Chapter 17: The Strongest Soul Saved Me

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-Natsu P.O.V-
I struck Tristan as hard as I could with my sword. I finally understand why Lucy always used a sword- when you swing a sword made of light, it felt amazing. The force of the blow sent him backwards. My wings kept me in the air, as I aimed the sword to strike again. I wasn't allowing him any time to heal. Diving forward, our weapons collided. My flaming sword against the axe he'd quickly created.
"What the hell are you?" He hissed at me.
"I'm just a man protecting what he loves," I replied. I glided my sword upwards, causing his axe to be thrown up with it.
"Those aren't angel're something else," he muttered. I grinned, spinning my sword skilfully in my hand.
"You bet I am."

-Ryo P.O.V-
Kireina was sitting down on the throne, breathing heavily. My guess was that she's pushing all the other souls back, so that she could think straight. And by the looks of it, she soon after succeeded. She inhaled deeply, then her eyes focused on us.
"Humans," she said sternly. The rest of fairy tail and I simply stared back, unable to think of anything worthy of a reply. "Do you know who I am?"
"A G-God, m'lady!" One of the men called out. Her expression darkened, and she stood up. She reached her hand out so that it was facing the man, and he suddenly disappeared. There was nothing in his place.
"W-What?" Erza whispered.
"He can't be..." Jack muttered.
"I knew it. This plan would never have worked," I said to them. Kireina smiled, and started laughing.
"I see..." She said slowly. "You wanted to use me, didn't you?"
"No, m'lady! W-We just want to serve you!" Another man spoke.
You idiot...
Kireina smile grew wider. She began walking down the stairway towards the trembling man. When she reached him, she placed her hand on his cheek.
"Don't lie to me, please..." She said sweetly. The man's skin under her hand began to burn, and it spread throughout the man's body. He burned, screaming in pain, until he was nothing but a scorched corpse.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Tristan came at me again. Strike after strike. I was ruthless. I left my mercy behind me. As I prepared for a lethal blow, Tristab lodged his axe into my shoulder. I winced with pain, but didn't stop. I sent my sword straight into him, as he was powerless to defend himself. He spat blood over me, then choked. I stared him directly in the eyes, not even flinching as his blood dripped down my cheeks.
"You're...a monster," he muttered with his last breath.
"No," I replied, pulling the sword out of him. "I'm just a human."

I left Tristan's body behind me, as I went to join the others. However, as I approached them, my legs could no longer keep me standing. My dragon wings vanished to dust, my eyes turned to their normal shade, and I collapsed onto the floor.

-Jack P.O.V-
I watched Kireina, as she killed men one by one like a child stepping on ants.
She was terrified a second ago...
What happened to her?
She clicked her fingers, and suddenly she was sat back in her throne. Then she grinned.
We looked around, only to realise that we were the last ones left. She had killed everyone else.
"Let's burn."
Fire immediately began roaring behind her, out of nowhere. She held her hand out and laughed, as the flames burned viciously.
Her smile was terrifying as she stared down on all of us.
"Nashi..." I whispered. For some unknown reason, a picture of her smiling popped into my head.
Angels love to dance. Remember that.
Why am I thinking of that now? How could it-
My eyes widened.
Angels love to dance...
I gasped as I realised.
That's right. You're in there, aren't you?
My head lowered as I stepped forward.
Erza noticed my movement and gave me confused look (well, confused blended with horror).
"Jack...what are you doing?..." She said in a whisper. I shook my head in return. Kireina turned her gaze at me.
" you wish to die?" She asked while laughing. I threw my head up and gave her a death glare.
"You," I said coldly.
No one could believe what I was doing. They were all staring at me with complete shock and confusion.
"You...idiot," Dad muttered, but I didn't even glance at him. I kept on walking.
As I got closer, Kireina began to actually show negative emotions.
"No you won't," I ordered. She stared at me, then backed away.

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