes.
       "Thanks for pointing it out, Captain Obvious." King Dedede replies bluntly. I growl slightly.
"Well, if you hadn't kidnapped me, then I would've figured it out!" I yell in response. King Dedede gives me a surprised look.
"You have no right to yell at me like that now that I'm human, understand?" King Dedede argues. I growl again.
"You have no right to go around kidnapping people. That's against the law you Baka! You're not the King around here! Oh, and this is America. (Sorry if you don't live here. Pretend it's your own country and sorry if you don't have this many rights). I'm free to say whatever I choose!" I yell in explanation.
"Well I'm sorry, beautiful" King Dedede says. My eyes widen in surprise.
"You think I'm beautiful?" I ask in astonishment. King Dedede sighs.
"No... well, yes I do... but what I'm trying to say... is... I don't know... I felt... what's the word? Jealous... when you were around Kirby, so I... kind of... took you away from there..." King Dedede explains. I giggle.
"Really? The great King Dedede got jealous of his rival? Over what, a useless girl?" I reply. King Dedede suddenly hugs me. My face heats up a bit.
"You're not a useless girl..." King Dedede mumbles into my hair. "I...l-love you..." He adds.
"I l-love you too. I guess..."

"Wait... you guess?!?!"

Clara: 547 words. Wow, that was short. I'm sorry! Anyway, this was requested by Les-Entrechats I hoped you liked it!

Pit: Who was it this time?

Clara: King Dedede in Gijinka form.

Pit: Oh, who's next?

Clara: You.

Pit: Yay!!!!

Clara: Bye guys and remember to comment, vote, and request! (I still have to do 3 requests, so, please, take it easy).

Pit: Bye!!

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