Gohan x depressed!Suicidal reader

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TRIGGER WARNING! Contains self-harm and almost death? Yeah let's just go with that! This was requested by CodilynLunn.

It was just an ordinary day at Orange-Star high for. Having your lunch money stolen, being tripped up in corridoors, Videl and her group of 'friends' calling you names such as fat, ugly, worthless, pathetic etc and of course she being the oh so nice person she is left notes on your locker door telling you to go kill yourself. The school meant many complaints to her parents but seeing as her father was Vegeta he simply took no notice of it and acted as though nothing was happening. This all started when you were a fresh man at OSH, your parents and your best friend Gohan would help you get throught it usually. Unfortunatley your parents died a few months ago in a car crash and for some reason Gohan has been a little distant with you. This and the horrific bullying sent you in to major depression. 'But tonight is where it all ends' you thought as you were doing your daily run home trying your best to avoid the group of bullies which caused most of pain and suffering.

As you got home, you ran straight into your room grabbed the knife from bed-side table and started cutting your wrists very deep. Tonight you was going to end all the pain, however in your rush to end your life you left you the front door to your house wide open.

Gohan's P.O.V

I decided to go around Y/N's house today after school. I haven't seen or even talked to her in a while and with everything that's happened recently at school and with her parents, I should go check on her and see how she's holding up. I arrived at her house only to find the door wide open. "Y/N? You here?" I asked well entering the house, I searched downstairs and all the room upstairs except her bedroom. We used to study here all the time but for some reason I don't even know what I've been trying to avoid, which was completley stupid and heartless of me. How could I abandon her after what she's been going throught these past few months? I entered her room and gasped. Y/N was lying on the floor unconscious a knife in one hand whilst her opposite wrist was bleeding badly as she had cut herself numberous time deeply. I dashed to her side to see if she had a pulse. Luckily she did but it was very weak. I called an ambulance explaining everything I knew about the situation. Shortly afterwards we arrived at the hospital as I was told to go to the waiting room. But as soon as they finished stitching up her arm I was aloud to see her eventhough she wasn't awake yet. I hope she doesn't die I have something very important I NEED to tell her!

Y/N's P.O.V.

I openend my eyes slowly but the brightness of my suroundings caused me to blink a few times before I could see everything clearly. I felt someone else's hand resting on mine, I turned my head to see Gohan? Why was he here I thought he didn't like me any more! I gently shook him awake. "H-hey Gohan" I greeted but my voice was dry and raspy. He smiled softly but his look of relief turned into a frown quickly afterwards. Uh-oh! " Y/N! What the hell were you thinking? You could've died! I thought I was never going to see you again!" he lectured at me, "but I thought you didn't like me any more seeing as you've been avoiding me and all." I stated confused, he looked at me with sorrow and something else that I couldn't read. "Y/N of course I like you. I l-l-love you Y/N! I don't why I thought it was a good idea to avoid but I won't not anymore. I promise Y/N untill my heart stops beating." He declared he leaned in towards me kissing me slowly but passionatley. I kissed back almost imediatley, our little make out session was interrupted by someone coughing we stopped and saw both Goku and Chi-chi smirking widely at us! We blushed a deep red making their smiles even bigger, "C'mon Goku I think these two need some alone time!" Chi-chi said whilst giggling at us, as she headed towards the door Goku following her. "Y/N, can you promise me something?" Gohan questioned hopefully , I nodded in response. "Can you promise me that as long as I'm around to protect you and keep you safe that, that you'll never do this again?Please?" Gohan begged as tears started to form at his eyes a few already rolling down his cheeks "I promise Gohan as long as I'm with you I won't do anything like this ever again!" I declared whilst wipping some of his tears away as he leaned and kissed me again.

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