Chapter 7: Dance The Day Away

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Ok guys just before this chapter I wanna say thank you to NyxAbsol for making such an amazing book cover for my first book 'Angelic Blood'. Since I've finished writing the first book I had to re-publish a chapter mentioning her, so I wanted to do this as well. I really hope you'll be able to make a book cover for this book as well, and your work is amazing! :)
Ok, here's chapter 7:

-Nashi P.O.V-
"I'm calling Wendy over here," I said, after finding a communication lacrima. "I won't be able to carry you all back safely."
"Damn, we really took it hard," Jack said, rubbing the back of his neck. I focused my energy into my back, and managed to make my wings disappear.
"Someone's gotta help me work this thing," I said, knocking on the lacrima thinking someone's face would just magically appear inside.
"Natsu, did you teach your daughter anything about magic?" Erza said, laughing. Dad shrugged awkwardly. "Bring it to me, Nashi," Erza added, holding her hand out. I walked over to her, and handed it over. Then I watched as she did some weird thing which I didn't understand at all, and suddenly someone's face did magically appear inside.
Mira was inside (well,not technically), smiling at us.
"Erza!" She chirped happily.
"Hey, Mira. Is Wendy there?" Erza asked.
"Sure, I'll just get her for you." Mira suddenly disappeared, and shortly after Wendy's face showed up.
"Erza, is that you? Is everything ok?" She asked.
"Yeah, we got scratched up a bit, and we're not in any condition to walk home," Erza groaned, as she tried to sit herself upright. "Would you be able to come over here?"
"Sure thing! I'll get Carla and we'll leave right away. Just hang in there!" And suddenly she was gone.
"So that's how a lacrima works?" I asked.
"They're all different, I guess," Jack replied. I walked over to where Jack was sitting, and took a seat next to him.
"Let me just say," he said, looking at me. "That was the greatest fighting I've even seen."
I laughed, and shook my head.
"I didn't even know I could do that," I replied.
Jack was about to say something, when suddenly the fire in my eyes burned out. My hair returned to its fuchsia pink, followed by my dark blue eyes.
" hair just change colour?" I asked, picking up strands of hair and admiring them.
"And your eyes too," Jack said. He placed his hand on my cheek, and stared deeply into my eyes. I froze up, and returned the gaze.
"Blue..." He muttered.
Then, at the same time, we whispered.
"Like the ocean."

-Nastu P.O.V (A few minutes later)-
I heard Wendy's voice below.
"Natsu! Erza!" She cried.
"We're up here!" I shouted. Then I heard small footsteps, followed by the door opening. Wendy and Carla stepped in. Wendy's eyes widened as she saw our condition, and they both immediately ran over.
"What in God's name where you doing?" Carla said, tapping her foot on the floor impatiently.
"Carla, they're beaten up really bad!" Wendy said, beginning to heal me.
"Ah, sorry about this Wendy," I said, grinning. Wendy smiled, and stopped what she was doing.
"D-Did I say something wrong?" I asked, confused,
"No," she replied. She wiped her eyes, then looked directly at me. "I just missed your smile, that's all."

-Nashi P.O.V-
After Wendy patched everyone up, we all headed back to the guild. As we entered, people froze, probably counting to check if the amount of people that left was the same as the amount that had returned (me being a plus one because of course, it was a rescue mission). When they realised it was, many people sighed with relief.
"Now," Erza said, taking a seat. "Let's try and figure out what the hell this guy is planning."
"He said something about resurrecting Angels," I replied. I felt Dad tense up beside me; I held his hand tightly.
"Resurrecting Angels? Does that mean-" Wendy's words trailed off. Everyone knew what she was going to say. And everyone knew why she couldn't.
"We can't resurrect the Angels," Gray said. "You know how dangerous they are. We all saw it, right?"
"Don't talk about her like that," Dad muttered.
"What I'm talking about wasn't her. That was a monster."
Dad stood up from his chair. I stared at Jack, confused. Then, my eyes widened as I realised what they were talking about. Who they were talking about.
"Guys," Mira said, hurrying over. "Please don't do this. Not about her."
I watched as they both settled down. I sighed under my breath, thankful that Mira stopped was was growing into a very 'uncomfortable' argument. Fighting over whether or not your mother was human before she died?
No thanks.
"I'm going to bed," I said, breaking the ice.
"But it's only seven," Jack replied.
"Time is only numbers," I muttered, then disappeared up the stairs.

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