Chapter 7: For the First Time in...Ever

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I decide to skip the rest of school. Elle has managed to really piss me off, and I can hardly think straight. I almost get into six car accidents. My plan was to pick Sam up from school, but with the way I'm driving right now (crazier than usual) it probably isn't a good idea. I decide to head home instead.

When I pull into the neighborhood I can see my mother's car in the driveway. The clock reads 2:06. School ends at three, so she won't be expecting me for another hour. I turn my car around and decide that a need gas and a drive around town.

After an hour of driving around I head back home. I pull into the neighborhood, and I can still see my mother's car in the driveway. It is now 3:11, though, so she shouldn't suspect anything. I park my car and take a considerably long time getting all my stuff out. Then I walk into the house as slow as I can. I really do not want to see my mother.

I shut the front door, but nothing happens. She must be napping. As quickly and quietly as I possibly can, I head up to my room. When I get there, Sam is sitting on my bed.

"Mom is really pissed," he whispers to me. I set my stuff down and walk sit next to him. "She's napping right now, but she's mad at something you did, so I would be careful."

I frown. What did I do this time?

"Thanks, Sam," I whisper back. "I feel lucky to have such a great brother."

He smiles faintly. "Good luck, Catherine. I love you."

"I love you, too," I tell him. He walks out of the room.

I sigh and fall back onto my bed. What could I have possibly done now? She's always mad at me. Everything I do is wrong. She hates me.

I sigh once more before attempting to start my homework. Unfortunately, just like Monday, I can't focus. This time, though, I can't play music or I'll wake up the witch. Eventually, I give up on my homework. I decide that I'll do it tomorrow or Sunday. I realize that I'm sweating really bad and walk over to open my window.

At around 7:47 I hear my death call.

"Catherine!" my mother yells up the stairs.

Shit. I close my eyes. She must have just woken up.

"Catherine!" she screeches again.

"Coming!" I yell back. I exit my room and walk down the stairs into the kitchen. My mother is sitting at the kitchen table staring up at me expectantly.

"Welcome home, Mother," I say forcing on a smile and a cheerful tone.

"Don't you pull that crap with me, Catherine Marie Spire," she replies threateningly. She stands and walks toward me until we are only inches apart. "You've been skipping class."

"I only skipped-" I start.

"I don't care what you skipped!" she screams at me. "If you skip they'll kick you off the soccer team. And if they kick you off the team you won't be able to go to college because you're a f****** dumb ass!"

"I just-" I try weakly.

She steps closer to me seething. "I don't care!" She swings her fist and it connects with my right eye. I fall to the ground, which makes my ankle start throbbing. "If you don't play in college, you can't ply professionally and then you won't make money for me!" She kicks me in the side.

"Sam has a better chance of getting on the team than you do!"

Another kick.

"You're just as bad as your father was!"

Another kick.

"You're too fat to make me any money!"

Another kick.

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