Chapter 6: It's What We Do

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-Jack P.O.V-
"NASHI!" I screamed. I began frantically trying to crawl towards the hole she had fell through, despite my condition. As I got only inches closer, my blood bleeding out, I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned round to find Dad, shaking his head.
"Jack...she wouldn't want you to do that," he muttered.
"But she can't be-"
"You're bleeding too much Jack. Please..." I could see the struggle in Dad's face. "Nashi will be ok."
"She just fell off a mountain-"
"She'll be ok." This was Natsu talking. I looked over, to see that he had his eyes shut, and had been silently crying. It almost looked like he was praying for Nashi.

-Nashi P.O.V-
I was falling. My eyes faced the sky above me, and I admired the colours. It was a dull blue, as if it was old and had faded away through the years. I then realised it was going to rain.
Moments after my 'prediction' the raindrops began to fall, streaming down my face like tears. It was as if time had slowed down, allowing me to pick out very feature of my last moments.
It was surprisingly beautiful. My soft, fiery hair blew wildly, the harsh wind of the fall forcing it up. I could still see the large metal building I had fell from, it's appearance getting smaller and smaller as I fell further down. I reached up then, not because I was trying to grab something, but because I had regretted letting go.
That's when I heard the voice.
"Fly," It said. But that's impossible. Humans cannot fly.
Wait...I'm not human anymore.
No- I never was.
My burning eyes flickered as I gasped with realisation. Trsitan's words played back in my head.
"Your blood is boiling, your eyes are burning with rage...there's just one thing missing."
Spetto had told me something about my mother once when I was younger. Since I used to believe my mom was an angel sent down from heaven, Spetto told me stories about her. Once, she told me about her wings. She said that Lucy had magnificent white wings that never failed her. She explained that she used to be told by Lucy that she wished she could fly away from it all...but she didn't want to leave me or Dad.
"Fly, Nashi. Show me your wings."
I felt it. Something emerged out of my back, causing my chest to lodge forward. Suddenly I had stopped falling, and I was thankful since I was inches from the floor. I turned myself upright slowly and landed on my feet. I quickly glanced over my shoulder, to find what I was surprisingly expecting.
"No way..." I muttered to myself. Stuck to my back like extra limbs were two giant wings. They were long, dark and feathered, and looked as if they'd been drenched in blood.
I trailed my finger across the rim of one, then attempted flying. It was like controlling a toy aeroplane- one slight movement and you're up in the air.
That's when I realised my axe had vanished. I was confused, but I held my hand out and simply produced another one. I think I was was starting to get the hang of how angelic power works...your body is filled with a light, and you can use this 'light' to make objects or use it as a weapon itself. And when you are finished, it simply returns to your body.
I lifted my feet off the ground again, and this time went full speed. I felt like a human jet- the force of the wind made it extremely hard to keep my eyes open. Suddenly, I was back in the room again, my wings draping behind me as I folded them in.

-Jack P.O.V-
She...was back...
And she had...wings?
Well, I guess it made sense...I mean, an angel should have wings. But it was still peculiar to see.
Is that why no one was worried?
I watched as Nashi stepped forward. She looked angry, but for some reason she also looked betrayed.
"I thought you needed my blood," she asked. "What's the point of killing the last Angel left?"
"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure you're not dead." He replied.
"My wings could've never grown-"
"I knew they would."
Nashi went silent. The flames dancing in her eyes suddenly cowered to a low flicker.
"How..." She whispered. "Do you know so much about me? About my power?"
"Because we know that you're just like your mom."
"Don't give me that bullshit."
I spun round, to see Natsu, his eyes dark. He was barely sitting up, but he had a death stare that could take on the world. "Lucy never even met guys like you. And to be honest, she wouldn't want to."
"Well, your little Luc-"
"Don't you dare use her name as a shitty way of teasing us," Natsu continued, interrupting Trsitan's words. "Her name deserves to be cried out by the whole world in praise, not laughed at by a bastard like you."
"Dad..." Nashi muttered, shocked.

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