Chapter 5: The Awakening

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-Natsu P.O.V-
We encountered guards before anything else. They were surprised- but quickly prepared themselves for battle.
"I can't use magic..." Jack muttered, sulking.
"Who said you need magic?" I asked. I grabbed onto his arms, and grinned. "You ready?"
"F-For what?" Jack replied, confused. I lifted him up by the arms, and began to swing him round.
"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jack shouted, hanging on for dear life.
"Ready...go!" I shouted back. I threw him at the guards, head first. He collided with them both, sending them to the floor along with him.
"I think you just killed my son..." Gray muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ah, he'll be fine," I replied, laughing. "That takes care of the guards. Let's go!" I pointed forward, and began walking ahead.

-Nashi P.O.V-
It was dark.
And painful...
I quickly sat up. I was in a cell, and my body was lying on a bed frame. I was in pain all over, but at least I could move my legs. I stood up, and walked over to a mirror that was lodged into the wall. My skin was pale, and my face was covered in bruises.
"Where am I?..." I muttered to myself. I sat down on the floor, the pain too much for me to stay up. I was extremely weak, and soon it became hard for me to lift my head. There was suddenly a light in front of me, which was almost blinding. The door that led to the corridor outside my cell had been opened. I tried to see who is was, as I shielded my eyes with my hand. When my eyes adjusted, I lowered my hand. And they were there, smiling at me.
"D-Dad?" I said. His eyes widened when he saw my condition.
"Oh my god..." He muttered. "What did these people do to you?" Dad placed his hand on the lock of the cell, and it instantly melted and clicked open.
I'd never seen Dad's magic before...
It was fire?
All of them leaned down next to me, asking what happened and if I was ok.
"A-Angels..." I said, coughing. "They want to know about Angels."
"This is what I was worried about," Dad said, cursing himself. "It'll happen all over again..."
"Can you stand?" Jack asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. I used his body as a support, and tried to lift myself up, but it was no use. "It's ok, I'll carry you." Jack leaned in front of me, and I rested my body on his back. He then stood up, taking my body with him. We all quickly made our way out of the corridor and found ourselves in a series of rooms as we searched for the exit. To be honest, the place was in quite the mess- they'd really made an entrance. One room had a hole completely blasted through one of the walls. It made me wonder if this was normal for fairy tail.
We were suddenly stopped by a group of guards. They all had an emblem on them, which was a slender figure with wings, and two rings around it.
"Just give us back the girl, and we'll let you go," One of them said, aiming a spear at Jack.
"What do you want with her? You've already practically killed her!" Jack shouted, stepping back as if to protect me from them. I struggled to stay conscious as I watched what was going on. As Jack glared at the guard, I heard that horrible voice again.
"Please, this is going nowhere."
"B-Boss!" A guard cried. They all bowed their heads, as Tristan strolled in.
"His name is Tristan. He's the one who beat me up, if you want something to be angry about," I whispered to Jack. He laughed, and grinned at me.
"I was already pissed off just by looking at his face. But yeah, he's really getting it now," Jack said confidently. I smiled back at him, glad that Tristan was gonna get a taste of his own medicine.
"Are you alright if I put you down? I don't want you getting hurt," Jack asked. I nodded, and he walked over to wall and kneeled down. He then leaned back and rested my body against the wall.
"I'm fine here, thanks," I said, resting my head in the wall. He looked at me with guilt, and shook his head.
"I'm sorry-"
"I'm weak, ok? That's no one's fault but mine," I said, smiling at him.
"Don't beat yourself up about that. Literally. I don't think your body would be able to take much more."
I laughed, and gestured for him to join the others.
"Go on. Give me a front row seat to revenge."
He grinned, and put his thumb up at me.
"Sure thing."

-Jack P.O.V-
As I was walking back to Natsu and the rest, I felt the magic restraint suddenly lift off me.
"I-I can use magic again?" I asked. I looked down at my hands, then attempted magic. And it worked perfectly.
"Sweet!" I said, clenching my fists. Tristan suddenly started laughing.
"I want you to use magic against me, because I want to show you how useless it is," he said, smirking. "You see, I obtained this." He held up  a tiny bottle, which had yellow glowing liquid inside. I looked at the Nastu, Dad and Erza, and they were all in shock.
"D-Don't tell me that's..." Nastu muttered, his eyes wide. Tristan's smirk grew even wider.
"You bet it is. This is Angelic Blood."
"B-Blood from an angel?" I asked, surprised. I had known all about fairy tail's tails history with Angels. Dad had told me everything about Natsu and his wife, and their daughter. I looked over at Nashi, who had her eyes shut.
"D-Did you get it from-"
"No. She's been completely useless so far. But she will be needed, soon. That why we need you to hand her over."
"No way are we giving her to you." Natsu said, his eyes burning with rage.
Tristan shook his head, and sighed.
"I guessed you'd say that." He then stuck a syringe into the bottle, and sucked up all the blood inside. Then, using the syringe, injected the liquid into his arm.
"O-Oh God..." Erza muttered. Tristan laughed, his eyes beginning to glow.
"This is what we are after! This power, the ultimate power in the world..." His hands began to glow. And suddenly, out of his body, a sharp metal sword emerged.
"We..." He began, his greedy eyes flashing. "Are going to bring back the Angels."

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