Kid Buu X Vegeta's Daughter! Reader

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OVER 1000 READS OH MY GOD! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! When I first saw that this book reached 1k views I began crying in happiness eventhough compared to others this isn't a lot but to me it is! Thank you everyone one of you who reads and enjoys my books I began doing this just for something to do but know it's just I don't even know but seriously thank you all and I hope that you all carry on enjoying my writing! :D Oh and you're in your early teens like 14.

Y/N'S P.O.V.

Me, Goku, dad, Satan, his dog Bee, Kibito kai and elder kai were on the sacred planet of the kais. Kibito Kai used instantaneous movement tobring us here seconds before Earth was destroyed by Kid Buu, speaking of Kid Buu I kinda think he's cute but he's pure evil and he's responsible for the death of billions that and also if my dad found out he'd ground me forever! 'You're right there y/n you are grounded forever!' Dad said in my head oh shit he's using King Kai's telekinesis to tell eveyone on Earth to give energy to Goku oops. Dad glared at me as I looked away in embarrassment but then I had an idea which would end all this and nobody else would have to die and I get to be with Kid buu if my genius plan worked of course.

I flew over to good buu and kid buu who were currently fighting and stood in front of Kid buu before Good Buu could hit him again "huh? Y/n why stop the fight?" G.Buu asked "I'm not gonna let you hurt him anymore!" I yelled at him, I currently looked like I was in my Majin form right now as I'd been taken over by Babidi before but was able to fight against him however the M on my forehead could reappear and dissapear on my comand for some weird reason. "Y/N ARE YOU STUPID! STOP BEING AN IDIOT AND HELP BUU FIGHT KID BUU!" Goku yelled at me as he was still charging the super spirit bomb, G.Buu went to attack K.Buu but I blocked his attack and punched him in the gut making him fall back "why you protect Buu? Buu monster you good person" K.Buu asked me confusion evident in his childish voice "I believe in second chances and you're only a monster if you allow your self to become one I'm protecting you because I'm letting you choose who you want to be I wont attack you  because of what you already are" I answered truthfully. He was deep thought allowing my words to sink, there was one more thing I wanted to do before he made his mind and hopefully this would help him decide. I turned around to face him and planted a soft quick kiss on his lips, when I pulled away his face was blood red in embarressment "and also because I love you" I whispered in his ear. His face told me the decission he made making me smile "ok Buu no hurt people any more because I love you and me no want to be monster any more Buu promises" he responded and just like that light engulfs the darkness once again!

Now that everything had calmed down Goku used instant transmission to bring us home and just as expected everyone freaked out when they K.Buu. "Chill guys he's not gonna hurt us, not anymore anyway" Goku told them leaving the others confused, Vegeta glared towards us both making K.Buu scared as held my hand and hid behind me. I found it cute my words and actions really did change mom wasn't though. "Y/N WHY IS HE HIDING BEHIND YOU?" She questioned anger clear in her voice my face warmed up as I didn't know how to tell her without making her more angry "yes y/n please go ahead and tell your mother everything" dad said to me smirking as usual good to see someone find this funny. "Well?" Mom asked getting impatient, "well you see I uhm... *sigh* K.Buu is still alive because we er love each other" I confessed not making looking down not making eye-contact with anyone. "Is that it?" She asked not sounding bothered at all I looked up to her utter shock written all over my face, "if that's the only reason then I don't care none of us should as long as he isn't going to try and kill us again" mom said looking at Buu. "Buu no hurt people Buu made promise to y/n" Buu told everyone who then trusted him to keep his promise and they were right to do so because he never broke it not once just for me.

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