Chapter 4: Dying Cows and Insecurities

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I wake up in the morning and notice that Tommy is gone and all the blankets are folded and stacked with the pillow on top. I smile at how precise everything is. Never would I have taken Tommy to be that neat. I get out of bed and am overcome with a wave of sleepiness. Getting ready is going to be hard. I'm sure I'll look horrible, but I don't really care.

Both of my predictions end up being correct.

"I don't want to go!" Sam screams as we are trying to leave.

"You have to!" is my reply.

He crosses his arms and stomps his foot. "No!"

I cross my arms. "Yes."

"No!" he screams again.

"Samuel Evan Spire, you are fourteen! This is absolutely ridiculous!" I yell at him.

"I don't care," he replies.

I glance at the clock. 7:06. We are late.

"Sam, you're going whether you like it or not!" I say, fed up with doing this once a week.

"If you make me go I'll pretend to be sick and Mom will come pick me up," he smiles smugly thinking he has won. "Your move."

"And when I get home later, I'll tell Mom about what you did, and you'll get grounded," I fire back at him. "Your move."

He stands there for another two minutes, coming dangerously close to me just picking him up and throwing him in the car, when he sighs and walks out the door. I breathe a quick sigh of relief before following him, praying that we are on time.

Luckily, I can drive like a maniac without killing us, so I drop off Sam with only minutes to spare. Just as I get to my locker the first bell rings, signaling that I have two minutes to get to my first class. Quickly, I gather my things my things and race to my first class. Just as I step into the classroom, the bell signaling the start of class rings. The teacher looks at me disapprovingly but does not give me detention. I smile gratefully and hurry to the only open seat. Fortunately, Sadie saved the seat next to her. Unfortunately, it's in front of Tyler. Sadie smiles apologetically as I walk by. I sit in my seat and attempt to focus on the teacher.

Five minutes into class, I feel a poke on my back. I try my best to ignore it. The next one is harder. The next is harder still. What is with boys and poking? The final poke makes me squirm in my seat. I can practically feel Tyler's smirk burning through my skull. I shudder. Then, I feel a poke.


At lunch, I sit down to see my friends gawking at me. Since I am still in a bad mood, I ignore them and begin eating my lunch. Fifteen minutes into lunch, they are still gawking at me.

"What?" I growl at them.

"What are you wearing?" Sadie asks in disgust.

"What is wrong with what I'm wearing?" I sigh annoyed.

"Please tell me you're changing before tonight," Macy says.

"Why would I change?" I ask confused.

"You can't be serious, Catherine!" Macy exclaims.

"Dead serious," I mutter under my breath and take another bite of my sandwich.

"Please tell me you're joking," Elle pleads.

"Will someone just tell me what's going on?" I yell at them. A few people stare at me, but I glare at them and they immediately look away.

"You have a date tonight!" Sadie finally tells me. I can always count on my best friend to tell me something that I really don't want to hear.

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