Goku x Neko reader

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I was walking around the woods or my home I should say. I was abondend here I can't remember who by but I've lived here for a long time. I saw a tree with some apples and climbed up with my furry black tail. My pointy triangular ears twitched as I heard a branch snap from below, I looked down as I took a bite out of the red fruit I saw a boy in a blue outfit with a red pole on his back. He had black spiky that stuck at multiple directions and he had a brown furry tail like a monkey, "hey could you chuck some apples down for me please?" He yelled up to me I grabbed another 3 apples and chucked them down, "thanks what's your name?" He asked and began eating "Y/N and yours?" I questioned "Goku. I haven't seen you around before where's your house?" Goku asked as he finished the 3rd apple "I don't have one I just sleep in any tree, I eat the animals for food and there's a river not far from here that I use for water" I answered. It wasn't bad really trees are actually pretty comfy when you get use to them. "You cna come with me and live in my grandpa's house my grandpa passed away a few years ago so I get lonely sometimes so what d'ya say? Wanna come live with me?" Goku asked me I gave it some thought it would be nice to live in a house it'd be warm at night and if I lived with Goku I'd have someone to talk to. "Yeah ok lead the way Goku" I chirped as I climbed down the tree he lead me to a small house it had a blue roof, I walked in and it was a little small. There was a bed, a table with a seat next to it and another table which had an orange ball with 4 stars on it. "What's this Goku?" I asked curiously as I walked up to it, "that's my grandpa he gave it to me before he died" he answered I nodded and looked outside it was getting pretty dark I yawned slightly. "We can go to bed now if you want" he said I nodded tiredly as he dragged me over to the bed. We climbed in and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

Timeskip A few months later

Me and Goku had become really good friends. We trained together, went looking for food together where ever he went I went too. We were fishing using our tails to lure the fish, suddenly I felt someones hand scratch on or my ears causing me to pur loudly. It was one of the things that relaxed me the most I heard Goku laughing "you really like having your ears scratched don't ya y/n?" He asked I nodded my head as continued scratching my ear. Me and Goku caught 5 enormous fish each and began walking home. "Hey y/n can I tell you something?" Goku asked as we carried our dinner home, "yeah sure" I replied "we've been friends for a few months now y/n and I just wanted to tell you that I liked you y/n I mean REALLY like you" he said as his cheeks were dusted pink. I smiled kindly and kissed his cheek "I really like you too Goku" his face was now completley red I giggled as we carried on walking home. Ever since that day Goku had protectecd me from any danger that came our way, a few weeks later we met this girl called Bulma. Little did we know that by meeting her our lives would be completley changed for the better!

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