Chapter 29: Punch, Stars, and Snowflakes

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Sadie makes us take thousands of pictures. Some with everybody, some with just one couple, some with just girl, and some with just guys. It takes forever and makes me want to go to Prom less than I already wanted to. 

However, Sadie finally releases us, and Tommy pulls me to the dance floor. I guess he doesn't realize that I have crutches and can't exactly dance.

"Tommy!" I yell over the outrageously loud music. He turns with a huge smile on his face, and a glint in his eye. I can't bring myself to tell him I can't dance. "How about we go toward the back of the crowd so I don't hurt anybody with my crutches?"

His eyes go down to look at my cast and crutches. "Sorry, Catey, I totally forgot. Yeah, let's go to the back."

I roll my eyes at the use of my name, but follow him to the back. we dance for a while before Tommy tells me he's going to get us punch. I nod and wait for him to come back. I wonder where Sadie and Macy are, and decide that I'll try to find them, when something wet hits the front of my dress.

"Oops, sorry."

I look up to see Baylee and her entourage standing in front of me. She's smirking and holding and empty punch cup, with red still around the bottom of the rim. The rest of the girls are laughing, but Elle is laughing the hardest.

"I told you to stay away from Tommy, Catherine," Baylee says. She smirks again. "But I see someone has a listening problem."

I open my mouth to yell at her, but Tommy calls my name. The five of us turn to see him jogging toward us.

"Catherine, what the hell happened?" he asks when he gets to me. He begins dabbing at my dress with a napkin.

I open my mouth to reply, but Elle beats me to it. "She spilled some punch on her dress and we were helping her clean it up." She and Baylee hold up some rumpled napkins stained with red. What an evil little-

"Go to hell, Baylee," Tommy seethes, interrupting my thoughts

Baylee's eyes widen, but whether it's in mock horror or real horror I'm not quite sure. She places her hand on his upper arm. "But, Tommy-"

"Go. To. Hell," he repeats. She hmphs, flips her hair, and walks away. Her entourage follows her giving me death glares. Elle even goes so far as to flip me off. I just roll my eyes.

"It's not coming out," Tommy sighs. I look down and realize he's still dabbing at my dress. I grab his hands to stop him.

"It's all right," I reply. "I didn't like this dress that much anyway."

"I bet you did," he teases. "I bet you secretly had so much fun getting your makeup and hair done, and that you're going to use every excuse possible to dress up." I roll my eyes, and he laughs. "Come on."

He walks out the door and I hurry up to follow him. He walks out of the building and to a car, hopping in the front seat. I stand at the passenger door. Tommy rolls down the window. "Are you coming?"

"That depends," I reply. "Are you taking me somewhere to murder me?"

"Catey, just get in the car."

I open the door and sit down. "Fine, but think of the consequences you'll have to face if you decide to kill me."

He rolls his eyes and drives away.


A while later we pull up to a weird, wood tower sort of thing in the middle of the woods. I actually become worried that he might have brought me here to kill me. Tommy stops the car and gets out. I hesitantly follow him.

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