Chapter 8: The Sky Cries With Me

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I had loads of tests over the past few weeks and I'm also studying for my piano exam...and I completely forgot about this book! I really hope I didn't let anyone down too much, and again I am very sorry.

Ok, here is the actual chapter! :)

-Gray P.O.V-
It was now the evening. Thankfully, no one had attacked us during the day, and we were currently discussing what we were going to do about Tristan and his...
"Followers?" I said awkwardly.
"We're not calling them followers," Natsu complained.
"Well what do we call them, then?" I asked, annoyed.
"I don't know...just not followers. That's just dumb," Natsu replied.
"Look who's talking," I said under my breath. But, with Natsu's hearing, I knew he heard me.
"What did you say, ice princess?!" He said angrily.
"You wanna fight me?!" I shouted back, getting out of my chair.

-Erza P.O.V-
"CUT IT OUT!" I cried, slamming Natsu's and Gray's heads against each other. They both slid back in their seats, moaning.
"Erza, that hurt..." Natsu said, rubbing his forehead.
"Twelve years, and you haven't aged a bit..." I muttered. I looked over, to see that Nashi was laughing. It made me smile.
"So, are they really trying to resurrect the Angels?" Happy asked.
"I don't know, they might be talking in riddles or something," Gray replied.
"Whatever they're doing, I know it ain't good," Jack added.

-Nashi P.O.V-
"Where did they get Angelic blood from? All the Angels are dead," Erza asked. However, shortly after, she realised she was wrong. Out of impulse, everyone turned to me. I awkwardly looked the other way.
"Will they be after Nashi?" My dad said, breaking the ice.
"They kidnapped her before, and Tristan was acting like he still needed her..." Gray's words were soon lost, as everyone began chattering away about what to do with me.
It was like I was some object they had to protect...
"Guys!" I shouted angrily. "Don't talk about me like that."
They all fell silent. I stood up, and turned away, about to leave through the door.
"That's how he talks about me," I muttered, before walking out.

-Jack P.O.V-
Natsu sighed, sad to see his daughter still scarred from Tristan.
"I'll go get her-"
"No," I said, standing up. "It's fine. I'll go."

I spotted Nashi, leaning on a tree that overlooked the river.
"It's going to rain..." She muttered, without turned around. Shortly after, drops of rain began splashing down. I hurried under the tree, and joined her.
"That's still pretty awesome," I said. "You know, my mom used to be called a rain woman-"
"I know why I can tell when it rains," she said suddenly, interrupting me. She turned round, and faced me. "It rains when I'm sad."
"W-What?" I asked, confused. "That doesn't make sense-"
"I don't get it, either," she replied. "I guess the only way I can describe it is that when I cry, the sky cries with me."
"It's ok to cry, you know," I told her. She shook her head in return.
"Nobody likes the rain. It makes them sad. So if I'm sad, everyone else is."
"Don't put everyone on your shoulders like that," I replied.
"Who said I'm the one who put them there?" She replied. Then in an instant, the rain stopped falling.

-Natsu P.O.V-
"I want to end this quickly," I said sternly. "We can't let things get out of hand like they did last time."
"Well we didn't know anything last time. At least we have a rough idea with what we're dealing with," Erza replied.
"Yeah, we know what we're dealing with. But that doesn't mean we can deal with it. Magic is about as useless as a feather against someone with Angelic blood injected into their veins," Gray stated. I nodded in agreement.
"Nashi's the only one who can take them out-" Erza was interrupted as Jack and Nashi entered, as if on cue.
"Sorry about that..." She muttered, rubbing the back of her neck. "Bad memories just shake me up, that's all."
"It's fine. I don't even wanna imagine what you went through in there. Take all the time you need to recover," I replied, smiling at her. She returned with a grin of her own, and sat down.
"So I'm the only one who can beat these guys, right? That's what you were saying," she added. I stared at her, blinking.
"You could hear us?" I asked.
"You were talking about it when I came in. Even Jack heard it."
I looked over at Jack, who simply shrugged.
"Nashi, don't think that you have to do this on your own," I said.
"I know. We'll finish this together," she replied, grinning. I nodded, also smiling.

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