Chapter 21: Shopping!

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Our team won the game 3-0. It's not what as high as I wanted or expected, but it's definitely better than losing. 

After the game, we are packing up and heading to the bus when Mark and Aidan jog up to me.

"Hey, Catherine," Mark says.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I reply.

They share a look before Mark continues. "Tommy told us what happened earlier with the doctor. It sucks that you can't finish out the season-"

"So we figured that we would offer our assistance," Aidan interrupts. "One of us, including Tyler, will get you where you need to be at any time, since Tommy probably won't be driving you anywhere anymore."

Mark gives a lopsided smile. "He told us about the kiss."

"And how you completely rejected him," Aidan interrupts again. "Nice job, by the way. I've never seen anyone turn down Tommy."

I roll my eyes at Aidan's comment and turn to Mark. "Can you please tell him to call me. I really need to talk to him."

"I can," Mark says slowly, "but-"

"He's in the worst mood he's ever been in, and he doesn't really want to see anybody," Aidan finishes.

Mark looks at him like he's the dumbest person on Earth. I can't exactly say that I disagree with that. He's being pretty stupid and annoying.

Aidan just shrugs. "It won't do any good to lie to her."

Mark sighs, and Sadie calls over to me to come get on the bus.

I start to crutch away from them. "Please, just try to convince him to talk to me."

Mark nods, probably out of sympathy, and Aidan shakes his head. 


The next couple of days are very boring. Mark and Aidan drive Sam and I to and from school. Tommy is still off the radar. His bike is never in the driveway, and he's not at school anymore. Elle is still hanging out with Baylee and her entourage. Soccer goes on, and we practice and play harder than ever. We win the next game, so if we manage to win our next five games we advance on to the quarterfinals. 

Saturday morning Sam and I sleep in. When I finally wake up, it's eleven and because Sam barged into my room declaring that we have no food. I groan and open an eye to see him standing in the doorway to my room. He is looking at me expectantly.

"It's Saturday," he reminds me. "That means it's grocery day."

I groan again and bury my face back into my pillow. "Fine."

He over dramatically breathes a sigh of relief. "Finally! I thought you were going to make me starve!"

With my face still buried in my pillow I search for a pillow. I find one and throw it toward where my door is. I hear him dodge out of the way and go back to his room yelling at me to get up and get the damn groceries. The mouth on that kid!

Nevertheless, I get up and get ready. I also text Sadie and ask her if she can pick me up and take me shopping. She'll be more likely to say yes if I don't specify what kind of shopping we're doing. Sure enough, half a second later, she replies with a yes and that she'll pick me up in ten minutes with Macy in the car. I smile to myself, knowing full well Macy and I are in for a good laugh.

True to her word, Sadie is in my driveway in exactly ten minutes. I call out to Sam that I'm leaving and head out the door. Sadie has a big smile on her face as I crutch over to her car.

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