Chapter 20: Johnny Depp is Inspirational?

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The rest of the school day all I can think about is the feeling of Tommy's lips on mine, and how stupid I was to let him walk away. I finally got what I wanted, and now it's gone because I couldn't open my mouth. I try to find him during the passing periods, but it's like he disappeared.

When the last bell finally rings, I try in vain to find him on my way to the bus. Sadie and Macy help me on the bus, and then we find seats next to each other. The bus starts on our journey. I sit in a daze, my mind on Tommy.


I snap out of my daze and turn to Sadie.

"What's going on with you?"

I sigh and tell them about what happened, starting from when he said bye to me this morning. I leave out him saying that he saved my life, though "And now I can't find him to tell him that I actually do like him," I finish.

"I knew it!" Sadie yells. "I knew  he liked you!"

"That's great, Sadie," I reply, "but what am I going to do?"

"Call him," Macy answers.

I face palm. Of course! I can't believe I didn't think of that! I dial the number and wait for him to answer. He doesn't. It goes straight to voicemail. I groan in frustration and pull up my text messages.

We need to talk. Please call me

I hit send and turn back to my friends. "Why won't he answer?"

"Because he thinks you don't like him, but he kissed you anyway. Now you want to talk about it. He probably doesn't want to hear what you have to say because he doesn't want to hear that you're sorry but you just don't like him," replies Sadie.

"Why does this have to be so freaking frustrating?"

"Because that's how love is," Macy says. "'You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.'"

Sadie and I stare at her open-mouthed.

"I didn't know you could be so poetic, Macy," I finally say.

She smiles. "I can't, but Johnny Depp can."

"Johnny Depp said that?" asks Sadie.

Macy nods. "He's a pretty poetic person. Look up Johnny Depp inspirational quotes, and you'll get a ton of really good ones."

"Ok, then," I reply. "Thanks."

We sit there in a slightly awkward silence for a moment. Then my phone buzzes. I snap my head to the left and pick it up off the seat. It's only Aidan. I sigh and throw it back on the seat.  Sadie and Macy turn toward me and raise their eyebrows. I shake my head. There is a collective sigh.

We finally get to the game, and everyone piles off. Macy, Sadie, and the freshman help me, of course. Coach leads us to the field, and the girls begin to warm up. There is not a very big crowd, but there never really is. Among the crowd, however, I see a couple of student fans for our team. They consist of Aidan and Mark. I briefly wonder what they're doing here, but push the thought away when the team jogs over. Coach gives the lineup, and the game begins.

Macy kicks it off to Sadie, who passes it back to the center midfielder. She passes it out wide, and the wing mid dribbles up the field, crossing it to the center. Sadie jumps up to head it in, but the goalie runs over and grabs it just before it hits her head. The goalie punts it, and we begin to defend.

Halftime comes, and there's still no score. The girls come off the field, and they look slightly scared.

"What is going on out there?" I ask them. There is no reply. "We just beat the toughest team in the league, and now you wanna go and lose to one of the worst ones? We are a much better team than this. I know we just lost what used to be our best forward, but that is no excuse! Elle caused drama and made you, her own team, go against each other instead of with each other! If you were to want to win any game from here until the quarterfinals, this would be the game. We need to show Elle and everyone else out there that we can win without her. If we lose, it will only make her worse. I know that I would like to get the old Elle back, and I think that winning, not only this game, but this season will get her back. So let's go out there and play like we've never played before!"

The whistle signaling the end of halftime blows. The girls look ready to go now. All I do is give them a mischievous smile and they give a slightly unnerving battle cry before taking their positions on the field.

The whistle blows, and the other team begins. Macy steals it from the center mid and passes a through ball to the left wing. She carried it up the sideline and cuts into the center. She passes it to Sadie who does a faint around a defender and gives a left footed shot to the far corner of the goal. It goes in. All the girls begin cheering and crowd around Sadie, giving her high fives. I smile to myself. 

This is the team I know.


Hey, guys!

First off, I'm sorry it's been so long! I had the funeral two weekends ago and didn't have time to write, and then I went out of town for Thanksgiving, and my grandma ended up being sick and having to go to the hospital, and I'm taking this really tough class that takes up a lot of my time, and I've just been so busy! I'm really sorry I haven't updated, and I will try to do better in the future. I'm not sure what my updating schedule will be once finals begin to grow closer, but I'll do my best.

Secondish, I'm sorry this is so short, but I felt like I owed you guys a chapter since it's been so long. Please understand!

Third, I realize that some of you probably don't know anything about soccer (or Futbol) talk, so if you need some clarification please feel free to leave a comment or private message me about it. I will do my best to explain it to you.

Thanks, guys!

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