Chapter 8: Buses and Bitches

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I am correct. Mother did leave before Sam and I woke up. She didn't even say goodbye to me. It's not like I was really expecting her to, though.

Getting ready is a bit of a hassle. Moving with a broken ankle is hard. Especially when you don't have crutches. Only being able to see out of one eye is also kind of tough. Sam helps as much as he can, which includes getting my shirt, that I make sure is long sleeved. He doesn't question how this happened. Mother has never physically abused me before, but he must be smart enough to know what happened and that I don't want to talk about it. He is growing up too fast.

Luckily, I am ready on time, and Tommy brings me crutches. He brings them up to the door for me. I smile gratefully and take them.

"Do you know how to use them?" he asks me as he adjusts the size.

"Yeah," I reply, placing them under my arms once he's finished. "I had them when I was ten."

I crutch over to the car. Tommy races to open the car door for me. I give him a smile and a quiet "thanks" as I struggle to get into the car. He smiles back and quickly walks over to the driver's side. He starts the car and backs out of the driveway.

"Here is some gauze to wrap your ankle," he hands me a roll of gauze.

I take it gratefully and begin to wrap my ankle.

"I'm gonna drop you off at school so you can ride on the bus and stuff. Then I'll follow the bus to the game and back to make sure you're ok and that you have a ride home," he tells me. "Do you remember the cover story?"

"Of course," I answer, slightly annoyed. "I got into a car accident."

We sit in silence for a minute. I am no longer bothered with sitting in silence with Tommy. He already knows most of my secrets.

"Will Sam be ok all day?" Tommy asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," I assure him. "He knows I'm gone, I left him any numbers he might need, and I left him food. He's been home alone for a whole day before, so he should be fine."

Tommy just nods and pulls into the school parking lot. He pulls around to the front of the school where the bus is. The rest of my team, and my coach, are already there. Everybody just kind of stops what they are doing and stares when we pull up. I open the door.

"You got it?" Tommy asks quietly. I guess he doesn't like the attention.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answer. I get my crutches from beside me and place them on the ground. Then I slowly lower myself into a position to crutch. I crutch over a little bit and shut the door before crutching over to my coach who, like everyone else, is staring at me in disbelief.

"I can't play, Coach Maxson," I tell her.

"I see that," she replies, disbelief still showing on her face. "What happened?"

"I got into a car accident," I lie smoothly.

"When?" she asks.

I panic slightly. Tommy and I were not anticipating questions. "Last night."

Please don't ask more questions, I pray. My prayers are answered. She just nods slightly and tells me to get on the bus. I walk over to the bus and realize how tall the steps are. Sadie and Macy come over to help me. Sadie climbs to the top to grab my arms and Macy stays at the bottom to push me up. Macy needs someone to help her, so she calls to Elle. Elle just turns her back to us and walks away. What a bitch. A freshman ends up needing to help her.

Once I am safely on the bus and in a seat, everyone else climbs in and the bus jolts forward before moving at a smooth pace. Sadie and Macy come sit by me. They ask a few questions before realizing that I don't really want to talk about it. They come off the topic and start talking about other things. I put my earphones in and play All the Small Things by Blink-182 and decide to try and sleep because it's a pretty long ride.


Hey, guys!

I know I'm always apologizing because I take too long to update, but I'm actually a pretty busy person. If you don't believe me just go ask my friend hardcorewriter02 whose story is #1 in science fiction!!!!!! Congrats to her, and go check out her story because it's amazing!

Also, I'm sorry this is so short. I didn't have a lot of time and it's just a filler. I'm on spring break this week, though, so I should be able to write at least on maybe two more chapters this week.

And, if you want to read a good story, go check out my other friends!






That's it!

Thanks, guys!

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