Vegeta x daughter reader

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Takes place in GT time kinda

Y/n's P.O.V.

I was looking for mom, she was in the kitchen as well as my older brother Trunks and someone else who looked like me and my brother. "Mom who's that?" I asked my eyes never leaving the stranger, "well y/n this is your dad" she answered nervously and she had a good reason to be nervous. Mom told me about how dad left before I was born so hr could train. I walked out of the room and headed to my room before I said or did something stupid"y/n wait" I heard my 'dad' call after me. I stopped so he would at least have a chance at explaining why he was a pathetic father "I understand if you don't want to see me, I wouldn't blame you . I've missed 15 years of your life and I'm sorry I really am" he said, I looked into his eyes they showed me regret and fear. I thought for a few moments before making my decision I looked up at him "ok I'll give you a chance" I told him, his face lit up slightly I just hope that don't regret this.

Timeskip a few days later

Me and dad were training in the GR. "C'mon dad you can do better than that" I teased slightly he chuckled slightly and started punching faster I kicked him back and fired a KI blast at him, he dodged it and fired his own at me. I blocked it and tried to punch him again but he caught my fist. We continued training like this for hours untill we were both exhausted. Deciding that we did more than enough left the room"thank you y/n for letting me have a chance at being your father I won't lie I thought you didn't want to see me after abandoning you." He said smiling at me, I smiled back and hugged him he froze but eventually hugged me back "your welcome dad" I said to him. I'm glad I allowed him to be apart of my life even though its only been a few day but it feels a lot longer I just hope my awesome dad isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

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