Chapter 25: No Boy Talks

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The next store is a shoe store, and all I do is sit on those little couch cushion things that they have so you can try things on. My friends rush around trying to find the perfect heels to match their dresses that they apparently bought "ages ago". The way they hop around with one heel on, or two heels with different lengths is quite concerning. I don't need either of them breaking an ankle just because of a stupid dance.

The poor lady helping them is probably my new idol. Sadie yells at her every five seconds for a new size or a different pair. Macy is calm but asks for just as much. Every time the poor girl walks past me she is carrying at least five boxes. I want to offer to help, but I'd probably just make a mess of things.

By the time we leave the mall, it's dark outside and my foot hurts from standing on it for so long. As soon as we get in the car my stomach makes a sound that sounds a little like a whale. I realize that I haven't eaten anything all day, and am very proud of myself for not fainting.

"I vote we drive through Steak n' Shake," I say. "Who seconds that?"

Sadie and Macy both raise their hands, and I smile. We find the nearest Steak n' Shake and pull into the parking lot. We go around to the drive thru and place our orders. I get a triple cheeseburger, large fries with a side of cheese, and a cookie dough shake. Sadie gets a frisco melt with a mint cookies n' cream shake, and Macy gets a single cheeseburger with a peanut butter cup shake.

We pull up to the window, and Tyler opens it.

"Hey, Tyler," I say shocked. "I didn't realize you work here."

He smiles. "My bike ain't gonna pay for it's own gas. Speaking of paying, you're total is 25.32."

Sadie hands him the money, and he disappears behind the window. After a couple seconds he reappears with two shakes in hand. He hands them to Sadie and she hands one to me and the other to Macy. Tyler turns around and grabs a bag and another shake. Sadie hands me the bag and the first thing I search for is a straw. I open it and put it in my shake. I grin when the cold cookie dough goodness hits my taste buds. Nothing beats a Steak n' Shake shake.

"Thanks, Tyler," Sadie says.

"See ya Monday," he replies with a wink.

Sadie giggles slightly and drives away. Macy glances at me for a moment, and I can tell we are thinking the same thing.

"So, Tyler," I say.

Sadie narrows her eyes. "What about Tyler?"

"He's pretty cute," Macy replies.

"Yeah," Sadie replies before quickly adding, "I mean, I guess."

"You guess?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "Really?"

She sighs. "I mean...yes. He is. If you like that sort of guy. Which I don't."

Macy groans. "Yes, you do."

"No, I don't," Sadie argues fruitlessly.

I roll my eyes again. Sadie can be so freaking stubborn sometimes. "Sadie, you so obviously do. You literally giggles when he winked at you."

Sadie frowns. "Just because I did that does not mean I'm into him."

Macy snorts, and I laugh. Sadie just keeps frowning at us.

"So, what do you do when you're into a guy and they wink at you?" I ask. Sadie glares at me through the stupid rear view mirror. I throw my hands up. "I'm just curious, Sadie."

This time she rolls her eyes. "What if I don't? Do you giggle around Tommy, Catherine?"

"Woah," I reply. "This is not about me nor Tommy. Do not change the subject."

Macy turns around to face me. "Speaking of Tommy." I roll my eyes. This seems to be a real problem in our group. "Have you heard anything from him?"

"Ugh. I definitely do not  want to go there," I reply with disgust filling my voice. Macy frowns but turns around. "How about we just not talk about guys tonight."

"But-" Macy tries.

"I second that," Sadie interrupts her very loudly.

I begin to say that of course she does but stop. She bought my food and is giving me shelter so I can't really make her too mad at me.

"Fine," Macy replies dejectedly. "No boy talks."

That's the second that I realize that Macy is the only one who hasn't been subjected to this torture. It's her turn to be questioned. Clearly Sadie is thinking the same thing because she grins smugly at me from the damn rear view mirror again. I glance at Macy and notice that she's eating some of the fries out of the bag. She'll pay for that.

"So, Macy," I say. She stops with a fry halfway to her mouth and glances at me through the side mirror. "Who do you like?"

Her face turns beet red. "Me? Like someone? You're crazy."

Sadie raises her eyebrows. "You're literally redder than a tomato, Mace."

She throws the fry back in the bag and crosses her arms. She looks quite childlike. "I do not like anyone I swear!"

"So what's Mark to you then?" Sadie shrugs nonchalantly.

Macy goes really pale and slumps a little in her seat. "M-Mark? He's, uh, just a family friend, why would you ask about him?"

"You like Mark?" I ask incredulously. Macy slumps farther down in her seat. My eyes widen. I'd never noticed it before. She never talks about him. She never even talks to him. At least not around us. I try to remember at least one instance that could clue me into how Sadie could have possibly known, but, besides what just happened, my mind comes up blank. "Sadie, how the hell did you know that?"

"I-I didn't," she stutters. She sounds as surprised as I am. "I was only teasing her. I honestly had no idea."

"Why didn't you tell us, Mace?" I ask softly. "Sure, we might have teased you a lot, but we wouldn't have done anything that would ruin your life."

Macy sighs and takes a while to answer. When she finally does, it's not exactly what I want to hear. "It's because of Elle."

The car goes silent. Sadie pulls into her driveway, but no one makes a move to get out. No one even breathes. 

I finally break the silence. "Macy, what did that bitch do?"

Macy sighs again. "She somehow figured out that I like Mark before I did. After third period one day, she followed me into the bathroom. She told me to stay away from Mark or she'd make my life a living hell. I told her I had no idea what she meant, but she told me that she was pretty sure I did and to stay away or else. Had I known what she was talking about I would have not hesitated in punching her in the face."

"Oh my god," Sadie breathes. "That little bitch is gonna get it, Macy, I swear."

"As soon as soccer season is over," I add quickly. Sadie looks at me as if I've grown two heads. "You don't want to do something stupid and get kicked off the team all because of something Elle said, do you?"

She opens her mouth to reply, but Macy beats her to it. "No, you don't."

Sadie sighs dramatically before mumbling, "No, I don't."

My stomach then decides to make the noise of a dying whale. "Good, then let's eat."


Hey, guys!

First, if anyone is wondering that is the actual total they would get at Steak n' Shake give or take a few cents. I looked it up on their menu.

Second, I don't really have much to say except that I have been busy/am busy/will continue to be busy basically until the end of May, so try not to get mad at me. If you must be mad, though, out all of your anger into hitting the vote button as hard as possible and then checking out my friend's stories.

Thanks, guys!

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