Chapter 11: Dance With Me Nashi

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-Jack P.O.V-
I watched in silence as Nashi let all her feelings out. It was painful just to watch- I didn't even wanna imagine what she was going through inside.
"Mira...I can't watch this..." I muttered. I walked over to Nashi, and kneeled beside her. She heard my footsteps, and turned to face me. Just looking into her eyes as she cried made me feel horrible.
"J-Jack..." She whispered. "Help me..."
I grabbed her by the arms and literally pulled her into a hug. I wanted to hold her forever, so that I knew I could protect. That's when I began to cry. I hated it, because men shouldn't cry, and I was in no where near the amount of pain that Nashi was. But I just couldn't stop the tears falling. Nashi quietly whispered something, and all I could make out was 'rain'.
And it did rain, like she'd opened the heavens herself.
"Look," She muttered. "The sky cries for both of us."

-Mira P.O.V- horrible...
Is this what Lucy went through?
"N-Nashi?" I called out. Both her and Jack looked up at me. "We should get going. Your dad will be worried." Nashi stared at me in silence, then quickly nodded. They both stood up together, and walked over. As Nashi was ahead of me while we headed back, I put my hand on her shoulder. She turned round to face me.
"I'm...sorry," I whispered. They were the only words I could possibly think to say. But she returned it with a smile.
"It's not your fault," she muttered. And she was right. I hadn't given her angelic blood. I hadn't cursed her with this desire to hurt people. It was the lack of help I could offer that I was apologising for.

-Nashi P.O.V-
"Mira, would you mind if me and Jack visited my house for a little bit? You could go back to fairy tail and tell dad I'm alright," I asked sweetly.
"Are you sure? Jack hasn't exactly got a great record of returning back with you..." Mira replied nervously.
"Please, Mira...I want to show him mom's grave," I muttered. Mira immediately went silent.
"Okay," her voice was almost a whisper. Then a small smile crept on her her face.
"Give Lucy my love," she said, trying to hold back her tears.

"Wow, your house is huge..." Jack muttered, staring at the Dragneel mansion in awe. I laughed, grabbing his hand and leading him inside.
"N-Nashi!" Spetto stuttered, surprised to see me again.
"Spetto, it's been a while," I replied, hugging her.
"And this is?..." She asked, pointing to Jack.
Jack bowed his head, and introduced himself.
"The name's Jack. Jack Fullbuster."
"Fullbuster? You're Gray's son, right?" Spetto said, smiling at him. He blinked at her, surprised.
"Y-You know my dad?" He asked. Spetto nodded happily.
"Please, make yourself at home. Will you be staying tonight, Nashi?" Spetto asked. I shook my head in return.
"Dad will probably be worried if I don't return back tonight," I replied. "I'm sorry."
"No- it's fine. I'll tell them to start making dinner," she chirped, hurrying off.
"So," Jack asked. "Your mom?"
My smile faded. "Y-Yeah. This way," I muttered back.

"It's beautiful," Jack said to me, as he admired the gravestone.
"Do you think she's happy here? We all used to live here together, you know..." I replied.
"Hey, Lucy," Jack said louder. "Mira gives you her love."
Suddenly, all the birds flew out of the trees that were planted beside her grave.
"W-Wow..." I whispered, gazing up at the sky, as the birds flew over the setting sun.
"Guess she's happy about that, then," Jack said, smiling.
"Hey, Jack..." I muttered. I couldn't help but blush slightly. "Dinner will be ready soon."

-Jack P.O.V-
"Ooooo!" A maid said excitedly, as Nashi introduced me. "NASHI BROUGHT A GUY HOME!"
"'s not like that..." I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Nashi, we need to get you ready for dinner!" They told Nashi, completely ignoring me.
"Don't forget Jack!" More added, practically dragging me toward a bedroom.
"Don't mind them!" Nashi called out, laughing.
"Heh heh..." I said quietly, sweat dropping.

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