Chapter 2: A Father's Past

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-Nashi P.O.V-
I stared out the window excitedly, as Loke drove us out of the mansion grounds.
The forest is so beautiful...
After a few minutes the trees cleared, and we were suddenly driving into a small town. I couldn't keep my face from the window as I admired the scenery. Since it was close to ten at night, not many people were around. But there was still the warm glow from the street lights that filled me with excitement.
"I-I'm sorry Nashi," Loke suddenly said, peeking through the curtain that separated the carriage from the driver. "But you don't exactly have much magic power right now. I have to return to the spirit world."
Before I could reply, he vanished in thin air. I stared blankly ahead, realising I was all by myself in a place I'd never been nefore, with no protection whatsoever.

Rubbing my arms nervously, I glanced around inside the carriage.
"You'll be ok..." I muttered to myself. I peeked out of the window, and at the dark streets. I opened the door and cautiously stepped out, constantly checking my surroundings. When I made sure no one was around, I calmed down a bit.
"Wow, this is amazing..." I said, looking at all the large buildings and shops. I'd only ever seen pictures of towns, and I couldn't remember them from when I was little. I began to walk down the street, wondering where to go.
"Hey, pretty lady."
I spun round, to see a man grinning in the shadows. He stepped forward, and only then did I realise he was holding a knife.
"You're a nice one. The boss'll be happy to take you."
There was suddenly one behind me. He began stroking the sides of my neck, his touch making my skin crawl.
"G-Get away from me!" I shouted. I attempted to hit him across the face, but he easily dodged.
"Now now. The boss doesn't like it when they fight back," he muttered, laughing. "In fact, he prefers it when they're asleep." He raised his fist at me, and I stared back at him, helpless to defend myself. I tensed up, preparing for the blow-
Then it suddenly it grew cold.
The man's fist was covered in a huge block of ice.
"Come on. Picking on a girl in the middle of the night? That's kinda lame don't you think?"
I stared at where the voice had come from to find a young man, who looked about my age, grinning. His hair was midnight blue, and he had baby blue eyes to match. He also had a light blue tattoo on his left shoulder. The man who'd attacked me also noticed the tattoo, and his eyes widened.
"A-A fairy tail wizard?!" He cried, backing away. The boy leaned down, and placed his hands on the floor.
"Yeah, that's right."
A huge circle of light appeared beneath him, with different inscriptions inside. Then suddenly, the ground erupted with ice, trapping the man amidst the destruction.
N-No way...
"Heh heh, I don't wanna die today! See ya!" The man quickly buried himself out of the wreckage and bolted down the street, along with his friend.
"Are you ok?"
Suddenly the boy was in front of me. I gasped, and tripped backwards. I began to fall, but felt a hand hold me. I looked up to see the man, his hand intertwined in mine. I stared deeply into his eyes, completely breathless.
Then I quickly shook myself out of it, and stood up.
"T-Thank you," I muttered, brushing myself down.
"For saving you? Or stopping you falling?" He asked, grinning.
"For everything, OK? Geez..." I replied. He held his hand out to me, smiling like an idiot.
"I'm Jack. Jack Fullbuster."
"Hi. My name is-"
My eyes widened, hearing the sudden scream for Jack. His eyes also widened, but for different reasons. We both slowly moved out heads to the side, to see a woman charging at us with a dress that was in pieces.
"What the hell did you to do this dress?!!!!" She cried.
"C-Crap..." Jack muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "We gotta go!"
He quickly grabbed my hand, and before I could do anything, dragged me down the street.
"W-Wait! Where are we going?" I asked, staring at him with worry.
"You don't have a place to get back to, right?" He asked playfully.
"W-Well I guess not..." I replied.
"Then let's go!" He said, grinning.

In the end, Jack led me to a large building, which had similar features to that of a castle. And there was a huge flag like banner above the large double doors that had the same symbol as the one on Jack's arm.
I'd read about these before...I thought.
"Is this...a guild?" I asked.
"Wow, you're really not from around here are you?" Jack replied, laughing. "We're the strongest guild in Fiore!" Jack raised him arms up, and gestured to the building proudly. "Welcome to fairy tail!"

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