Perfect Cell x reader

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A/N:This was requested by Tpug21. Also I'm taking requests again yay! Friday's oneshot will be a Gotenks lemon! Also this book is almost at 10k readers! THANK YOU!!! :D

The Cell games were taking place in 3 days and just to make sure the Z-fighters wouldn't come after him he kidnapped you. Happy times! Cell had forced you to wear a braclet which hid your ki from the others. But recently something has been bugging Cell (ha get it cause he looks like a bug? No? Ok I'm sorry) Let's find out what it is shall we?

Y/N's P.O.V.

A week I've been here with this freak and it has been so boring! He never talks to me he just looks at me and this cave we're in is freezing. Just 3 more days then I'll be able to go back to the others who knows maybe I'll be able to get something better to eat than a fricking squirrel!

I was leaning against the cave wall looking outside we were near a river in a moutain side area. It was alright I guess "I hope you're not planning to escape again y/n" Cell said to me in a teasing manner, I jsut scoffed and ignored him. He chuckled softly and sat on the opposite side of me facing me looking at me again "What are you looking at?!" I snapped at him angrily he laughed again. I growled and stood up walking to the further part of the cave but before  I could Cell pinned me to the wall. "W-what a-are you doing?" I asked whimpering in fear slightly, he's a lot stronger than me so who who knows what he might do to me! "Not such an angry spitfire anymore  are you y/n?" He teased again, I began shaking in fear afraid of what he was going to do. "Theres no need to be afraid. I've began to like you y/n I have no desire of killing you" he said as he began caressing my cheek, I stood frozen and my breathing hitched. He l-likes me? But I-I. My thoughts were put to a stop by something warm on my lips, Cell was kissing me?! My entire face became really hot.

Lemon begins now!!!

He groped my breast making me gasp giving him enterance my mouth, he shoved his tongue. I moaned as he rubbed it against mine and I felt him smirk into the kiss, I began to kiss him back. I felt his hand go up my shirt and to the back after that he undid my bra and removed it and then removed my shirt, he broke away from me allowing me to breathe. He moved down to my breast and sucked on one whilst palying with the other causing me to moan quietly, he slowly pulled my pants down and did the same to my undergarments. He looked at me as though he was admiring me "and I thought I was perfect" he whispered, he wasted no more time and put his throbbing member inside of me. I hissed at the sudden pain causing Cell to look kiss my sweet spot on my neck to soothe me, a few minutes later I told him he could move which he did he thrusted slowly making me moan loudly. "C-Cell faster p-please" I begged, he sped up and his thrust became harder, I felt my climax coming nearer and nearer "Cell I'm gon-gonna" "so am i" he said. We both climaxed at the same time, we layed on the hard, cold yet suprisingly comfortable floor. "No matter what happens y/n I will always love you" he said to me and began stroking my face, "I love you too Cell" I replied as I cuddled next to him and pecked his lips a few seconds later I fell asleep with my perfect boyfriends arms around my waist. 

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