Yandere Gohan x ignored reader

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A/N: Just for the sake of the story Yamcha is going to be the same age as you and Gohan.

Everyday was awful. How does it feel when you're ignored? Forgotten? Or worst of all, when your very existence is so ignored, that it feels as though you were never there.

Just a ghost. You'd tried everything. It was when you would hesitantly approach a group of people chattering away, and you would give a radiant smile, raising a hand in greeting. Ignored. Their conversation would just continue on. Or when your teachers would take attendance. They wouldn't even look for you and just automatically marked you as absent. "Not here again?" The teacher would frown, shaking their head in disappointment. Even your own parents forgot your existence. "Why do we have an extra chair?" Your mother would scrutinize the chair you sat in, eyebrows furrowed in thought. You've spent many nights having to wait for them to go to bed just so you could eat. The only person who noticed your existence was your boyfriend Yamcha.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I was heading over to Yamcha's house after another day of not existing. I thought about how he always comforted me during school when we were just friends, after that we were always together and the pain of being ignored seemed worth it as long as I could have Yamcha. As I arrived at his house I saw that his door was openend slightly. "Yamcha, you lef your door open Yamcha?" I said worringly as the house was eerily quiet, "oh hello Y/N what are you doing here?" I heard some one say from behind me. I turned around and saw Gohan but his sweater was covered in a red liquid of some sort "hey Gohan, I'm here to visit Yamcha is he here?" I asked a hint of fear in my voice, "yeah he's in the living room, follow me" he told me as a wicked grin fell on his face. I followed him to the living room and almost threw up at what I saw. Yamcha layed in a pool of his own blood, several deep slashes across his body and neck, Gohan was standing in the corner of the room chuckling darkly to himself. "WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM? TO ME?!" I yelled at him hot tears rolling down my face, "because Y/N my beautiful little angel, you're mine and mine only! If anybody else tries taking you away from they'll recieve the exact same thing as the desert bandit understood!" He snapped at me as he cornered me, his insane smile never leaving his face, he pushed me into the wall as he planted a bruising kiss on my lips. His kisses went lower as he found my sweet spot on my neck and bit down on it causing me to yelp in pain, "you're mine forever now no matter what happens" he whispered into my ear as he carried me up to Yamcha's bedroom, 'maybe being with Gohan won't be so bad afterall' I thought as we entered the room.

The rest I'll leave to your wild imaginations! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!

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