Chapter 13: Smoothie Outfits

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Sunday was boring. All I did was homework and watch Sam. Sam stayed in his room all day, so I did as well.

Monday morning was a struggle, as always, but I managed to get Sam to school on time, and me to school three minutes before the bell. Thanks to the crazy driving that Tommy apparently also practices every day.

Classes were boring. Lunch was super exciting, though. Note the sarcasm.

Macy, Sadie, and I sat down at our table to eat without Elle. Then, Elle walked in with Baylee Murr and her entourage of Lizzy Dale, Amy Lowry, and Alice Fey. Baylee and her entourage, including Elle, were wearing matching jean shorts, but each a different color. Each of them had on the same strapless top in a color to match their shorts, and a sweater with high heels to top it off.

"Look who it is," Macy mutter.

"This is exactly what I need to day," I mutter as well.

"She's such an idiot sometimes," Sadie says.

All Macy and I can do is nod and watch as Elle walks through the lunch line chatting the whole time with Baylee, while Lizzy, Baylee's old best friend glares at the back of Elle's head. The group then moves to their signature table. To get to their table, they must walk past the table Macy, Sadie, and I are sitting at. As Baylee walks by she "trips" and spills her smoothie all over Macy.

"Oops, I'm so sorry," she smirks. Her friends laugh a fake sounding laugh that makes me want to slap them and puke at the same time.

I stand. "What's your problem, Baylee?"

She turns to me and her smile turns into a frown. "Stay out of this, Spire, or you'll be sorry."

This time I laugh. "I'm pretty sure that you can't do anything that would make me 'sorry'."

She puts her smug smile back on and begins to walk past us. She stops where I'm sitting, leans down, and whispers, "You had better stay away from Tommy. He's mine, and if you don't you will be sorry." Then, she straightens back up and begins to walk past us. The rest of the girls follow.

"Elle?" Sadie says as Elle walks past, but Elle ignores us.

I sigh and turn to Macy who's entire outfit is covered with smoothie. "Are you all right? I have an extra outfit in my locker if you want it."

Macy nods and gets up carefully, so as not to get smoothie on the few parts of her clothes that are not covered. We slowly walk to my locker. I put in the code, open it, and grab my clothes. Then we make the trip to the bathroom. I hand Macy my clothes and she goes into a stall to change. After a couple minutes she comes back out.

"Why are all of your shirts long-sleeved?" she asks, tugging up my sleeves. "I'm so hot."

"I'm just always cold so I like to wear long-sleeves," I shrug.

"Well, thanks for the clothes. They're definitely better than wearing smoothie all day," she smiles.

I smile as well. Then the bell rings. We all look to Macy's smoothie-covered clothes sitting in the sink. None of us are quite sure what to do with it.

"We could leave them here?" Sadie suggests.

Macy shakes her head. "Why don't we bring them to the nurse so she can put them in a bag or something."

"That sounds good," I agree. So Macy and Sadie pick up the clothes with some difficulty and haul them to the nurse on the other side of the school. I crutch next to them. When we are halfway there the second bell rings. I groan. I guess I'm missing a period again. We finally get to the nurse, though and explain that Macy spilled a smoothie on herself. The nurse bags the clothes and gives us all late passes. Thank God.

We all go to our classes, and I give my teacher my late pass. I'm only about ten minutes late, so the teacher just takes it and nods in understanding. There is only one empty seat left, and it's right next to Tommy. I head over there and sit down.

"What happened?" he whispers.

"Long story," I whisper back. "I'll tell you later."

He nods and goes back to paying attention. I try my hardest to pay attention, but I can't get Baylee out of mind. I know her threat was just an empty threat. There's nothing she has the power to do that will bother so much that I will stop hanging out with Tommy. He knows so much about me that it would kind of be impossible because we are kind of like best friends. Plus, we are neighbors, and he has to drive me everywhere for now, so I don't think we will stop seeing each other any time soon. I shake off what happened in lunch as best as I can and go back to paying attention.


Hey, guys!

I know that this is short and kind of boring, but it's really just a filler, so...yeah. Anyway, I'm going out of town this weekend, so I don't know when I will be able to update next. Thanks for supporting me and reading this sucky story! And thanks if you read my other sucky stories as well! That's it for now.

Thanks, guys!

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